Chapter 467 The Winged Lizard (Subscribe)
The escape of the shark seems to be a signal.

The signal that the deep sea undercurrent began to surge.

The trajectory of the deep-sea undercurrent is not fixed. With factors such as underground volcanoes, large Neptunes (above [-] meters), and regional influences, the trajectory of the deep-sea undercurrent changes in a small range all the time.

This is not.

The three of Luffy are fighting with Kurakon, and their battlefield is suddenly covered by the deep sea undercurrent, and it is also a rare downward undercurrent. For the specific principle, please refer to the "siphon principle".

What, do not understand the 'siphon principle'?
Do you know the toilet, the 'siphon principle' is used to flush the toilet.

simply say.

The Sunshine, Luffy, and Kuraken, as if they were in a toilet, were rushed deeper into the ocean by a downward undercurrent.

In the original play, the three of Luffy here will be separated from the team because of this accident.

But Lan Ye can make this happen?

Pathfinder idiot Zoro, Nosebleed Maniac Sanji, Troubleshooter Luffy, which of these three images can you say can be released alone?

Must not!
During the rapid descent under the turbulent current, Lan Ye stretched out the gravitational rope to trap everyone on the deck, so as not to let the friends have nowhere to go, and with the other hand, he also threw out the gravitational rope, sending the three of Luffy ahead One step' snuffed out in the cradle.

Don't even think about going out and doing things by yourself!
After solving the potential hidden dangers, Lan Ye has the time to look around—he is the only one on the boat who has this kind of leisure time. Except for Robin and the two girls who are holding Lan Ye's arms, they are all flying around like a roller coaster. If it wasn't for Lan Ye, he might have been thrown out of the Sunshine.

In such a short time, the exact depth is not known yet, but it must have dived to a depth of more than 7000 meters. The surrounding area is now invisible to even a ray of light. Although the blue night dynamic vision is excellent, but in the dark, both eyes are smeared. , can't see anything.


At his level, it is no longer just relying on eyes to capture things, but more on intuition, and a wider coverage of knowledge and arrogance.

Lanye also has a complementary repulsive induction loop, so he knows the surrounding situation very well.

such as.

He knew that the end point of the Sunshine's trip was in the territory of a deep-sea volcano group, and this deep-sea volcano group was still active—that is, if their morals were a little bit weaker, the deep-sea volcano might Will erupt.

Lan Ye frowned slightly.

According to his visual observation, if the volcano group really erupts collectively, the power will not be much worse than Akainu's full blow, even better than it. Even if he is confident in protecting the safety of everyone on board, the Sunshine cannot Take care of it.

The power of nature cannot be compared with manpower.


When the Sunshine got rid of the undercurrent and successfully reached the sky above the deep-sea volcanoes, Lan Ye directly said to Franky who was still a little dizzy:
"Frankie, get out of here as soon as possible."

"Huh? Oh, right away." Franky shook his head, the roll just now was quite painful, at least it was as much as three consecutive roller coasters.

Frankie wobbled to steer the helm, but Chopper sat down on the deck with his mouth open and tongue out, while Little Hoof was still subconsciously undoing his clothes.

This is heated.

As the elk of Winter Island, the scorching heat can be said to be the nemesis of Chopper after sea water and Hailoushi.

Robin noticed Chopper's abnormal reaction immediately, and after some inquiries, he naturally discovered the current situation.

There is no need to poke your head out from the side of the ship, as long as you look into the distance, you can see red craters and the distorted flames. Some craters are still emitting air bubbles. Going up is dreamy and dangerous.

If the descending undercurrent had been stronger just now, it would have sent them directly to a certain crater. Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Contrary to everyone's fear, Nami, who has practiced in Weather Island for two years, saw something was wrong at a glance, and shouted with a little panic:

"Be careful, Frankie, avoid those bubbling craters, that's a sign of an imminent eruption"


The dull roar interrupted Nami's reminder, the originally dark surroundings were rapidly brightening, and at the same time the Sunshine floating in the sea was shaking slightly, which was not caused by vibrations, but a phenomenon caused by the rapid flow of surrounding ocean currents.

Before everyone had time to react to what was going on, Lan Ye, who had been watching from the sidelines, Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Minov, Yi Lusi, and Eniloju all changed color suddenly.

the same moment.

These people who had pre-seen the crisis started their own actions—time was running out, and they couldn't do much.

