Chapter 436 The Ending Part 1 ([-])
Guan Yufeng was very happy to see Modai. In a few months, he grew taller and more sensible. Because of Guan Xuan's care, he was no longer abused by his father.

After spending her life for Guan Yufeng, Mo Dai left with Qiong Qing after he fell asleep.

Guan Xuan watched them disappear out of thin air, thinking in his heart, he didn't know when we would meet again next time.

This day, the sky was gloomy, and it began to drizzle early in the morning.

While eating breakfast, everyone found that Gui Yi did not show up.Mo You ran to the front yard to call, but after a while, Mo You ran back in a panic, and said to Mo Dai with a pale face: "Sister, return him, he is dead..."

At this time, as if God was responding to the unfortunate news that Mo You said, suddenly there was a thunderbolt, and lightning struck between the sky and the earth. After the extremely bright, it became darker and darker.

Mo You continued: "When I opened the door to call him, he didn't respond. I thought he was dead asleep, so I went into the inner room, but saw him lying motionless under the quilt. I walked over and reached out to touch his Snorting, I found that he was not breathing, and his cat was snuggling beside him, his eyes were like will-o'-the-wisps, bright and frighteningly bright, so I ran out..."

Mo Dai and Mu Qianche immediately stood up and rushed towards the front yard. Maru Niu felt strange, Gui Yi was quite an evil child in its eyes, it didn't believe that he would die so unexpectedly, so he followed Mo Dai Behind Dai, the others were also worried, and they were no longer in the mood to eat breakfast.

Mu Qianche stepped into Guiyi's room before Mo Dai, and Mo Dai followed.

The light in the room was dim, coupled with the rainy weather, there was a faint damp and stale atmosphere.

All the rooms in Mo Mansion, no matter whether there are occupants or not, will be cleaned every other day by the 11 people brought back by Shi Mo, and the quilts will also be dried in the sun, so it stands to reason that there should not be such an unpleasant smell.

Mo Dai frowned, and glanced at the furnishings in the room, there was nothing unusual.

At this time, the white cat croaked gracefully out from behind the bead curtain in the inner room, meowed at Mo Dai, and then walked to Mo Dai's ankle, hooking Mo Dai's calf with its long tail, turning and rubbing, as if I wanted to tell her something.

Modai couldn't understand the cat language of Quack, and Maru Niu who came over translated for Modai. It turned out that Quack was asking Modai to wake up its owner.

"Wife master, Gui Yi is fine, he just has a fever and is in a coma."

Mu Qianche's voice came from the inner room, and Mo Dai breathed a sigh of relief. Gui Yi, who had been deliberately ignored by her all this time, had actually become an indispensable friend and integrated into her life.

Mo Dai hurriedly opened the bead curtain and walked into the inner room, and saw Mu Qianche frowning for Gui's pulse.

"Qianche, what's the matter?" Mo Dai asked, her gaze stayed on Guiyi's face, even though the light was dark and his skin was dark, she could still see the abnormal flushing on his face, chapped lips, and stretched out her hand Probe over, breathing seems to be there, if you don't feel carefully, you can't feel his breath at all, no wonder Mo You said he was dead.

"I gave him an injection, but he still hasn't woken up. His pulse seems to be absent. It doesn't seem like a normal fever. I don't know why." Mu Qianche withdrew his hand to feel the pulse, "Anyway, I'll go to decoct the medicine Feed him a drink and see if there is any sign of improvement."

"Okay, you go, I'll watch him here."

Mu Qianche stood up and walked out, while Mo Dai sat in front of Guiyi's bed, seeing that his bare wrists were slender and fragile like that of an eight or nine-year-old child.Mo Dai sometimes thinks that the reason why the 12-year-old Guiyi has shrunk a little is probably because of too much pressure, but the little child is a wizard, and bears the burden of the rise and fall of the entire tribe.

Mo Dai stretched out her hand and tucked his wrist into the quilt, and the moment her hand touched Gui Yi's wrist, her whole body seemed to be touched by an invisible and huge suction force, and her soul was drawn out in an instant, Twisting and spinning into a dark space, Modai's eyes went dark, and she lay softly on the edge of Guiyi's bed and passed out.

At this time, on the second floor of the shelf in the corner of the inner room, there was a small black three-legged tripod, and there was a stale smell similar to rotting dead wood in the small tripod.

Seeing that Modai had passed out, the white cat hurriedly jumped onto Guiyi's bed, lying quietly on his shoulder, its blue eyes shone strangely in the dim light, its posture was obviously protecting its master.

Maruyu was a little surprised, jumped up to the bed, groaned at the white cat a few times, and then looked at Modai worriedly, as if hesitating and struggling, but finally chose to be with Modai, lying on the bed with Mo Dai. Next to Dai's head, after a while, she seemed to have fallen asleep and remained motionless.

Mo Dai opened her eyes and found herself lying on the ground, looking up, there was a vast expanse of yellow sand all around, stretching to the end of the sky.

The sunlight was so intense that it seemed to melt the yellow sand.

So hot!

The scenery in front of her was undoubtedly a desert. She could feel the tingling sensation of the hot wind mixed with yellow sand blowing on her face. She raised her sleeves and waved her eyes to look into the distance. The smooth yellow sand dunes are spectacular, but the world without a little green makes people feel panic and despair.

She must calm down!

This is hell, she was clearly still in Guiyi's room just a moment ago, why did she come to this ghostly place in the blink of an eye?Did you wear it again?God, don't you bring such a tricky person?She has already adapted to and accepted life in the world of female venerables. She now has a husband and a son, and she doesn't want to have to do it all over again!

Woman, catch me!

Suddenly, the scream of Maru Niu came from mid-air, and Mo Dai raised her head and looked up into the air with her hands under the awning. In the backlight, a pink-black object fell from mid-air, and Mo Dai subconsciously stretched out her hand to catch it. , and rolled around in the yellow sand because of the momentum.

Maru Niu was panting heavily in Modai's arms, obviously still in shock.

I was so scared to death, I almost thought I would fall to my death!Guiyi, the dream of this dead child is a desert where no grass grows. I regret that I came to help you, dead woman!

Maruki glanced around and roared angrily.

Mo Dai heard something, so she didn't wear it again, but entered Guiyi's dream.

"His dream is so real, so what should we do now, do you have an idea, Maru Niu?" Modai asked.

No, Lao Tzu wanted to return to one and summoned you into his dream on purpose, so let nature take its course!

Modai sighed, Gui Yi wanted her to witness the appearance of their Wu tribe with her own eyes!This child really spared no effort to bring her back!

Since it was a dream, Mo Dai hugged Maru Niu and stayed where she was, not daring to move around.

At this time, the wind was strong, the yellow sand was long, and the sky and the earth were dark and yellow.

Modai took off her robe to protect her head and face, then lay down on the ground and closed her eyes tightly, while Maruki hid in her arms.Mo Dai could feel that she and Maru Niu were being buried by the yellow sand, the air was getting thinner, and suddenly realized that death was very close to her.

(End of this chapter)

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