Chapter 452 The Final Chapter (7)
Qiongqing walked over with a smile, moved a small bench and sat down, and opened the book in his hand: "Then I'll read a story to you, it's Legend of Journey to the West."

While Qiongqing was reading, Xiao Sheng suddenly said: "Ah, this is the story that the wife master told back then!"

Qiongqing was surprised, the author of this book was Shi Lan, could it be that Mo Dai had read this book earlier?

Xiao Sheng continued: "I also heard it from my sister. At that time, the wife-owner was desperately trying to make money. Every day, she wrote a storybook for the storyteller to tell. The words written by the wife-master are very interesting. My sister also Tell me a few of the stories. Brother Qing just read about the situation in the Man’er Kingdom, and I remembered it!”

"So, this book was actually written by the wife-lord?" Qiong Qing asked, "Then why is it marked with Shi Lan's name?"

"Shi Lan is the sworn sister of the wife-lord, and we don't know the details." Mo Wuyun said.

Shi Mo threw the book in his hand on the ground with a slap, and said with a sneer, "I think Shi Lan stole the book written by his wife to make money! Tsk, what a shame!"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, the originally active atmosphere became cold because of this incident.

When Mo Dai and Xu Shaolin came back with two bundles of bamboo, they confirmed the matter to Mo Dai, and after knowing the truth, they scolded Shi Lan again out of righteous indignation.Qiongqing even wanted to throw away the book in his hand, but Mo Dai hurriedly stopped her, but it cost her two taels of silver, so what if the author's name is not her own, and the left and right Journey to the West was not created by her, Shi Lan stole it from Wu Chengen, Not her.

The next morning, after breakfast, Mo Dai drove to the town to buy bedding, and Qiong Qing followed.

When the carriage passed by the Bai's grocery store, Mo Dai noticed that their house had indeed hung black curtains, white lanterns and white paper flowers for funerals.Modai didn't care, and drove by directly.

Qiongqing had never gone shopping, especially while eating candied haws, although he looked out through the window of the carriage.Mode didn't let him get out of the car to show his face, saying that he was afraid of causing road blockage or traffic accidents.

Qiongqing was a little gloomy at first, but Modai kept explaining to him what each shop sold and the interesting things he had encountered before, and every time he passed the snack shop, Modai would buy him a copy for him to try out. Qing was already struggling.

Mo Dai bought six quilts, and bought some cotton by the way. There were too many things, so Mo Dai asked the proprietress of the cotton workshop to deliver the goods home.Mo Dai went to the cloth shop and bought several bolts of high-quality fine cloth, such as moon white, sky blue, pink blue, pink purple, etc., thinking of making a pillow for each of the pregnant women after returning home.

After buying the cloth, Mo Dai went into the jewelry shop, didn't pick any expensive ones, but bought two jade rings, two wooden headbands and hairpins, the headbands and hairpins had patterns of emerald bamboo and auspicious birds.The proprietress of the jewelry shop was startled when she saw Mo Dai, pointed at her and stammered: "You, you are Mo Daxi?"

After paying the money, Modai smiled: "Sorry, I'm not Mo Daxi, I'm her twin sister, Modai!"

The proprietress looked at the back of Mo Dai leaving, and couldn't help sighing, it really looks like it, but there are still differences in detail, for example, the charm of the whole body, this person named Mo Dai is more gentle and refined than Mo Daxi, but at the same time he is also bigger than Mo Daxi. Xi is indifferent and alienated.

Back on the carriage, Mo Dai opened the curtain and handed the jade ring and hairpin she bought to Qiongqing.

Qiongqing was a little surprised: "For me?"

Mo Dai nodded: "Come on, Mrs., I will wear it for your wife!" Mo Dai said, picking up a ring and putting it on the ring finger of Qiong Qing's left hand. Together, we share weal and woe, we share weal and woe!"

Qiongqing stared blankly at the ring, the emerald green color set off his slender ring finger like jade, very beautiful.

"My wife, I didn't go in with you just now, how do you know my size?" Qiongqing asked, but he couldn't take his eyes off the ring on his finger. He had seen countless beautiful jade jewels, but he had never seen anything like that. Jewelry is comparable to this ordinary jade ring, this is the happiness that really belongs to him.

"Well, your wife's master has my eyesight, come and reward me!" Mo Dai closed her eyes and waited.

Qiongqing's face turned red, and his eyes were rippling like water. In the small, airtight space on the side of the carriage, he held the back of Mo Dai's head without hesitation, and kissed her lips. Want more, the faint scent of lotus and the scent of fragrance blend together, beautiful and beautiful, making people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

After a long time, the two gasped and looked at each other, Mo Dai stretched out her hand to caress Qiongqing's face, frowned and said worriedly: "My lord, if you are like me, what should your wife master do if she finds out?"

Qiongqing was startled, and then realized that Mo Dai was teasing him, so he said with a gloomy expression: "Girl, I fell in love with you at first sight, but my wife-in-law treats me very well, I can't let her go, and I can't let you go either. How should this be done?"

The corner of Mo Dai's mouth twitched: "Me and her, who do you choose? Give me a good word!"

Qiongqing hesitated again and again, and finally said affectionately: "Oh, all Taoist flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers, girl, I choose you!"

Suddenly, Mo Dai stretched out his hands to cover his face, his shoulders trembled, Qiong Qing was terrified, thinking that he had made a fuss and made Mo Dai angry, so he hurriedly apologized to Mo Dai, but he didn't want to hear Mo Dai's unbearable laughter.

Qiongqing was a little embarrassed: "Mo Dai, you are really wicked!"

Mo Dai patted her cheeks, loosened the sore facial muscles from laughing, and said, "You are still the same, evil-hearted!"

The two laughed and quarreled for a while, and Qiongqing put the headband and hairpin that Modai bought for him in his hair, and then asked Modai if it looked good, and Modai nodded repeatedly.Qiongqing put away another set of headbands, hairpins and a ring, and handed them to Shi Mo when he was going home.

When the carriage passed a bookstore, Qiongqing asked Mo Dai to stop the car. He wanted to buy more pens, ink, paper and inkstones, as well as copybooks and easy-to-understand books for the children to practice calligraphy.

When Qiongqing got out of the car, the surrounding scenery seemed to brighten up. All the passers-by couldn't help but stop and look at him, but they didn't dare to look directly at his face, feeling their own humbleness in front of him. And insignificance, a strong sense of inferiority that is worse than death breeds.

The shopkeeper of the bookstore stared dumbfoundedly at Qiongqing and Mo Dai walking into the store, Qiongqing pointed out a few things to buy, the shopkeeper listened in a daze, as if he had heard a fairy voice and couldn't catch his breath for a long time.

Mo Dai was disgusted by the shopkeeper's staring eyes on Qiongqing's body, and said loudly what he wanted to buy again, the shopkeeper came back to his senses, handed over the things graciously, calculated the price, and laughed like Duo Petunia-like.

When Mo Dai and Qiongqing walked out of the bookstore, they met Wu Qiaohua, the head wife of the Wu family, walking over.Wu Qiaohua is dressed gorgeously, and she thinks she is quite pretty, most men would blush when they see her.But when she saw Qiongqing, she was completely stunned, and the next second, her eyes were so bright that her saliva almost didn't flow down on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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