Chapter 366 Can You Eat It (3)
Xiao Xiao got up quickly, and then saw a boy whose height only reached her waist, yes, it was a boy, and a bald boy stood up from the ground, blinking a pair of eyes that seemed to be shining brightly in the dark. Mei Mou looked at her.

Xiao Xiao hastily apologized: "I'm sorry, young master, I didn't mean to overwhelm you, do you have any discomfort?"

The boy moved his lips: "I, I..." Before he finished speaking, he fell to the ground and passed out.

Xiao Xiao was dumbfounded, she has pushed other people's children out of trouble, what should I do?At this time, a white shadow passed her sight again, stopped beside the boy, and meowed around him.

Xiao Xiao understood, thinking that the white cat was raised by the boy, the boy fainted, but the white cat never left, how touching it is!

When Mo You opened the door, what he saw was Xiao Xiao holding a bald boy in his arms, with a white cat sitting on his shoulder: "Sister Xiao, you are..." Mo You was a little surprised.

"Close the door quickly, and I'll explain in the backyard!" Xiao Xiao walked quickly towards the backyard with the boy in his arms.

When Xiao Xiao carried the boy into the dining room, the whole family looked at her in surprise, and the boy in her arms woke up the moment he smelled the aroma of the food, struggling to get out of Xiao Xiao's arms, while the white cat He also jumped off Xiao Xiao's shoulder and stood at the boy's feet.

Looking at the lights in the corridor and the lights lit in the dining room, Mo Dai could see clearly that the boy was wearing a gray long coat, cloth shoes, and his head was bare, but his face was extremely beautiful, especially his eyes, which were like jet black jade. Kneaded into thousands of stars, the streamer is bright and dazzling, his skin is fair, there is still a little baby fat on his face, his nose is upturned, and his mouth is small.

"I'm hungry, I don't know if I can eat with you?" The boy's strange words made the whole family get goosebumps.

Mo Dai's first reaction was that the child was a young monk, but he didn't have a scar on his head, and there seemed to be no monks in this world.Where did this kid come from?

Seeing Mo Dai's family staring at him blankly, the boy thought they didn't understand what he said, so he frowned, as if thinking about something, and said it again after a while: "I'm hungry, can I Food?" He pointed to the bowl of rice in front of Shi Mo who was closest to him.The white cat following him also meowed twice.

A quarter of an hour later, the boy was full and drank a cup of milk tea with great enjoyment.And Xiao Xiao also explained the ins and outs of the matter.

"What's your name? Where did you come from?" Maud asked.

Hearing Mo Dai's question, the boy looked straight at Mo Dai, paused for a second, and then replied: "My name is Guiyi, and I come from Wu Kingdom. I am here to bring you back to my tribe. , save my people from the drought!"

Hearing this, Mo Dai's scalp went numb: "You are the wizard master of the witch tribe? How did you look like this?" Those foreigners were all honey-colored, with deep-set eyes and tall stature, and the child in front of him Obviously native residents.

Gui Yi was a little annoyed when he heard this: "Are you dissatisfied with my appearance?"

Could he be wrong?He had done research when he came here, and he knew that women in Yunguo like fair-skinned, thin-skinned men. In order to please her, he deliberately dressed up like this, just to make his skin fairer. A lot of medicine, the result is all hair fell out.

Modai nodded: "Young man, you can go back wherever you came from. In short, I will not go back to any tribe with you!"

"You, you don't like me?" Seeing Mo Dai's indifferent rebuff, Gui Yi felt ashamed, tears quickly accumulated in his eyes, and then big tears fell straight down.

The corners of Mo Dai's mouth twitched, she never expected that the wizard in those foreign populations was actually a little baby, or such a thin-skinned little baby, this is so weird!
Xu Shaolin didn't understand what was going on, seeing Gui Yi crying miserably, he began to sympathize with him, so he tugged on Mo Dai's sleeve and whispered: "Mo Dai, this is just a child, you Why is your tone so cold?"

"Father, don't be fooled by him, he is very capable, he is a wizard, maybe he was originally an adult, but he changed into a child in order to win our sympathy!" She also felt that it was too unreal and impossible for an adult to become a child, but she really wanted to drive this child out, she had enough things to do, and she didn't want to involve another wizard.

"You lie, I'm only 12 years old!" Gui Yi glared at Mo Dai angrily, this woman is so hateful, he originally wanted to seduce her to be his wife, but now it seems that he has to reconsider.

Mo You walked up to Gui Yi, compared him, found that Gui Yi had one on his chest, covered his mouth and laughed, he is also twelve, and will be thirteen in Chinese New Year.

Guiyi sensed Mo You's actions, raised his head and glared at him: "I know you laugh that I am not as tall as you!"

Seeing his stare, Mo You laughed even harder, and even reached out to touch Gui Yi's bald head, Gui Yi was furious, his fair face was flushed, he closed his eyes suddenly, his small mouth wriggled as if muttering something.

Mo Dai was startled, the so-called would rather believe what he has than believe what he doesn't, since Gui Yi is a wizard, he must have some skills, Mo You laughed too much, it would be bad if he suffered from Gui Yi's hatred.

Mo Dai suddenly shouted: "Gui Yi, your saliva is drooling!"

Gui Yi was taken aback, opened his eyes hastily, raised his hand to wipe his mouth, his little face was dazed, looking cute and cute, the whole family burst out laughing.

Gui Yi hated Modai to death, led his cat out of the dining room, sat on the bench in the corridor, sulked.

Maru Niu also panted and laughed: Woman, do you want to marry this boy?Although it is a little small, but after a few years of raising it, it will grow up, hehehe...

Modai gave Maru Niu a sideways look: Your spiritual water is still waiting for you to go back and get married!

Maru Niu shook, and then gave Mo Dai a hard look: Damn woman, I hate you!snort!

During the night break, Xu Shaolin felt that Gui Yi was still a child after all, so he arranged for him to share a room with Mo You and asked Mo You to take care of him.Mo You's face collapsed in an instant, and she begged for help from Mo Dai pitifully. He didn't want to sleep with a strange child, and this child and his cat seemed weird.

Mo Dai was also worried that Gui Yi would do something weird, so she asked Guan Xuan to stay in a room with Mo You. Fortunately, the bed in the room was big enough to accommodate three and a half children.

When he heard that Guan Xuan was going to live with him, Mo You's face became even more stinky, but he understood that it was specially arranged by Modai for his own good.

Gui Yi has no objection, but when he was returning to the room, he inadvertently turned his face and caught a glimpse of Mo Dai hugging Mo Xiaoman, with a kind and gentle face, which looked very beautiful.

Gui Yi blinked, picked up the cat at his feet, stared at its eyes and said to himself in English: "Quack, do you think I'm going to tell her? Two days later, she will suffer a bloody disaster. If she agrees to follow If I leave, I will help her solve it, if she doesn't agree... just let's talk about it tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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