Chapter 427 Kacha Kacha Kacha——(Subscribe)
The island of the Navy Headquarters is called Marin Fondo.

In addition to a large number of elite navies stationed on Marin Vanduo, it is also the home of senior naval officers. Most of the family members of naval officers will be settled here.

In this era of great pirates, the family members of officers who can be settled in Marlin Fando can be said to be the most envied people, because they will stay away from the so-called pirates.

No pirates would come to Marin Vandor to make trouble. It would be the same as the wanted criminal in the previous life wandering in front of the gate of the Beijing Armed Police Headquarters, holding a loudspeaker and yelling 'Catch me, idiot', which is asking for death.

of course.

Everything is not absolute.

Among the pirates, there are four emperors who rule the pinnacle, any force of them can challenge the strength of the Navy Headquarters, and their names are—Four Emperors!
If it weren't for the fact that the Four Emperors were not at odds with each other and had no intention of joining forces, it is unclear whether the Navy Headquarters would still be able to exist.


The Four Emperors became a thorn in the throat of the navy. As the commander of the navy, the Warring States was always thinking about how to eradicate these four "tumors".

just now.

The opportunity has come, and the position of Shichibukai in Crocodile is vacant. Blackbeard Tiki, who used to be the "Four Emperors and Whitebeard Pirates", brought his son Ace named Whitebeard, as a petition, and wanted to To compete for the position of Qiwuhai.

Sengoku agreed.

Because, Ace's identity is far more than that of "White Beard's godson". According to years of intelligence collection, this man who also made a name for himself in the New World is the son of Pirate King Roger!


Ace bears the dual identity of Whitebeard and the son of One Piece, making him an excellent bait—a bait to eliminate the Four Emperors "Whitebeard".

The relationship between Whitebeard and One Piece Roger, according to the navy's intelligence, is absolutely unusual.


The Warring States set up a conspiracy.

Two months in advance, he began to publicize Ace's identity, and like Roger the Pirate King, he will be beheaded on a designated date and at a designated place, so no matter what level of Ace's identity is hindered, it is impossible for Whitebeard not to come.

The place where Ace was beheaded was at the Navy Headquarters, Marine Vand.

The reason why the time is scheduled for today, two months later, is precisely to have time to evacuate the family members of Marin Fando's officers, and to gather all the strongest combat forces of the navy, Qibuhai, etc.

to this end.

The Marshal of the Warring States Period, who was supposed to abdicate, insisted on carrying the heavy pressure of the five old stars, and dragged on until today. It is bound to leave Whitebeard's life in Marin Vanduo today!

The war is imminent, but the Marshal of the Warring States Period received a piece of news that made him blush—after Judiciary Island, the city where countless criminals were imprisoned will only exist in history from now on. destroyed!

At the beginning of the Warring States Period, when he received the news, he expressed that he didn't trust it. Even if the city of Fuel was destroyed, with Magellan and a large number of troops to suppress it, it wouldn't mean that he didn't even have a chance to report, right?
The news that was sent half an hour ago was just that Bucky, the remnant of One Piece, escaped from the cell.

The reason why the power generation came to report was only because Bucky’s pirate ship was wandering around the city of advance, and he called Marlin Fandor a naval warship back just in case—in order to be safe when escorting Ace, the city of advance All the naval warships are escorted to Marin Vanduo.

Considering the importance of Advancing City, Sengoku even dispatched a naval warship to go there, but you told me that Advancing City has been destroyed by Lanye? !And the escaped pirates are capturing naval warships? !

The call was terminated at this point, and the Warring States period looked aggrieved.

What the hell are you telling me, how did Lan Ye 'destroy' Push City?Such a big underwater fortress, if it is gone, it will be gone?
After several unsuccessful calls to the city, he had to believe that the city had really been captured. And it was the kind that was blown to ashes.

'Arthur D. Lan Ye regretted it at the beginning!When the Arendelle incident happened, we should try our best to destroy you, hey—'

Warring States felt that his hair had turned gray again.

Rubbing his temples with his hands, Sengoku also understood why, this time as the bear of Shichibukai, he would reject the World Government's call-up order and instead go directly to the Naval Research Department, asking Vegapunk to immediately carry out the last step of the pacifist remodel.

It turns out that when Lan Ye and his gang were photographed flying, it was Xiong who was trying to save the country. Then all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates are safe and sound, right?
As for why Lan Ye appeared in the Warring States Period of Advance City, he was not curious, and he did not ignore Luffy who accompanied him.