Luffy stepped on the 'shave' and swept towards the nearest Nami, grabbed her arm and threw it overboard, and then moved on to the next target.

Zoro and Sanji are also doing the same thing, grabbing the nearest person with 'shave', and throwing them overboard as well.

Minov didn't move, he opened his hands and embraced Qianhuizi who was approaching, while he hit the ground with his back, and the lawn against his back was covered with a domineering armed force, covering a three-meter radius in pitch black.

Before Yi Lusi had time to move, she felt that her arms in her arms were empty, and then her first reaction was to step up and grab Robin's arms, and then stood there, full of confidence.

Enel's actions were a little weird.

He first turned into an electron and disappeared in place, and then suddenly appeared on the empty deck around him. It didn't look like he was going to rescue someone at all, but more like he was interrupted from his original intention and stopped abruptly. stature.


Enilo paused for less than a blink of an eye, turned into lightning and swam around rapidly, threw Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji to the companions overboard with all their strength, and was caught by a Bula .
The eyes of the three of Luffy can be said to be tearing apart. Is it time to raise the bar? !

A few people were busy, except for Qian Huizi who was strictly protected by Minov, the others seemed to have done useless work.


There was one more man, who disappeared on deck in the blue night.

next moment.

A wider shadow enveloped the Sunshine, and the original rapid and bright red light was also isolated, and the surrounding area fell into darkness.

Everyone's vision is deprived, and other senses are more acute because of this.

The soles of the feet were vibrating violently, the temperature rose to the point that everyone present was sweating profusely, and there was a faint smell of burning in the pungent sulfur smell.

The change didn't last long, from when Luffy and the others started to act, to being swallowed by darkness, and then to the red light reappearing in the sky, the whole process took only nine seconds.

With the faintly bright red light, Nami and the others are still unclear, only Ai Nilu and other people who have knowledge and knowledge cast their eyes on Lan Ye who returned to the place silently.

Sanji's doubts, Sanji's horror, Zoro's unwillingness, Yi Lusi's admiration, and Enel's disdain, everyone's eyes have different meanings.

But their purpose is the same, that is to see from Lan Ye the price of protecting his companions this time.

They didn't see any price, Lan Ye was still Lan Ye, with neat clothes and normal complexion, if they hadn't mastered the domineering look, they wouldn't even be able to realize what Lan Ye did just now.


Now is obviously not the time to ask, Sanji said to Franky with a serious face:

"Frankie, get out of here as fast as you can, right now!"

Sanji is easy-going, he is unusual for ladies and gentlemen, and he is also kind to his companions (except Zoro), so it must be a big problem for him to be able to make such a serious confession.

Without further ado, Franky pushed the switch of "Wind to Jet", but it was only a "trace amount" instead of full power. This was enough for the Sunshine to go forward for a long way, but it still did not leave the deep-sea volcano group. scope.

Frankie obviously listened to Nami's previous warning, and the Sunshine's departure direction avoided the bubbling crater as much as possible.

After a 'spray with a small amount of wind', Franky didn't spray again immediately, but prepared to glide for a certain distance with the remaining power.

"Hey, Franky, let's get out of here quickly!" Sanji said urgently.

God knows if it's delayed any longer, will it be

Sanji has Sanji's worries, and Franky has Franky's considerations.

"Impossible." Franky shook his head and refused, "'Wind to Jet' consumes a lot of air, even if it is a small amount, it cannot be used at will. Didn't you notice that our bubble film is a little smaller?"

Sanji frowned when he heard the words, weighing the pros and cons of the two in his heart, but before reaching a result, it was Lan Ye who spoke first:

"It doesn't matter. As long as the volcanoes below don't erupt at the same time, I can protect such a ship."

When Lan Ye said so, Sanji breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that he has poor ability to resist stress, but that the power of nature is too irresistible.

Just now, he even had the consciousness of death!

"Hey, what happened?" Franky said angrily while steering the helm, "What happened just now, you even threw me around, Sauron, your kick is not light!"

Franky was kicked by Sauron and flew out of the ship, and it happened suddenly, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Faced with Frankie's displeasure, Sauron just curled his lips, but didn't speak.

Still in shock, Nami hesitated and said:

"Yes, there was a deep-sea volcano that erupted below us, right?"

