A good wife and a good mother

Chapter 91 New Business Opportunities

Chapter 91 New Business Opportunities (2)
In the private room on the second floor, Shi Lan was half lying on the couch, with a brocade quilt on his back, and in front of the couch was a small dark-coloured table with a cup of tea and some delicate snacks.On the right side of the couch is a qin table with a guqin on it, and on the left side of the guqin is a small three-legged tripod burning with tranquilizing incense.On the left side of the couch is the short book case that Mo Dai used when writing the script.

The boy knocked on the door first, and then raised his voice slightly outside the door: "Miss, Miss Daxi is here!" After speaking, the boy pushed open the door and let Modai in, while he withdrew, leaving Close the door gently.

"Daxi, come here and sit down. I haven't seen you for a long time, but your complexion is getting better and better!" Shi Lan looked at Mo Dai with a smile, and there was joy from the heart in his eyes.

Modai smiled, and still stood still. Although she wanted to say politely "Miss Shi's complexion is getting better and better", but when faced with Shi Lan's obviously sicker complexion than before, her words The polite words against his will were a little hard to say, so he simply changed the subject directly.

"Why doesn't Ms. Shi come to Fumantang recently? That day when the little one talked about "Empty City Strategies", the guests still couldn't forget Ms. Shi's piano accompaniment, and they regretted it a lot."

"Hehehe, Daxi, do you really want to be so alienated from me?" Shi Lan said as if he wanted to get up from the couch, but failed after several struggles, and finally he could only lie sickly on the brocade quilt , with a wry smile on his face.

Seeing this, Mo Dai couldn't bear it, no matter how Shi Lan treated her well, she could feel the sincerity in Shi Lan's eyes, so she put the porcelain altar and snacks in her arms on the round table, walked forward and sat down. Beside Shi Lan.

Shi Lan was overjoyed all of a sudden, and stretched out his hand to hold her hand, and said in a coquettish tone as if complaining: "Daxi, you don't know how painful I was in the past few days, so to speak, you almost won't see me Me!"

"Miss Smith is ill?"

"Yes, I'm sick, but it's not surprising. I have been weak since I was a child. I contracted lung disease when I was three years old. I would have seizures from time to time. When the attacks were severe, I would have chest tightness and cough all the time. Coughing up blood, and occasionally falling into a coma. I just fell into a coma a few days ago, which frightened my mother and father, so I went to Guqu County overnight to invite Dr. Feng from Qianyao Hall." Shi Lan Speaking of which, he suddenly winked at Modai, and said mysteriously, "Daxi, guess what I was still thinking about when I was unconscious?"

Mo Dai shook her head as a matter of course. In fact, did she want to say that when people are in a coma, they lose consciousness and don't know anything?How could Shi Lan still think about it?

Shi Lan wrinkled her nose, and was speechless to Modai's uninteresting reaction, but she didn't expect Mo Daxi to give her a warm reaction, so she said, "It was you, Mo Daxi, who I thought of when I was unconscious! I was thinking that I have not yet become a bosom friend with Mo Daxi, I am really not willing to go just like that...how, do you feel very moved?"

Mo Dai's eyelids trembled uncontrollably, and said against her will: "I'm really touched."

"Mo Daxi, you really hurt my heart!" Shi Lan shook his head helplessly.At this time, there was another knock on the door of the box.

It was Fang Ling who came in.

"Aunt Ling, come here quickly, let's listen to the touching story that Daxi wants to tell!" Shi Lan greeted Fang Ling to sit on the low stool in front of the couch, and then looked at Modai expectantly, "Daxi Xi, you can start now, if you are thirsty or hungry, here is tea and snacks!"

"Thank you, Ms. Shi!" Mo Dai thanked her, while Fang Ling rolled her eyes at her with disdain. I don't know why Shi Lan fell in love with Mo Daxi and treated her so preferentially!
Before Mo Dai told the story, she didn't forget to put Xiao Sheng's snacks in front of Shi Lan and Fang Ling, and took advantage of the opportunity to pick up a snow-white little rabbit snack and put it in her palm.Fang Ling and Shi Lan subconsciously looked at Modai's hand.Mo Dai's hands are fair and slender, with slender fingers, and the nails are round and glowing with a healthy luster. There is no callus in the palm, and it is as tender as a baby's skin.

Modai looked at the little rabbit with gentle and peaceful eyes at first, and then as if thinking of the touching story through the little rabbit, the eyes began to become deep and remote——

In the cold winter of that year, a blizzard swept across the entire land, and the goose feather snow fell for a full month.That day, the proprietress of a dim sum shop that had just opened in a small town braved the snow to go to a neighboring town to buy materials for making dim sum. On the way back, she saw a dog frozen in the snow. white rabbit.That white rabbit looks very young, only half a foot long.

The proprietress is kind by nature, and when she saw the white rabbit dying from the cold, she suddenly felt sympathetic. She took off her old cloak and wrapped the white rabbit up. She dug a snow hole for the white rabbit in the snow at the foot of the mountain, and put the white rabbit The rabbit put it in, and put a piece of pancake that he carried with him by the white rabbit's mouth.Although the proprietress did these things, she didn't expect the white rabbit to survive.

However, the white rabbit did survive on the proprietress's old cloak and the dry pancake she left behind.

Afterwards, it seemed that the good deeds of the proprietress moved the world, and her dim sum sold very well. One year later, her dim sum shop doubled in size and became the largest dim sum shop in the town, and the business became more and more prosperous.However, she was hated by her peers at this time.The colleague bought a beggar from outside to frame her, saying that the pastry in her house would die after eating it, and the beggar did hold his stomach and screamed in pain after taking a bite of the pastry, and soon he bled to death from his seven orifices.So her dim sum shop was closed down by the government, and because of the collusion between her colleagues and the government, she had nowhere to sue. Overnight, she changed from the owner of the largest dim sum shop in the town to a destitute poor person. Not only that, she and her Her family has also been pointed at by the townspeople, and there is no place for her in this town anymore.

It was another cold winter, and in the heavy snowfall, she took her family to another small town. Unexpectedly, misfortunes never came singly on the way. A group of robbers robbed her of all her property and brutally killed her family. She was also seriously injured. lying in the snow.Her family members were all dead, and she had no desire to survive, so she just waited for death in a half-conscious state.

At this time, a snow-white mass suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, which turned out to be a white rabbit about one foot long.The white rabbit's ruby-like eyes stared straight at her, and finally he picked up a tattered old cloak and placed it in front of her eyes.

The proprietress thought the cloak looked familiar, and suddenly remembered that she used it to wrap a frozen white rabbit a year ago. Could it be that the white rabbit in front of her was the one she had rescued?But so what, she has nothing and doesn't care about anything.

Seeing that she closed her eyes again, the white rabbit jumped to her heart and warmed her with his fur.

(End of this chapter)

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