Chapter 422 Shi Mo Returns Home (2)
The mansion in Shifu is comparable in size to the Prime Minister's Mansion.Overlooking from a high altitude, rows of glazed ink tiles line up, curved cornices outline the momentum of the building, the pattern design of the courtyard, and the interspersed embellishment of pavilions and pavilions all reveal the pride and ingenuity of the royal craftsman think.

Mu Qianche and Shi Mo stood on a hidden roof and looked into the mansion.

"So you're satisfied?" Mu Qianche asked, he thought Shi Mo would enter through the gate, but he didn't want him to just sneak a peek in the dark.

"Well, I'm satisfied, otherwise how could I ask you to help?" Shi Mo said.

Mu Qianche gave Shi Mo a sideways glance, and didn't speak any more, but leaned against a flying eaves corner, waiting quietly for someone to finish peeking.

Shi Mo stared at the courtyard of the main house, seeing attendants coming in and out from time to time, and many people he knew well gathered in the courtyard, all with anxious expressions.

Is that person sick?Shi Mo couldn't help thinking.

Shi Shi was right, his mother Shi Xin was indeed ill, and the illness was not serious.Shi Xin's eldest daughter, Shi Rui, is only eight years old, and she can't do anything. Shi Xin's husband, Shi Mo's father, Yao Xi, is weak by nature and can't be a family at all. Right now, Shi Rui's father, Fei Hao, is in charge of the entire Shi Mansion.

At this time, a middle-aged woman in a maroon robe came out of Shi Xin's room with a medicine box, and said something to Fei Hao, and Fei Hao ordered Su Lan, the housekeeper next to him, to hand over the silver taels to the middle-aged woman. , the middle-aged woman nodded and accepted, and hurriedly left the Shifu.

Fei Hao was born with a handsome face and gentle manners. He was 25 years old, but only two years older than Shi Mo. He married into the Shifu at the age of 16, and gave birth to his eldest daughter Shi Rui at the age of 17. Since then, he has been loved by Shi Xin. Married in as a husband, the father is honored by the daughter, and he was immediately promoted to the rightful lord of the stone mansion, only missing Yao Xi's position as the rightful husband.

Feihao's natal family is just a farmer's family on the outskirts of the imperial capital. The family only has a few acres of Susukida and is not rich.Since Da Feihao married in, his natal family has also become prosperous, and now it has become a big landlord with thousands of acres of land, and the family is said to have opened several shops in the city.

On the other hand, Shi Mo's biological father Yao Xi, her natal family was originally a down-and-out official family in the previous dynasty, and her natal family could not be counted on. Yao Xi himself is incompetent, and has no right to speak in the mansion.

As for Shi Xin's other side husbands and servants, since they only had sons, Shi Xin naturally didn't like them.Most of Shi Xin's sons are also married, and there are still three who are under the age of 15 and are waiting in the boudoir.

"Hey, Mu Qianche, take me down, I'm going to ask that doctor what's wrong with that man!" Shi Mo said while grabbing Mu Qianche's shoulder.

Mu Qianche squinted at him again, and seeing his anxious expression, she forgave his commanding tone for the time being, grabbed his arm, swept across the roofs of the buildings, and landed at the entrance of an alley to wait for the doctor.

When he arrived at the doctor, Shi Mo stepped forward to inquire about the situation, while Mu Qianche stood far away.

The doctor's name is Chuan Ji, and the master of the Shifu usually goes to her when he is sick.Chuan Ji was startled when he saw Shi Mo, he didn't understand how Mo Mo, who had already been reduced to the official supporting field, would appear in Dijing.

In order to gain Chuanji's trust, Shi Mo said that someone had redeemed her for an official match, and now he is remarried.In fact, Chuanji didn't dislike Momo, the eldest son of the Shi family, on the contrary, he admired him very much. When he heard that he remarried, he was also happy for him.

