Chapter 415 You and I Are Together (1)
"Go back earlier so that your family won't worry."

"Tch, you value sex over friends!"

"Each each other."

As the saying goes, plans can never keep up with change.Mo Dai originally planned to go back to Xianlaiju to have lunch, buy some local products on the street, then go to the Imperial Palace, deliver the two beauty pills to Queen Qiong Lanyue, and then go to the bottom of the valley to pick some fruits and go home.However, as soon as their carriage arrived at Xianlaiju, it was surrounded by a group of royal guards.

Mo Dai was imprisoned in the Sky Prison without any warning, Qiong Qing refused to separate from Mo Dai, but because of Qiong Lanyue's sentence "If you don't want her family to die because of you, you can stay here" and desperately refused. Dare to resist again.

Mo Dai was very calm, and said to Qiongqing with a smile: "Qionqing, don't be sad, the Holy Majesty is a wise and mighty Majesty, she will never kill innocent people indiscriminately, don't worry, all this is a misunderstanding, I will soon understand Go out, you can give birth in the palace first, don't feel sorry for your body..."

When Qiong Lanyue heard Mo Dai's words, the anger in her heart grew stronger, and she ordered in a cold voice: "Shut her mouth!"

So Mo Dai couldn't speak, the feeling of being hit on the Ya point was really uncomfortable, Mo Dai could only sigh and sit down on the wooden couch piled with a broken quilt.

In addition, this time, although she only met Qiong Lanyue twice, Mo Dai intuitively believed that Qiong Lanyue was not a fool, and would not break her word. Capture her?
Modai couldn't figure it out, until Zhao Yingzi finally came in to see her, she realized that it was Lu Yun and Zhao Yantian who did it.

Lu Yun actually filed a lawsuit against her, saying that she had robbed Mu Qianche, her fiancé, whom she had been engaged to since childhood, and that she was backed by Lord Qionglanfeng.

According to Zhao Yingzi, the reason why Qiong Lanfeng made this matter big was to take the opportunity to suppress the influence of Prime Minister Zhao Wuniang and Zhao Yingzi, because Qiong Lanfeng knew that Zhao Yingzi and Modai had a close relationship. He could be charged with a lot of crimes by catching wind and shadows.

On the other hand, Empress Qiong Lanyue hated this kind of immoral behavior of robbing a good husband, but if Modai hadn't established a relationship with Qiong Qing, Qiong Lanyue might not bother to try the case.However, this matter is related to her son's life, and she has to take it seriously.Originally, she had a resistance to Modai in her heart, and adding this one, in her eyes, Modai was a complete female liar, a big bastard, and an immoral person.

After listening to Zhao Yingzi's analysis, Mo Dai felt speechless, and suddenly remembered something: "If I remember correctly, isn't Lord Qionglanfeng the mother of your side-husband Qiongwu? At least he is your mother-in-law!"

Zhao Yingzi raised the corners of her lips sarcastically: "Yes, but she doesn't pay much attention to Qiongwu at all, maybe she has forgotten that Qiongwu is her son!"

Modai stared at Zhao Yingzi, feeling a little sympathetic to her, and a little sympathetic to Qiongwu, she never understood and didn't want to understand the inside story between the royal family and high-ranking officials.

"By the way, the Holy Majesty has already sent a secret message to Wan Yan. Soon, your genius doctor, Mr. Xianggong, will arrive in the Imperial Capital. Are you happy?" Zhao Yingzi smiled viciously.

Modai twitched the corner of her mouth: "Happy, very happy! Mr. Zhao, it's time to see your performance!"

Zhao Yingzi grinned her white teeth: "I obey, my master, I'm willing to put my heart and soul to the ground for you, forever and ever!"

"Bah, abuse of idioms!"

"I'm leaving, take care, these guards are his father's people around the Holy One, I can't bribe them, you can only endure it for a few days, you have to eat if you don't have a good meal, your health is important!"

Zhao Yingzi left the prison, and Mo Dai was immediately hit Ya acupoint again.

It was cold and damp in the prison, so Modai walked back and forth in the prison.In fact, she didn't find it difficult to be unable to speak. The only thing she was worried about was that this time the empress might find out all [-] generations of her ancestors, and her whole family might be escorted to the imperial capital.

Mo Dai thought of Mo Wuyun, Xiao Sheng and Shi Mo who were pregnant, and the journey was bumpy, and her body wondered if she could take it?There are three children, will they be afraid?She originally came to the Imperial Capital to solve the problem, but in the end she created a problem and even affected the whole family.

After spending more than ten days in the dungeon, Mo Dai was finally taken to the torture hall by the guards for interrogation.

Mo Dai found that Mu Qianche had been brought here, and when Mo Dai looked at him, he looked at her with guilt, as if saying that it was all because of him that she was troubled.

Lu Yun and Zhao Yantian were also there.

The person in charge of the interrogation was Lv Hong, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, in his forties, and he was a serious and rigid person by his appearance.

Lu Hong was actually very speechless about this man-robbing case, but the Holy Majesty attached great importance to it and listened in the secret room, so she had to put up 12 points of energy to go to the trial.

Lu Yun and Zhao Yantian presented the tokens of Lu Yun and Mu Qianche's childhood engagement, as well as the handwritten letter from Lu Yun's grandmother Lu Huai, which proved that Mu Qianche was Lu Yun's fiancé.

Mu Qianche looked at Lu Yun and Zhao Yan trembling from the weather, and he didn't even hear Lu Hong asking him questions.

Mo Dai looked at Mu Qianche worriedly.

"Mu Qianche, I want to ask you, is what Lu Yun said true?" Lu Hong asked again.

Mu Qianche clenched her fist and then loosened it several times before saying, "It's true."

"Since it is true, you are fiancée and husband. If the marriage is dissolved, you marry Mo Dai. This is against my Da Yue law!" Lu Hong stared at Mu Qianche sternly, "Did Mo Dai force you to marry me?" Want to marry you?"

The corner of Mo Dai's mouth twitched fiercely, here she comes, this is to punish her for the crime of robbing a good husband.

Mu Qianche, who was usually so calm, stared at Lu Hong suddenly after hearing Lu Hong's question, with a cold air all over his body, and Mo Dai knew that he was angry.

"My lord, my marriage with Modai was consensual. As for what you said violated the law of the Great Moon, I don't understand. A man who was forcibly burned and killed by his nominal fiancée's family and thrown into a mass grave If you want to marry someone who understands him again, do you still need to obtain the approval of the ex-fiancee's family who killed him?"

Mu Qianche's voice was painful, his eyes were red, and his complexion was pale. Every time he told the past, it was like uncovering the scars on his heart. The pain and hatred were not something other people could understand.

Hearing what Mu Qianche said, Lu Yun and Zhao Yantian felt a little guilty secretly, but on the surface they looked dignified, noble and compassionate.

Lu Yun said in a hurt tone: "Qianche, if you don't want to marry me, just tell me, but how can you slander me like this? I think my grandmother treated you well back then, and I felt pity for you..."

"you shut up!"

"you shut up!"

Mu Qianche and Modai yelled at Lu Yun together, but she was startled, and immediately forgot the bitter lines she was going to say next.

Mo Dai couldn't bear it anymore, and said with a sneer: "My lord, Minnv is being abrupt, but Minnv really can't bear it anymore, if you want to torture Minnv today, Minnv should speak out!"

(End of this chapter)

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