Chapter 386 Escape from the Palace (3)
Qiongqing nodded in response, and really closed her eyes.

Mo Dai took the opportunity to push him away to get dressed, but found that Qiong Qing was holding her tightly.

"Let go, I'm going to get dressed!" Modai said.

Qiong Qing shook his head, Mo Dai was taken aback, then smiled and said: "Why are you shaking your head? I am ordering you to let go, not asking for your opinion!"

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Qiong Qing's face, his eyes were still closed, and his arms were not loose at all.

"Qianqing, you..."

"Is it?" Qiong Qing suddenly gasped in Mo Dai's ear, "I lost my virginity to you, so I can be with you openly?"

Qiongqing's voice was already pleasant to the ear, exuding a noble air, and then said it close to the ear of Mo Dai, who had a special liking for voice, the shocking power and bewitching degree were not trivial, and the ear was lightly panting. It made Modai's body tremble uncontrollably, a surge of electricity hit his heart directly, and his face instantly flushed red.

"Mo Dai, I am happy with you, you know it! I want to stay by your side!" Qiong Qing usually has the demeanor of a banished fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the world. But it was not misty, every sentence was a straight ball, and it hit Mo Dai's face directly, and Mo Dai's face became more and more red.

Seeing that Mo Dai didn't speak, Qiongqing asked again: "Is it okay?"

Mo Dai was silent, it would be a lie to say that she was not attracted by him, but she didn't think it was that deep, but the moment she saw him, she was happy in her heart.She kissed someone like a demon, even if Qiongqing didn't confess her love, she would still be responsible to Qiongqing, as long as he was willing to marry her.

"Yeah." Mody nodded.

Qiongqing was startled, and suddenly hugged Mo Dai tighter: "Can I open my eyes?"

"No, I'm going up to get dressed."

Qiongqing seemed to be belatedly aware of what the two of them looked like at this moment, and let go of his hand, Ruyu's face showed a faint halo.

Modai dressed quickly, and then the famous palace man brought a set of ordinary men's clothes.

After Qiongqing finished dressing, Mo Dai turned around and couldn't help sighing that if a person is beautiful, no matter how inconspicuous the clothes can be, they can still wear luxurious and impressive clothes.The usual light blue robes worn by palace people were worn on Qiongqing's body, vividly showing the beauty of the clothes.

Seeing that Mo Dai kept staring at him, Qiong Qing was a little embarrassed: "What's the matter, do I not look good in my clothes?"

Modai shook her head, she was so beautiful!

Mo Dai took out a silk handkerchief from her sleeve, and made Qiong Qing bend down slightly, she covered his face with the silk handkerchief, slightly covering his beauty.

When Mo Dai led Qiongqing out of the bathroom, all the palace servants lowered their heads and did not dare to look at them. When they left, they dared to raise their heads to look at their backs. They all expressed surprise. His Highness clearly entered by herself. Where did the man next to him appear?Thinking of what Guan Yu did with that man in the bath just now, the faces of the palace people all blushed strangely.

Back in Chaoyang Palace, Mo Dai immediately asked Guan Xuan to change Qiongqing's face, covering [-]% of his stunning face.

Xiao Sheng was surprised by Qiongqing's appearance, but he was not in a hurry to explain. To him, as long as his wife, Modai, is fine, nothing else matters.

At the last dinner in Chaoyang Palace, Mo Dai looked at Guan Yufeng and said, "Yufeng, my mother is leaving the palace tonight, and I don't know when I will come back. Would you like to go with my mother?" go?"

Guan Yufeng thought for a while: "Will my mother take my father with me?"

"will not."

Guan Yufeng was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head, and took a long time to reply: "Feng'er should stay with Father, or Father will cry alone!"

As soon as Guan Yufeng's words came out, the adults sitting in the seats couldn't help being moved, especially Mo Dai, who felt that Guan Yufeng was so sensible that it made people feel distressed.

Mo Dai stroked the top of Guan Yufeng's hair: "Good boy!"

Guan Yufeng liked Mo Dai's intimate gesture of touching his head the most. He raised his face and smiled happily: "Mother, will you come back when Feng'er is born?"

Mo Dai was taken aback, she didn't know when Guan Yufeng's birthday was, so she looked at Guan Xuan, who also said he didn't know.Mo Dai didn't want to hurt Guan Yufeng's heart, so she pretended to say: "Let mother calculate how many days are left until Yufeng's birthday, and then mother will give Yufeng a gift!"

As soon as Mo Xiaoyi heard the gift, he suddenly said: "Liang, eat the egg knife!"

Xiao Sheng laughed out loud, pointed at Mo Xiaoyi's little nose, his eyes were full of doting: "Greedy cat!"

"Meow!" Guagua responded to Xiao Sheng's address very much.

Guan Yufeng couldn't understand what Mo Xiaoyi was talking about. Seeing Mo Dai frowned and counted the days, he couldn't help counting the days. While counting, he said to himself: "Father said that there are 30 days in a month. My son is born on the fifth day of April, and, and..."

"There are still 130 days, when the mother will come back to help you live!"

"Okay, thank you, mother!" Guan Yufeng was very happy.

Mo Dai touched the top of his hair again, she really felt sorry for the child, worried that his father would be mentally twisted and abuse him after she left, so she could only tell Guan Xuan to watch more.Mo Dai handed over the key to the storehouse of Chaoyang Palace to Guan Xuan, that is to say, let him live in Chaoyang Palace.

At Xu hour that night, a carriage left the palace.

When the secret guard informed Guan Yu of the situation, she slapped the desk angrily: "This stinky girl, is she in such a hurry to escape from the palace?"

In the carriage, Qiongqing and Cilan sat on the seats near the back wall of the carriage, Xiao Sheng hugged Mo Xiaoyi and sat on the left by the window, while Mo Dai and Guiyi sat on the right by the window.Maru Niu lay in Modai's arms, while the white cat snuggled up beside Gui Yi.

Since getting in the car and seeing Qiong Qing, Ci Ying has been crying for a few miles, until Mo Dai pretended to get angry: "If you cry again, I will let Guan Xuan take you back to the palace!"

Porcelain immediately stopped crying, but she was sobbing, very aggrieved.

Xiao Sheng patted Ciena's hand, and comforted: "Caena, don't blame the wife for being angry, isn't it time to go back? Crying too much will hurt your health!"

"Thank you brother Xiao Sheng!" Ci Mei said, and secretly gave Mo Dai a peek, but was caught by Mo Dai, and he was so scared that he hurriedly shrank behind Qiong Qing.

Mo Dai didn't care much, but she was a little embarrassed when she met Qiongqing's gaze, Qiongqing was calm, in the past he seldom smiled, but now he doesn't hesitate to smile at all, even though he is easy-going, but that Laughter is still like fireworks blooming in the night sky, beautiful and dazzling.

Although Modai didn't say it clearly, Xiao Sheng could still see it.When Qiongqing lived in their house back then, he, no, they had a premonition, and they were a little nervous about it, not because he was afraid that Modai and Qiongqing would marry him after they fell in love, but because he was afraid that Modai would marry him. They will be excluded after the sky is cleared.Qiongqing is beautiful and has a noble status, which common people like them cannot compare to. Therefore, when Qiongqing left their house, they were actually relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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