Chapter 49

"We are late!"

Sanji's words made Luffy startled, and subconsciously swept around.

The nearby sea area is completely occupied by the bright red color, and the warship used as a shelter beside the raft has been bombarded, leaving only some broken fragments, because the warship sank too fast, a large amount of air in the hull was released from the sea water, stirring A large amount of sea water poured into the sinking position of the warship, and a super-large vortex was generated again. If the blue night hanging above the raft hadn't maintained the balance, this small raft would have been swallowed up in a short while.

And less than a hundred meters away from this vortex, a small vortex has not yet disappeared, devouring a small number of poor naval soldiers who escaped the bombardment of friendly forces.

What is more important in the field of vision is the warship whose muzzle is facing the raft, and the shells are cut and exploded by Lan Ye's methodical magic cards.

Master Long and Abis didn't suffer even the slightest bit of harm from the beginning to the end!
During the landing of the three of Luffy, Lan Ye didn't let even a single bullet come within one meter of them.

After understanding Lan Ye's situation before, Luffy also knew why he didn't catch the three of them before.

In such a siege, this is already the limit of what Lan Ye can do!

Silently glanced at Lan Ye, who was still concentrating on resisting the artillery bombardment, Luffy grabbed Sanji with one hand and looked at Taichi Miura who was curled up in a corner, and stretched out the other hand towards the opposite direction where Sauron was thrown. He stretched out his rubber arm, got onto the side of a warship a hundred meters away, and led Sanji away from the raft without saying a word.

Ten seconds later, the turrets of this warship were completely destroyed by Luffy and Sanji, and Zoro, who also destroyed all the turrets on the warship, jumped towards the next warship.

After 1 minute, all the warships that could bring the raft where Lan Ye was in the visible range of attack fell silent.

After more than ten seconds of vigilance, it was confirmed that there would be no more enemy attacks, so Lan Ye lowered his altitude and fell headlong on Master Long's wings.

Health remaining: 274 points.

It can be said that as long as the three of Luffy arrive three seconds later, Lan Ye will be unable to withstand the bombardment of artillery fire due to the depletion of HP, and will be buried in this sea area forever.

With heavy breathing, Lan Ye couldn't even maintain the repulsive induction circle anymore, Abis got out from under the wings of Master Long, and silently wiped the sweat from Lan Ye's forehead with her handkerchief.

"Thank you, Abis."

"Don't thank me, I obviously didn't do anything." Abis pouted.

Lan Ye smiled, but didn't speak again.

Although the battle before and after was less than 10 minutes, he felt extremely tired.

Physical exhaustion was second to none, and his health was slowly recovering.

What really made him tired was the long period of high concentration, always paying attention to the feedback in the repulsion induction circle in his mind, and processing it.

When a pile of cannonballs piles up directly, yes, it is the most worry-free and labor-saving to directly release the all-round repulsion protection circle, but the life value it consumes is also terrifying, and in the situation where he is alone and helpless, he must Let the limited life value be spent on necessary points.

To put it simply, as a magician, he must control the mana, otherwise, if the mana bar is empty, any navy soldier can cut him off.

I didn't feel anything in that strange state, but now that my mind is relaxed, exhaustion hits Lan Ye like a tide, making him really want to close his eyes and sleep.

However, this is obviously impossible. He is still in the center of the battlefield, how could he just fall asleep like this?

Trying his best not to let himself fall asleep, Lan Ye was in a trance and didn't notice it. Miura Taiyi, who had been curled up at the tail of the raft, looked around and found that although there were occasional shells falling around, they were extremely biased. The waves are pitifully weak, they must have been shot blindly from a very far away.

Carefully climbing to the other corner of the raft, Abis's back was in sight, she was wiping the sweat of Lan Ye, who was limp on Master Long's wings.

Just at this time, Lan Ye was so weak that he couldn't even open the repulsive force induction circle. After confirming that Lan Ye had no defense at all, the black-hearted navy who was let go by his soft-heartedness finally revealed his ferocious fangs. tooth!
He reached into his crotch and pulled out a dagger that was no longer than a finger. This was his last support tied to the inside of his thigh, but now it became the most threatening weapon on the raft.