Ace's life experience is hidden so deep that the navy can dig it out, let alone the sworn relationship between Ace and Luffy, the black and white words are all in his goat belly.

'However, you still made a wrong move. Ace has already been escorted to Marlin Vandor. As for the mess behind, I have already retired from my post at that time, so let the new marshal have a headache. '

Thinking of it this way, the heart of the Warring States was suddenly widened.

He called a naval officer at random and asked him to personally guard the power room to ensure that the gate of justice was locked and would not be opened again after escorting Ace's naval fleet through.

Warring States thought for a while, but still worried and dispatched all the admirals to support the naval fleet that escorted Ace.

This bait cannot be lost, and one cannot be too careful.


I don't know why, there is always a kind of haze lingering in the heart of the Warring States Period, and I always feel that I have missed something?
Warring States is not the only one who is sad.

On the ruins of the city that once advanced, Blackbeard and his crew of little birds had the same blue complexion as the Warring States period. Blackbeard, who was so angry that his liver hurt, felt that his liver was afraid of him several times under the influence of the dark fruit. It's about to explode.

Especially when Blackbeard saw a sea buoy and the message "Unexpectedly, I knew you were coming, so I blew up the city first—Blue Night" message, Blackbeard said that his lungs were about to explode!

"Damn! Where did this blue night get the information from? He's going to fight against me everywhere! How did he know that I'm coming to the city to recruit partners?"

After some venting, Black Beard's gaze could not help but sweep over the Du Q and the others.

He wondered if someone had exposed his intelligence.

Poison Q and the others are not easy to get along with. If it weren't for the fact that Blackbeard changed his face so quickly, all the people would have rebelled immediately. Joining the Blackbeard Pirates is just a deal. Now it seems that Blackbeard I'm afraid I won't be able to hand over the bargaining chip.

After finally appeasing the minds of the subordinates, Blackbeard directed the ship to the gate of justice with a black face. Although the like-minded 'partners' in the city were not recruited, the next link was crucial.

As long as the next plan to capture Whitebeard's "Zhenzhen Fruit" can be successful, then there is no need to pay too much attention to the small flaws now. After all, with that powerful fruit, why does his subordinate have his own strength to use?
But can it really go well?
"If you fail again this time, then Arthur D. Lan Ye, your 'card fruit' seems to be very good, pay the price for your own behavior!" ' Blackbeard thought secretly.

As for whether he can survive the blue night?

Sorry, Ben Beard's dark fruit is the nemesis of all devil fruits, the issue of force value has never been thought about by Black Beard.

He touched his left heart.

Blackbeard said that sooner or later, the old and new enemies will be settled together!

"Ah ~"

"Well, what's the matter with you, Lan Ye, did you catch a cold from the sea water just now? Go and exercise~"

".Luffy, have you really forgotten my abilities? Do you think I'll be submerged in sea water?" Lan Ye burst out with a '#' character on his forehead.

"Well, who knows, what if"

"Bastard! Do you think everyone is as sloppy as you!"

After using 'Super Shenluo Tianzheng' to destroy the city of advance, without Lan Ye's command, Jinbe has already consciously grasped the rudder, and drove the naval warship to the gate of justice.

The gate of justice had been opened a long time ago, otherwise this naval warship would not have been able to reach the city of advance, but after Lan Ye destroyed the city of advance, this gate of justice might never be closed.

But that's something the world government should worry about, Lan Ye doesn't care, anyway, it's just going to the navy headquarters along the current.

of course.

The sea buoy that Blackbeard saw was prepared by Lan Ye a long time ago. For no reason, he just wanted to disgust Blackbeard. After all, he was the future team member who killed more than half of him.

It's something to brag about.

It's a pity that due to time constraints, otherwise I really want to stay and take a good look at his face.

It is also because of the tight time, and the location where the cards gather this time is a bit strange, it is located in the deep sea more than 6 meters below the seabed in the windless zone, which is the location of LV[-], and the scattered cards gathered It will take a certain amount of time, so Lan Ye chose to go to Marin Fando to participate in the battle first.

As for the wave of extra money in the promotion city, it's the same if you come back later.

But the journey was not smooth.

Because the gate of justice at the back was not closed, the flow rate of the vortex ocean current failed to reach the highest level. According to the current speed calculation, it will take about half an hour longer than the normal vortex ocean current to reach Marin Fondo from the booster city. time.