"Ah, yes." It was Yi Lusi who answered, "Everyone, don't blame Sauron and the others. When Nami reminded you just now, the deep-sea volcano just below us erupted. We have knowledge and arrogance, so we sensed it in advance. But time is tight and we can’t do too much, we can only see if we can save more people.”

There was one more thing Yi Lusi didn't say.

Time is more than tight!
The time from the eruption of the volcano to close proximity, at the height of the Sunshine at that time, would never exceed five seconds before and after, but the three of Luffy had no intention of escaping independently, or even escaping, but kept pushing the approaching The companions were thrown overboard.

With Lan Ye's ability, they firmly believe that as long as they can escape the crisis of the first wave of "volcanic eruption", they will definitely survive.

These are purely their instinctive reactions.

The implication is worth pondering-they didn't consider whether they had time to escape at all.

The scene was silent for a few seconds, and then Frankie said carelessly:

"Ah, since that's the case, then I don't care about this kick. Tsk, the chest is a little sunken, and it will take some time to repair it now. Sauron, you can come and help later."

"Trouble, I got it." Sauron replied impatiently.

There was no apology, no rejection, everything was kept silent.

Everyone's friendship is not so cheap, but Franky's way of inviting you to work together is more acceptable. As for how to 'thank' Sauron in private, that is the matter of the two of them.

The relationship between the two of Sauron, which was not a big deal, has eased. Naturally, everyone will not be entangled in this. Chopper asked bluntly:

"Lan Ye, what was that covering the Sunshine just now? How do I feel, it seems to be a sea king?"

Chopper is not changing the subject, but he is really curious.

Others also cast curious eyes. The root of the sudden darkness is indeed very attractive.

"Wings, right?" Luffy patted Lan Ye's shoulder carelessly, his eyes glowing: "I shouldn't feel wrong, just now you turned into a large winged lizard, and then used your wings to protect the Sunshine, right? "

Lan Ye's face turned black.

What is a tuatara?

and also.

The point of concern, shouldn't it be that his wings protected the boat, so his body was exposed to the magma ejected from the volcano?

How can you care about a pair of wings with glowing eyes!

"Is it a dragon?" Chopper's voice was raised eight tunes because of the shock, "Is it a dragon? Did you turn into a dragon just now, Lan Ye? Is it a legendary dragon??!!"

emmmmm Lan Ye nodded helplessly.

Western dragon, isn't it just a lizard with wings?

Lan Ye nodded here, Chopper, Luffy, and Usopp who came together, their eyes were so bright that they could be used as searchlights, they kept begging Lan Ye to change again, let them see What does a dragon look like.

Lan Ye refused without hesitation.

What the hell, are you really playing this young master like a lizard?


Compared with the focus of Luffy's serious deviation, the expressions of Sauron and the others here are a little silent.

no doubt.

The ability to transform into a dragon is definitely the ability of the animal-type devil fruit, and what is related to the category of dragon is either the ancient species or the phantom beast species.

Two years ago, Lan Ye didn't have this ability.

In other words.

Lan Ye, who was able to beat the Navy headquarters two years ago, is even stronger today two years later!
Faced with the sudden volcanic eruption, Sanji and the others only thought about saving one by one, and Lan Ye already had the physical body to resist magma.
Zoro and Sanji looked at each other, and then both couldn't help feeling discouraged.

What made them discouraged was not the difference in strength. Sauron dared to speak harshly to Hawkeye two years ago, he was not a cowardly person.

What discouraged them was Lan Ye's growth rate.

Before they knew it, they had already surpassed Lan Ye at the beginning, and turned into catching up later, but now it seems that the gap between the two sides has become even bigger.

It took him three years for Lan Ye to grow from a little guy with little ability and no experience in killing to an existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Four Emperors.


To be precise, he had completed the achievement of 'killing the general' two years ago.

With such an exaggerated growth rate, what can the two pursue?
It didn't take long for Sanji and the two to be discouraged, about three or four seconds, and then they had a new goal - better than the guy opposite.

Hmm. Then the eyes of the two of them started to spark, and neither of them accepted the other.

During this period.

Franky used "micro wind to spray" three times successively, and the Sunshine finally got out of the coverage of the deep-sea volcanoes, and there was no danger of being shot at any time.


Under this dark deep sea, the deep-sea volcano is just the tip of the iceberg among thousands of crises, and there are other unknown crises lurking, which will devour them at any time.

A beam of strong light suddenly lit up from the darkness.

"Ding Dong Ah V" rewards 500 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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