A good wife and a good mother

Chapter 70: Finally Building a House

Chapter 70: Finally Building a House (5)
So many helpers came to Mo Daxi's house at once, and they were from the town. The villagers were shocked, and many people went out of their homes and stood at the intersection to look at Mo Daxi's house, talking about what happened to Mo Daxi's house.

The 30 people were going to camp on the spot during the construction of the house. They not only brought tents and other things with them, but also food, pots and pans.In the past, the hosts who hired them to work usually only had one lunch, and they had to arrange for breakfast and dinner by themselves, but this time it was said that the host did not even provide lunch, and their boss Shi Mo agreed, so they could only solve it by themselves. eat.

However, Mo Dai felt a little sorry, although Shi Mo said that she could ignore the food, but she was afraid that if she didn't let those people eat enough, they would not work hard for her.Fortunately, she has borrowed 100 taels of silver from Shi Shi, and after buying the grinding stone, there are still 52 taels left. Shi Mo estimates that the house can be built in about one and a half months, so minus their wages of 36 taels, there are still 16 taels of silver left. Enough for odd expenses on weekdays.

Mo Dai went to the town and bought [-] catties of white rice and noodles each, dozens of Chinese cabbages, two baskets of radishes, and [-] catties of pork, oil, salt and other necessities, and then asked the rice store to The proprietress sent a carriage to drive home.

The helper in Shi Mo's hands moved very quickly, and the ground was finished in just one day.All the dilapidated houses and courtyard walls were torn down, and all the bushes and weeds on the wasteland were set on fire for a while, and all those that could not be burned were eradicated with sickles and shovels.After the sundries were cleared away, some helpers went to the foot of Mount Yunmu to transport the soil, while the other part filled the land with the transported soil, and then used stone rollers to roll back and forth to compact it.

Seeing that the messy place changed drastically in just one day, Mo Dai knew that these helpers were working hard, so she compared her heart to them, and she could not treat them badly.In the first half of the day, she still went to Fumantang to continue writing her storybook, and in the second half of the day, she rushed home to cook for the helpers. Mo Wuyun and Mo Wufeng were responsible for serving tea and water and doing some odd jobs. Xu Shaolin and the pregnant Mo Wuqing took special care of the children so that they would not run off to play on the construction site out of curiosity, and no one would be able to compensate them if something went wrong.

The kitchen of Mo Daxi's family was demolished, and now Mo Dai can only borrow the kitchen of Mo Guihua's family, and simply ignores Mo Guihua's objection, and provides meals for their family.Mo Guihua felt very sorry, so she took the three husbands and followed the group of helpers under Mo Shi's hands.Mo Guihua is also a capable person, she got started in a short time, and was appreciated by Mo Shi, and wanted to win her into his construction team, Mo Guihua naturally agreed with great joy.

On the second day after the land was finished, the ox convoy responsible for delivering the green bricks drove into Mojia Village mightily.This scale is too large, and Mojia Village has rarely seen it once in decades, so the whole village, young and old, came to watch, smacking their tongues and sighing secretly. Naturally, some people are envious and others are jealous.

When Mo Achun saw it, he was full of evil spirits, and yelled back at his own adults and children, warning them not to communicate with the members of Mo Daxi's family.

Mo Alan squinted at the cattle caravan pulling the blue bricks, and his heart burst into flames, Mo Daxi, you are capable, not only asked the meat back, but also asked the old lady to post dozens of pennies, and now it is like this in the village Show off generously, hmph, I'm not afraid of capsizing in the gutter and dying without a whole body!
The head of the clan, Mo Jinhua, was also shocked by the cattle caravan pulling the blue bricks, and thought to himself, the transformed Mo Daxi really has some skills, and actually started construction.It's just so much labor and so many blue bricks, how much money will she have to spend?

For this reason, Mo Jinhua asked Mo Dai to ask questions in private, and Mo Dai said with a face of shame that she borrowed it from the shopkeeper of Fumantang.Mo Jinhua asked with a stern face at the time: "Borrowed from the shopkeeper of Fumantang? How can you have such a big face as a small worker, and borrow so much at a time?"

Mo Dai bluntly said that she can speak a little in Fumantang, which was appreciated by the shopkeeper.Mo Jinhua looked Mo Dai back and forth over and over again, staring at Mo Dai until she slapped her on the shoulder suddenly: "Hahahaha, good girl, I really didn't expect you to be so kind!" What a skill! Good storytellers, those who can tell stories are all capable people!" As he spoke, he turned his mind, "Then next time someone has a wedding or a wedding, your girl will go and talk with your aunt, don't worry, the money will not come You will be missing!"

Mo Dai was taken aback, and thought to herself, Mo Jinhua is also an old fox!Asking her to tell stories at other people's weddings and weddings, God, let's not talk about how loud it is, but if I say it, can the salary be as high as that in Fumantang?The answer is obvious.

"Auntie, look at my voice, it's still a little hoarse. I'm not suitable for storytelling, so I won't talk about it now. If my aunt's brothers and sisters are married, I can go and tell my aunt for free. , As for other people's weddings and weddings, I won't try my best!" Mo Dai smiled sincerely.

Mo Jinhua looked at her for a long time, although Mo Daxi's refusal made her feel a little uncomfortable, but the girl also has her own things to do, not to mention she promised to speak for her sons' happy event for free!Thinking of this, Mo Jinhua felt relieved, patted Mo Dai's shoulder again, and said earnestly: "Forget it, now I know you are capable, so don't mess around again in the future!"

"Hey, Daxi must remember your words!"

Mo Jinhua glanced at the construction site in full swing again: "You girl is really bold, you borrowed money to build a house, and it was so big! Alas, the days to come are still long, you have to take it easy. Hurry up!" Then he glanced at Modai again, this glance was very meaningful.

"Hey, Daxi understands, don't worry!"

Mo Dai's heart was a little turbulent, the first thing she thought of was that the tree would attract the wind, she might be jealous of the villagers in the future, and thieves might also stare at her house.Well, it's decided. After the house is built, we must raise a few more guard dogs. By the way, there must be some sharp things on the courtyard wall to prevent thieves. She will go talk to Shi Mo about it.

In the afternoon of this day, Shi Mo watched Mo Dai busy up and down in the stove, and couldn't help but sneered: "Women work hard like Mo Guihua, who would nest in the stove and eat like you?" What? I am really ashamed of you!"

Mo Dai raised her eyebrows, and stuffed a radish ball into Shi Mo's mouth. Although she didn't speak, the meaning was very obvious - "You can't stop your stinky mouth if you eat it."

Shi Shi frowned displeased, and was about to get angry, but suddenly felt that the radish balls tasted very good, the skin was crispy and fragrant, and the inside was soft and tender, and the more you chewed, the more delicious it became.Shi Mo closed his eyes and lay on the recliner in the yard of Mo Guihua's house, enjoying it like a grandpa. After eating a radish ball, he shouted at Mo Dai in the kitchen: "One more!"

(End of this chapter)

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