Chapter 412
Lu Yun treated Zhao Yantian too well, not to mention peeling the shrimp, even the fishbone, she picked out one by one for him, almost feeding it into Zhao Yantian's mouth.Seeing Zhao Wuniang, she felt comforted in her heart, her son also found a good wife, but at the same time, she felt that it was a pity that this son's health was too poor!

Zhao Yantian's health was always ups and downs. After being frightened by Mo Xiaoyu and Mu Qianche in Shuiquan Town, his health got worse. After returning to the Imperial Capital, he was nourished with precious medicinal materials every day, which stabilized a little.

Zhao Yantian is in poor health, but his temper has not diminished in the slightest. He has always been worried about Mu Qianche and Mo Xiaoyu. When he saw Mo Dai today, he put all his hatred and anger on Mo Dai. Therefore, despite the Lu Yun took care of him in every possible way, but he still didn't know what to eat.

Mo Dai raised her head inadvertently, and happened to meet Zhao Yantian's eyes, Zhao Yantian's eyes could spew fire, wishing to burn Mo Dai to ashes.Mo Dai smiled and didn't care much, she picked up a beef ball, but the beef ball missed it, "biu" bounced up, and happened to land in Zhao Yantian's bowl.

Although no soup was splashed or anything, Zhao Yantian still thought that Mo Dai did it on purpose, so he gritted his teeth angrily, even though Mo Dai had apologized.However, due to the presence of Zhao Wuniang and other guests, Zhao Yantian could only sulk.

Seeing that Modai almost only ate the two vegetarian dishes in front of her, Zhao Yingzi did a good deed once and gave Modai the whole big fish head. Fish head is Zhao Yingzi's favorite, so she naturally picked up the part that she thought was delicious. To Morde.

Mo Dai made trouble for the big fish head, but Zhao Yingzi mistakenly thought that she was moved, and smiled proudly: "Eat quickly, eat quickly, especially the eyeball, the taste is the best!"

Modai couldn't help but say, "But I don't like to eat eyeballs!"

Zhao Yingzi was puzzled: "Why? Eyeballs are the best!"

"If you like to eat eyeballs, I will give them to you!"

"Okay, I'll accept the eyeballs!"

The conversation between Mo Dai and Zhao Yingzi would not be strange if it was related to the context, but Zhao Yantian had a shadow in his heart. At the beginning, he was scared to death by Mo Xiaoyu with an "eyeball". Now Mo Dai and Zhao Yingzi kept talking about "eyeballs", Zhao Yantian trembled all over, his face turned blue.

Mo Dai looked at the fish head without fish eyes and with its mouth wide open, and suddenly said with a smile to Zhao Yingzi: "This is for you to eat, as soon as I saw it, I felt that it was roaring at me: come down, come, accompany me!" ,I!"

Zhao Yingzi laughed out loud, and at the same time, the words "come down with me" finally became the last straw that broke the camel's back, and successfully made Zhao Yan faint.

So the banquet was chaotic for a while, while Lu Yun hugged Zhao Yantian in a panic, he hurriedly sent someone to call the doctor.The banquet also hastily broke up.

Zhao Yingzi led Mo Dai and Qiongqing back to her courtyard to drink tea and chat for a while.At two o'clock in the unitary hour, Mo Dai and Qiongqing were planning to go back, and Zhao Yingzi sent them out.

Outside the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion, when Mo Dai was about to get into the carriage, a figure suddenly rushed to the carriage and grabbed her.Mo Dai turned her head and saw that the person who was teasing her was Shi Lan.

"Mo Daxi, you are Mo Daxi, why don't you recognize me? I am Shi Lan, and I am your sworn sister!" Shi Lan held Mo Dai's hand and said eagerly, "Mo Daxi, I wrote you So many letters, why didn't you reply to me? Do you still have my sister in your eyes?"

Mo Dai glanced at Shi Lan, and said calmly: "Miss Smith, you have mistaken me, I am not Mo Daxi, my name is Mo Dai."

"Impossible, you are Mo Daxi, I will not admit my mistake!" Shi Lan said, and suddenly hugged Mo Dai and sniffed vigorously. Before Mo Dai pushed her away, she let go of her hand and grinned, Knowing the innocence, "I remember the smell on your body. It is different from any other scent of rouge powder. It smells like flowers but not flowers. It smells better than flowers. You are Mo Daxi!"

Modai looked deeply at the bright smiling face without any shadows, trying to find even a little bit of pretense, but there was nothing, this girl was well protected by their family, she didn't know anything.

Mo Dai suddenly felt angry, but she didn't know why she was angry, so she said coldly: "Didn't Mrs. Shi tell you? Mo Daxi, that is, my twin sister, has already been burned to death! I am Modai, and you I'm not familiar with you, so farewell!"

Mo Dai shook off Shi Lan and sat in the carriage, both Qiong Qing and Zhao Yingzi looked at her worriedly.

Mo Dai smiled at them: "Go to Xianlaiju Restaurant tonight and continue, if you don't get drunk, you won't go home!"

Zhao Yingzi responded immediately: "Okay, if you don't get drunk, you won't return!"

And Qiong Qing looked puzzled: "I can't drink..."

Mo Dai naturally understood what Qiongqing meant, her eyes were a little unnatural, and she said immediately: "Look at us drinking, if we are drunk, you help me into the room, as for Zhao Yingzi, you stay away from her, she will be drunk when she is awake. It's not normal, who knows if you will go crazy when you are drunk?"

Zhao Yingzi was not convinced: "Xiao Daidai, you are treating the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. My wine, Zhao Yingzi, is very good. I will sleep directly when I am drunk, and I will definitely not go crazy!"


"Just what I want! Tell me, what are you betting on?"

"One penny!"

"A penny is a penny!"

So that night, when Mo Dai and Zhao Yingzi drank until midnight, they drank more than a dozen jars of wine and were both drunk.

Mo Dai's wine was considered good, and when she was drunk, she lay down on the table and giggled, while Zhao Yingzi began to take off her clothes one by one, leaving only the obscene clothes and trousers, and then began to hold Modai's arm and cry and complain , After complaining about the pain, he climbed up on the chair and squatted to relieve his hands, but fell directly from the chair and fell asleep on the ground.

Lie came in and carried his master back, while Qiong Qing helped Mo Dai onto the bed.

Qiongqing asked the second lady for warm water, and personally wiped Mo Dai's face and feet.Mo Dai became very docile, blinked at Qiong Qing, and let him take off his coat and middle coat and put on the quilt.

When Qiongqing also lay on the bed and pulled another quilt to cover her body, Mo Dai still looked at him with bright black eyes, her cheeks were flushed, her lips were ruddy, she looked very cute and cute.Qiongqing didn't turn off the lights, just looked at her like this.

After looking at each other for a while, Mo Dai suddenly said, "Brother, won't you hug me to sleep?"

Hearing this, Qiong Qing was startled, and then she bent her lips and smiled, it turned out that Mo Dai would become like a child when she was drunk, but she suddenly poked at the softest part of his heart, and directly pressed Mo Dai to sleep regardless of the bed. Dai hugged her.

After a while, Mo Dai said again: "Brother, won't you kiss me?"

Qiong Qing's face turned red suddenly, and Mo Dai's stuttering clearly didn't look like she was drunk, but if it was Mo Dai in the daytime, she would never be able to say these words, and she still had an innocent and harmless look on her face, he felt It was because he thought too much, so he closed his eyes and kissed Modai's forehead: "Sleep!"

(End of this chapter)

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