Chapter 389 Thank you for your hard work (1)
Only then did Mu Qianche belatedly realize what she had done, picked up Modai and flew down, and landed firmly in the corridor of the backyard.

Everyone gathered in the dining room, Mo Xiaoyi woke up, Mo Xiaoyu and Mo Xiaoman were also awake.There was a small charcoal stove burning in the room, and boiling water was gurgling on the charcoal stove. Mo Wufeng brewed a pot of milk tea with the boiling water and poured a cup for each person. He also brought snacks and put them in the middle of the table. Beside her, a pair of big charming eyes stared straight at Madai.

Mo Dai also looked over and found that Mo Wufeng had also lost weight, his chin was sharper, and Xu Shaolin, Mo Wuyun, Mo Wuqing, Mo Shi and Mo You had also lost weight, as if they were collectively losing weight.

"Father, I'm back!" Mo Dai said, looking at Xu Shaolin.

Xu Shaolin smiled while wiping away tears: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back!"

Mo Xiaoyu ran to Mo Dai's side, hugged her arm and said, "Mother, I miss you so much! I also miss Father Sheng and younger brother!"

"Mother misses you too!" Mo Dai hugged Mo Xiaoyu on her lap, kissed his forehead, and hugged him tightly.

Listening to his family members asking about their health, drinking hot fragrant milk tea, Mo Dai felt like he was finally alive again.

It's great to be home!

At this time, Gui Yi couldn't help interrupting the harmonious atmosphere of Mo Dai's family: "Mo Dai, when will you return to the Wu tribe with me?"

As soon as he said this, the whole family threw their eyes at him, who is so blind?

Gui Yi was a little frightened by this family, but still insisted: "You must follow me back to the tribe, otherwise, my tribe will perish!" Then he got up suddenly and came to Modai, and knelt down on the ground with a plop .

Gui Yi is a wizard, and has always been lonely in Modai's impression, even though he is only a 12-year-old bald head, even though she has never paid attention to his long-standing appeal to let her go back to the witch tribe with him She didn't plan to go there, but now he actually knelt down for her, which was really beyond her expectation.

"You get up first." Mo Dai stretched out her hand to pull him up, but she didn't think he was still stubborn and knelt down.

"You promise to follow me back to the tribe, and I'll get up!" Guiyi uttered English, and the others were confused.

But Mo Dai understood, sighed and said: "I won't go back with you, but I may understand why you say I'm the savior, how about this, I'll bring you back the medicine primer, how about it?"

Hearing the words, Gui Yi hesitated for a moment, thinking of the beauty pills that Mo Dai asked him to make back then, he frowned and said: "However, your blood is more effective if you take it and use it as you go, and I will definitely lose some of its effectiveness after a long journey back." , Therefore, the amount of this medicine primer may need to be more!"

Modai couldn't help but look wary: "How much do you need?"

Guiyi stroked his chin, and said solemnly: "At least ten porcelain bottles like this are needed." As he spoke, he poured out an empty porcelain bottle from his sleeve, and Mo Dai was startled when he saw that this brat had already prepared for it. ?According to her estimates, the small porcelain bottle can hold ten milliliters of liquid, and ten bottles is one hundred milliliters, which is enough for a box of Wangzai milk that modern children drink.On weekdays, she would feel distressed even if she bleed a drop of blood, but this brat actually wants her [-]ml?
The corners of Mo Dai's eyes twitched: "I said, the amount of these ten bottles is too much, maybe I can still test one bottle..."

"Don't think about it, just throw it out." Mu Qianche suddenly said coldly. Although he didn't understand Gui Yi's words, he guessed from Mo Dai's context that Gui Yi must want Mo Dai's blood, and he wanted it all at once. If you want ten bottles, even if Modai agrees, he will not agree!

Mo Dai smiled at Mu Qianche, signaling him to calm down, while Gui Yi glared at Mu Qianche in embarrassment: "You bad man, you will be in trouble soon!"

After hearing Gui Yi's words, Mo Dai was a little angry, and said calmly, "Gui Yi, if you predict something, please let me know!"

Gui took a look at Mo Dai, stood up: "It's nothing, I still suggest you go with me, if ten drops of blood can solve the problem, why do you waste so much blood for nothing? If you are busy now, you can't spare it." If you are free, then I can wait for you here, whether it is January or two months!"

"Okay then, just wait!"

"Oh, then I'll take Guagua back to the room, and your family can talk slowly!" Guiyi walked out of the dining room with the white cat in his arms, followed by Mo You.

"Hey, you don't need to share a room with me anymore, you can live in the room next to me, which has all the bedding, pillows and so on!" Mo You said to Guiyi.

"Thank you!" After thanking Gui, he walked towards his room with Guagua in his arms, while Mo You went back to the dining room. He hadn't seen his sister for more than ten days, and he wanted to hear her voice more.

In the dining room, the three little ones couldn't bear the drowsiness, and fell asleep after a while, and their father carried them back to the room and fell asleep.

Mo Dai learned from her family that after she took Guan Xuan and Gui Yi away that day, Mu Qianche and Mo Mo threw the five dead people who were entangled in ivy to the mass grave and set them on fire.Shi Mo found two guards who were on duty day and night to stand guard at the gate. When Mo Dai knocked on the door, the sturdy woman who choked at Mo Dai was one of the guards, her name was Xue Arou, she was on duty tonight, and the other was Sun Dalan.

Less than three days after Modai left, Bai Duoyin from Shuiquan Town came to Luling Town. On the one hand, he settled Modai's year-end dividends. In just three months, Modai got nearly 2000 taels. The letter said that Shangshui, the shopkeeper of Shangshan Ruoshui Massage Parlor, was ill, and urgently needed Modai to go back and manage the massage parlor instead of her.Xu Shaolin asked Xiao Xiao to go back. Firstly, since Modai was not here, Xiao Xiao was the one who was most familiar with the affairs of the massage parlor. Second, Shang Shui was Xiao Xiao's future mother-in-law. She was ill, so she should go back. have a look.

During this period of time, the three brothers Mo Wuyun tried to make pastries, but the products they made either tasted wrong or looked too bad, and they were rejected by Mo Mo, a gourmet-loving picky person. Temporarily discontinued.

The three Mo Wuyun brothers knew that they had no talent in cooking and cakes, so they devoted themselves more and more to sewing children's clothes. In just over ten days, they made [-] sets of children's clothes, each piece was exquisitely embroidered and unique in style. Huami is only one sales channel away.

Mo Shi still does his old job, designing architectural plans for others, and guiding the start of construction from the side.

As for Mu Qianche, he sees patients. Recently, many people come to him for medical treatment. The fee for each visit is one hundred taels, which is a considerable income.

Listening to Xu Shaolin coming slowly, Mo Dai glanced at several of her husbands, her eyes were full of gratitude and secret praise, and her husbands were all looking at her with smiles, the affection in their eyes will make everyone feel happy. Thickly wrapped in modal.

Qiongqing was a little envious of them, the self who had always been sought after by others seemed worthless compared to them, could such a self really stand by Mo Dai's side?Before meeting Modai, he had always been at a loss for the future. After meeting Modai, he seemed to feel that he saw a beacon to the future, but now, he felt at a loss again.

(End of this chapter)

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