Chapter 459 Start Here (3)
Maruki looked up and looked around, and found that not far away was the trail leading to Mojia Village.Maruki thought, it must be the father who saved it and sent it here.

Maru Niu ate bananas and oranges, and then ran towards Mojia Village.It was going to find Modai and explain clearly that he was going to leave her for the time being.Of course, when it came to Mo Dai's house, it found out that something had happened to Mo Dai's family, but luckily they came back without any danger.

Maru Niu found that there was something strange about Modai's body. The fragrance that had been exuded faintly due to the existence of Xiangji fruit disappeared, and even if it was lying on Modai's chest, it could not feel the existence of Xiangji fruit. Tried to communicate with Mo Dai, but Mo Dai did not respond, what is going on?

When Mo Dai woke up two days later, Marugi realized that something was wrong, Mo Dai really couldn't communicate with it, and the Xiangji fruit in her body seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Modai was very frustrated, and Maru Niu was even more frustrated, no matter how much it hummed, Modai couldn't understand what it meant.

Mo Dai took Maru Niu for a walk in Yunmu Mountain, Maru Niu snorted at her again and left her.

Maruyu didn't know what Mo Dai was feeling, anyway, he was sad, although he didn't leave forever, but he lived together all the time, although he didn't admit it, but he actually liked Modai very much.

Maruniu and Lingyue returned to the clan, and together with Lingshui received the spell from the patriarch. After more than three months of retreat, they finally succeeded, but Lingshui was still one size bigger than Maruniu.

The shrunken Lingshui was a little embarrassed, hiding in the cave and unwilling to come out, unwilling to see anyone, including Maru Niu.

Maru Niu was depressed, why did Mao Lingshui not see him?Obviously they are no longer hindered by their physical shape, does Lingshui regret it?Thinking of this, Maruki felt unhappy.

"Father, I'm going back to Modai's side, and I won't come back again!" Maru Niu said angrily to Lingyue who was lying in front of the cave sunbathing.

"What's the matter? Aren't you going to marry Lingshui next month?" Lingyue asked slowly.

"Hmph, I'm not married anymore, Lingshui doesn't like me, and I won't force him!" Maru Niu said coldly, but his heart felt as if he was twisted by something.

When Lingyue heard something wrong, could it be that there was a quarrel between young children?
"Oh, really? Lingshui said he didn't like you? If that's the case, then let's abandon him, and he will shrink from the left and right, and there will be no more females in the clan to look at him!" Lingyue Banzhen Said half falsely.

But Maru Niu suddenly came to his senses: "Father, what, Ling Shui and I are arguing, it can't be real!"

Lingyue rolled her eyes: "Really?"

"Yes, Dad, I, I'll see if the spirit water has calmed down!" After finishing speaking, Maru Niu disappeared in a flash.

Lingyue grinned and smiled silently, it's nice to be young!

Not long after, Lingyue keenly caught the sound of footsteps coming from far and near, Lingyue's ears turned up, her eyes became far away, ah, what should come is still coming, now that her daughter has a home, it seems It's time to give the comer an answer, after all, it has kept the female waiting for decades!

Maruniu came to Lingshui's cave again, but no matter how much he called Lingshui, Lingshui refused to show his face, and Maruniu left with his ears drooping sadly.

At the beginning of October, Maru Niu decided to go back to Mojia Village first. He had been away from Modai for a long time, and he missed him so much, so he talked to Lingyue and set off.Before leaving, Maruniu picked a bouquet of wild flowers and put them in front of the cave in Lingshui, and left without saying anything.It has thought about it, Lingshui doesn't want to see it now, so let's put aside the marriage for now.

As soon as Maru Niu left, another pink piglet ran out of the cave. At first glance, it looked the same as Maru Niu, but after careful observation, it was found that this little pink pig was one size bigger than Maru Niu. It looked cute and cute , it seems that he still can't fully adapt to his miniature body shape, he walks crookedly, and fell down several times when he ran out of the cave.

When the little pink pig saw a bunch of pale yellow wildflowers in front of the cave, he blinked happily. However, when he was walking towards the wildflowers, he tripped over a small stone and fell down again, just in time to crush the bunch of wildflowers with his nose. Withered.When Little Pink Pig saw this, tears immediately formed in his eyes, and the tears fell down.

"I'm so useless, Shisanyi will definitely despise me, woohoo..." Lingshui cried sadly.

At this time, Maru Niu didn't know that its spirit water was crying with grievance. It had already left the barrier of the spirit pig's territory and shuttled among the mountains and forests of Mount Yunmu.

From a distance, Maru Niu saw that Mo Dai's family was packing up the carriage and was about to leave Mo's Village, it panicked, tsk, it's a good thing it came today, if it slowed down for a while, that dead woman of Modai would have left. Missing the dead woman, but the dead woman forgot about it at all, and planned to leave without waiting for it!
Maruki conveyed it to Modai with his consciousness while running. It didn't know whether Modai's ability had been restored. It was just trying to see, but it didn't want to. It vaguely sensed the familiar fluctuations in the past.

Modai also turned her head in surprise, and she saw a pink pig running towards her at a very fast speed.

Maru Niu snuggled into Modai's arms, sniffed the long-lost fragrance, and hummed: "Woman, the fragrant muscle fruit in your body is active again!"
Modai smiled. In fact, she has already adapted to a life without supernatural powers, but she is still happy to be able to talk to Maruki again.

Because of the arrival of Maru Niu, Mo Dai decided to postpone leaving Mojia Village for a few days. The three little ones, Mo Xiaoyu, Mo Xiaoyi and Mo Xiaoman, were very happy. They could play with the three cats of Mo Guihua's family for a few more days. .

And the other person who was very happy was Mo Sudie, who couldn't leave Xu Shaolin's eyes for a moment. Xu Shaolin was embarrassed by the stares, and he, who was always gentle and peaceful, couldn't help but give Mo Sudie a hard look.However, instead of being frightened, Mo Sudie started giggling.

Maruniu planned to go back to Yunmu Mountain the next morning and talk to Lingshui again. It would be best if he could be kidnapped, but if he couldn't, he would have to wait for a while before continuing.It had asked Modai for advice, and if it pursued males, it would be invincible and persevering, and it would be invincible. In the past, Mu Qianche was chased by Modai like this.

However, Maru Niu's pursuit plan has not yet been implemented. In the evening of the same day, another little pink pig stumbled and appeared in front of the gate of Modai's house, but it hesitated to go in.

Maru Niu suddenly smelled the spirit water, and hurried out the door, when he saw the spirit water which was about the same size as him, he was so excited that he froze in place.

When Lingshui saw Maru Niu staring at him stupidly and didn't speak, thinking that it didn't like his appearance, he felt sad from it, and tears fell straight down.

Maruniu panicked at the sight: "Lingshui, why are you crying?"

Lingshui turned his face away: "Thirteen, do you think I'm ugly and don't want me anymore?"

(End of this chapter)

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