The fleet escorting Ace set off two hours earlier than them.

That is to say, they will arrive at Marin Fondo two and a half hours after Ace arrives at Marin Fondo.

Two and a half hours is enough for Ace to be chopped into pieces.

This made Luffy jump up and down all the time, always chasing Lan Ye, let him fly behind the naval battleship and push it to increase the speed.

Lan Ye refused to do this.

What's wrong with you?

This young master has just finished a vicious (pretentious) fight (forced), so you let this young master do coolies?
Firmly disagree!
During the entanglement, because of Blackbeard's resentment, Lan Ye sneezed, and then there was the above conversation.

the end.

Lan Ye, who was so annoyed by Luffy, still took out a green magic card, the effect was a bit weak, that is, it could increase the speed of a bulky vehicle by more than three times, and last for an hour.


In the note of the effect, the introduction on how to increase the speed by three times, the original words are 'it will cause various unexpected factors, so that the speed of the target vehicle will be tripled'.

At first, Lan Ye didn't understand what this 'accidental factor' was. After he used it, there was no movement for a while, which made Luffy think that Lan Ye was lying to him.

Lan Ye couldn't explain why.

This young master scrapped a green card to buy clean, but in the end, this young master lost his chain?
This is inappropriate!

Just as he was considering whether to give Luffy a hard blow, a burst of noise came from the stern of the ship. Turning his head to look, Lan Ye finally understood what the so-called "accident factor" was—a 3000-meter-high "Tsunami Express" to find out.

Just like surfing, if naval warships can take this wave of 'Tsunami Express', the speed will not only increase three times, but also five times.

But I'm afraid it's going to capsize!

Anyway, the Bikudop that was hanging behind him had already been swallowed up, and Bucky was also lucky. Luffy took him over due to Shanks’ reasons, and Bucky was by the way. A string of former subordinates.

It's the sword-players, the lion-players, the lions being played, etc. Anyway, Lan Ye doesn't remember the details.

And the naval warship, under the command and driving of the "veteran driver" Jinbei lowering the sails and driving a large number of sharks to assist, safely drove the naval warship to the top of the wave of the "Tsunami Express".

The feeling of stepping on the tsunami wave is really interesting.

Anyway, [-]% of the pirates on board were so frightened that their feet went limp.


Good things don't last long.

Seeing that the naval warship pressed the five-times speed-up button, the 'Tsunami Express' was frozen when it was about to arrive at Marin Fando. There is no doubt that this was a good thing done by Admiral Aokiji Kuzan.

Moreover, this 3000-meter altitude is not something that anyone can go down. Lan Ye even said that he spent a lot of time 'driving the Tsunami Express' just now, and he couldn't fight anymore in a short time.

Coincidentally, at this time, the phone bugs on the naval warships were automatically connected. This is the navy's combat communication mode. It notifies all the navy's phone bugs to adopt the third set of combat plans, and after the battle is successful, Ace will be executed directly. .

Tell the truth.

Lan Ye knew it was a trap as soon as he heard it. Even if the Warring States period is a pig, can such important information be notified through the public channel?

Well. But there are always fools with bad brains.

Like Luffy.

Hearing that Ace was going to be executed early, Luffy couldn't sit still. He yelled to push the naval battleship, slide back into the sea from the back of the tsunami, and then drive to the edge of the frozen zone, so he could participate in land combat up.

The quality of the frozen ground of the Kuzan brand is still good, not much worse than that of land.

Ivankov and Jinbei naturally agreed with Luffy's battle plan, and the three of them jumped off the naval battleship together with Luffy, and bombarded the stern of the naval battleship with all their strength, intending to dig a hole to slow down the frozen naval battleship. Slowly slide back, and finally slide down to the bottom of the sea.

But well.
Lan Ye slapped the dragon wings indifferently, watching that the wave crest carrying the naval warship was completely cut off due to the force and bravery, and then even the naval warship led Luffy and the three of them to the ground and fell to the ground.

Hmm. From Lan Ye's aiming sight, it should land right in the sea in a frozen blank area in the center of the frozen zone, and no one will die.


That guy Luffy is a rubber man, he can't die even if he falls to his death.

As for Luffy's screams. Kacha, Kacha, Kacha——

"Returning to the Night Xuanyou" rewards 1000 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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