Chuanji then informed Mo Mo of Shi Xin's condition, and seeing Mo Mo's serious face, he couldn't help saying: "Young Master, you should go back and see Mrs. Shi, she, time is running out!"

Shi Mo couldn't accept it for a while, and was stunned, not even knowing when Chuan Ji left.

Mu Qianche's ears are so good that he heard what Doctor Chuanji said just now, so she walked over and patted him on the shoulder: "Are you going back?"

Shi Mo turned to look at Mu Qianche blankly, his face was pale, Mu Qianche had never seen such a fragile Mo Mo, he couldn't say what he had planned for a while, and just said calmly: "Go back."

Prime Minister's Mansion, inside Luyixuan.

The second round of fighting between Mo Xiaoyu and Zhao Tianzan has also ended, the two children have reconciled now, and they are playing with the black and white pieces on the chessboard in the living room, Mo Xiaoyi also follows beside and intervenes from time to time.

People sat in the hall and chatted.Mo Dai proposed to move out of the Prime Minister's Mansion and planned to go back tomorrow.Zhao Yingzi looked unhappy, and asked Mo Dai why she left in such a hurry, obviously all the men were watching by her side.

Mo Dai was worried that Zhao Yingzi would say any more exaggerated words, so she used Xiao Xiao's marriage as an excuse. Although Zhao Yingzi was still dissatisfied, she didn't say anything more.

I don't know if it was Mo Dai's illusion, but during the chat, Mo Dai always felt that Zhao Yingzi's third father, Tong Qingzhu, was staring at her all the time.

At this time, the attendant brought a tray of red peace fruits.This peace fruit is a modern apple, but it is small in size. Mo Dai had never seen this kind of fruit when he was in Luling Town, and the fruit types at the bottom of the valley were relatively simple, so he became interested and wanted to leave the seeds to bring Go to the bottom of the valley to plant, where the aura is full, and she believes that it will be able to grow.

The Pingan fruit had been washed, and as soon as it came up, the children surrounded it, but the adults didn't speak, and they didn't dare to move.Qiongwu picked up two and gave them to Tong Qingzhu and Xu Shaolin first, and then distributed them to the children, but the rest was not enough to give each of them one.

Qiong Wu was a little embarrassed, so she went out and asked the attendant in a low voice why he didn't bring more. The attendant immediately said with a look of embarrassment that someone else gave the fruit to the prime minister, and there was only so much left after the prime minister finished dividing it.

Qiong Wu couldn't help it either, just as he was about to explain to everyone, he turned around and saw that Mo Dai was using a dagger to divide one of the peace fruits into eight equal parts, neatly dig out the core, carve it into the shape of a rabbit with long ears, and place it neatly in a pile. The inside of the white porcelain plate, which has only eaten dim sum, looks very lively and interesting.Mo Dai also asked the attendant to pick the teeth with a bamboo stick and insert it on the rabbit apple, so that it is convenient to eat.

When the three children saw the fruit, they immediately gave up eating the fruit and handed it to Mo Dai to carve it into bunnies.

Qiong Wu breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said that he would learn how to carve a little rabbit from Mo Dai.

Zhao Yingzi looked at him suspiciously, and immediately poured cold water on him: "Forget it, it's not good if you cut your finger!" Saying that, she pushed all the rest of the Ping An fruit to Mo Dai, "Xiao Dai Dai, You can carve all of these into bunnies, originally I wasn't interested in this man's favorite thing to eat, but after you manipulated it with your skillful hands, it made my index finger twitch!"

Mo Dai couldn't stand Zhao Yingzi's exaggerated remarks, because the closer Zhao Yingzi got to her, the more Tong Qingzhu stared at her, saying that she was jealous and hated her, but it didn't look like it, but it made Mo Dai afraid scorching hot.

Mo Xiaoyu and Mo Xiaoyi held a little rabbit in each hand, and smiled triumphantly, as if they were saying, look, our mother is the most powerful!Zhao Tianzan looked at it and began to envy and hate again, pinching the little rabbit and biting it as if to vent his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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