"Haha, God help me too!" Miura Taiyi was very excited, "As long as I kill this devil fruit user and the little girl first, I can take a whole thousand-year-old dragon to claim credit with the admiral, and then I will be promoted to a corporal. Easy to get?"

"No, I should take the Millennium Dragon to Rogge Town. I heard that the colonel in Rogge Town is from the Navy Headquarters. Through him, I may get in touch with the senior management of the Navy Headquarters. I'm afraid it will be easy for a school officer to do so. right?"

"By the way, I must intercept a thousand-year-old keel for myself, so I can live forever. I never thought that I, Taiichi Miura, could also live forever!"

With an incomparably strong desire, Miura Tai never thought that his life was saved by Lan Ye, and raised the dagger in his hand high, aiming at the back of Abis's heart to stab it!
Blinded by greed, he didn't notice that a reflected light hit Lan Ye's eyes from the dagger he held high.

Lan Ye was still in a drowsy state, but when he was illuminated by this bright light, his spirit was lifted a little. Only then did he notice Taiichi Miura's high-raised dagger from the corner of his eye, and Abis, who was defenselessly wiping her sweat.

Because of Abis's cover, Lan Ye couldn't use the repulsive force to directly knock Miura Taiichi flying with his face full of greed. In addition, he was already weak, and his current control ability might not be accurate enough.

Almost subconsciously, he directly pushed Abis off the surface of the sea, narrowly dodging Taichi Miura's dagger, but he was stabbed in the arm by the dagger that remained undiminished.

The pain from the wound stimulated Lan Ye's spirit again. He stared coldly at Miura Taiichi who was about to give him another knife with his eyes cold.

The repulsive force used by Lan Ye is not strong, and the sharpness of the magic card alone has absorbed more than half of it, leaving only a few corners exposed in the air.

There was still a little ferocity in Miura Taiichi's eyes, and before he died, he failed to react from Lan Ye's attack, and the dagger in his hand, which was still stained with Lan Ye's blood, fell powerlessly on the raft, and his body fell obliquely to the sea.

On the blood-red sea, another dead body was added.

"Heh, I still had hope. Thank you for letting me fully understand the way of survival in the world."

Lan Ye shook his head with a complicated expression, and then plunged into the sea.

Abis is a serious devil fruit capable user, an absolute landlubber.If he doesn't go to save her, then she will definitely die!
Before going into the water, Lan Ye raised his spirits and gathered a small group of air bombs in the palm of his hand, but did not launch them. He released the last wave of repulsive force condensed by the life value under his feet to eject himself viciously, and then launched the first chasing bomb. Abis, who fell straight to the bottom of the sea, hugged Abis with her back facing her tightly in her arms. This is the water-proof bead on the equipment.

A three-meter-diameter vacuum area opened, and the air bomb in the palm of the hand dissipated the gravitational force, turning into oxygen for Abis, who had already drank several mouthfuls of seawater, to breathe.

After doing this, Lan Ye, who was already extremely exhausted, did not bring Abis back to the raft, but just sank toward the bottom of the sea.

Right now, there is no safer location than the ocean floor.

He was so tired that he just passed out when he relaxed a little.

In her arms, Abis took a few deep breaths and finally regained her strength, before she had the time to look around.

Abis directly misunderstood Lan Ye's repulsive ability for the magical ability of avoiding water beads.

It was also at this time that Abis realized that Lan Ye was about to hug her in a hurry, but unfortunately one hand was grabbing her left chest.

This made Abis struggle subconsciously shyly, but even though Lan Ye fell into a coma, the hands holding Abis were still firmly fixed, and she didn't intend to let go at all.

Shyly called Lan Ye a few times, but got no response, she could only accept this situation helplessly.

At this moment, the falling figures of the two finally stopped.

to the bottom of the sea.

It's just strange that because of the space opened by the water-avoiding beads, their landing speed is not fast, and it is impossible to reach the bottom of the sea so quickly.

Abis looked around suspiciously, and with the faint sunlight shining on the sea, what she saw were black shadows that looked like thousand-year-old dragons.

Abis couldn't help but wonder.

"Did Master Long come to save us? But why are there so many Master Long?"

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 stop!It's getting cold, I have a new chapter to add, let's exchange it with a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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