Chapter 43

"Mr. Yan, Mrs. Yan, don't worry, the child's leg has been spliced, put on a plaster bandage, and fixed, but there is something I want to ask."

"Doctor, it's okay, please speak."

"It's like this. Generally speaking, the younger you are, the shorter the healing time for fractures and wounds. For children aged six or seven, a three-month recuperation period is more than enough. However, for Yan Yan, the time may be shorter." Longer."

Yan Kai and Tian Ya looked at each other, looked at each other, and asked in unison, "Why?"

"Well, it's like this, Mr. Yan, may I ask, are you married to your ex-wife, who is also the mother of the child, as close relatives?"

Yan Kai took a deep breath, shook his head first, then, he was also confused, his voice was a little trembling, and asked, "Why did the doctor say that?"

"In the late 19th century, the French painter and visual artist, Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, whose parents were first cousins, was born with a rare bone disease. 13, 14 He broke both of his thighs in two accidents when he was [-]. His thighs stopped developing, giving him a top-heavy dwarf appearance"

"Stop talking."

Yan Kai's face almost twitched, and his heart was like a knife. Of course he knew the tragic ending of this famous painter, but he never thought that this incident would happen to him more than 100 years later. He really couldn't bear it. accept.

Tian Ya shook his hand, it was as cold as ice, maybe the doctor was right, if Yan Kai and Wang Yuqian were not blood relatives, then why Wang Yuqian and Yan Kai's mother Mingzhu looked so alike?This is definitely not a coincidence. Tianya once checked the photos of Yan Kai's parents on the Internet, and they were almost exactly the same as Yan Kai and Wang Yuxi back then. However, she did not suspect at the time that they should be relatives.

"I want to know, after Yan Yan's examination, is there anything special?"

"not yet."

"Well, now that medicine is so advanced, it shouldn't be a problem for Yan Yan's bones to heal later, right?"

"Let's rest and observe for a period of time before we can make a conclusion. Now, I dare not speak."

"Okay, we know, doctor, then, let's rest and observe first, don't bother."

"Should be."

Tian Ya patted Yan Kai lightly, "Don't worry, nothing will happen, let's go and see Yan Yan first, she will be fine."

Yan Kai felt that he could barely lift his legs. If Wang Yuqian and him are close relatives, does that mean that Wang Yuqian's niece Jin Tianya is also?If Yan Yan was born to a close relative, a child who may have problems, then, what about Jin Tianya's child in the future?

Tian Ya hasn't told her family yet, so in the hospital, only she and Yan Kai are taking care of Yan Yan.

Yan Yan kept crying, no amount of comfort could do, finally, Yan Kai got angry and slapped her on the face, this was the first time Tian Ya saw him slap Yan Yan, it can be seen that he is in a bad mood now.

"Don't make trouble anymore. I'm already annoying enough. Let me tell you, if you keep crying, I won't care about you. Also, I have to ask your mother about your affairs."

In fact, it doesn't make much sense to ask or not, the matter is already like this, Tian Ya thought, the key is the matter of Yan Yan, there must be no deviation.

Yan Yan received that slap, although she was in hot pain, she didn't dare to cry anymore, tears flowed all over her face, but she didn't dare to cry out loud, besides, she first provoked her classmates and got into a fight, but later she couldn't beat him , was pushed down, fell like this, how dare to say a word.

Yan Kai stood by the window, without saying a word, he didn't want to face the reality in front of him, close relatives, close relatives had children, he couldn't bear it, at first he thought about marrying Wang Yuqian's niece, to take revenge on the king, but now, God took revenge on him Field, this gap is really too big.

"There are gods standing three feet above your head. People are doing it, and the sky is watching. A wicked person like you will be punished sooner or later." The words are still in my ears. This is what Jin Tianya said before. Retribution will come.

Yan Kai took the phone and called Wang Yuqian on the spot.

"No matter where you are, you have to show up for me today. Let me tell you, Wang Yuqian, my patience is limited."

Tian Ya just listened, anyway, you may be cousins, and you used to be a couple, now that something happened to Yan Yan, of course you should work together, at this time, it's meaningless if you still make trouble.

At about 9 o'clock in the evening, Wang Yuqian came. She just flew over from Guangxi. When she saw her daughter, she cried heartbroken. Get out of here."

He left first, Wang Yuqian glanced at Tianya, a little embarrassed, but obediently followed out.

"The doctor said that Yan Yan is a child born to close relatives. Did you miss something about your matter?"

Wang Yuqian shuddered all over, and her face changed color, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't know what I'm going to say? Are you mentally handicapped? Don't you know what close relatives are?"

"Close relatives? How, how is it possible?"

"But the fact is that, you and I, nonsense, it turns out that close relatives got married and had children."

Wang Yuqian calmed down a little, and her voice became much louder, "How do I know what's going on? If you ask me, who should I ask?"

"You look the same as my mother, haven't you ever doubted it?"

"I look the same as your mother. Why should I doubt it? Besides, I have never met your mother. How do I know that I look like her? Do you have any reason? It's funny. It was you who Pursue me, not I'm chasing you."

"It doesn't matter who pursues who. Besides, it's a thing of the past. I just want to know, is your sister biological to you?"

"Sister? Heh, are you kidding me? I don't have a sister."

Yan Kai was shocked, "You don't have an older sister? Are you sure you don't have an older sister?"

"If I had to be counted as an older sister, it would be my mother's second husband. He had a daughter. However, when I was very young, my mother took me to remarry, and we never contacted each other again."

"In that case," Yan Kai asked again, "What's your sister's name?"

"When I left, I was only 6 years old. How can I remember so much? Besides, she was in high school at the time, and she came back only once a month. She didn't talk to us, only her father. Who knows her name, I just Knowing that her surname is Xia, her father loves her so much and always calls her obedient."

"If that's the case," Yan Kai frowned gradually, "that's her (Xiamen), there won't be any problem."

At this time, Wang Yuqian was also surprised, Yan Kai didn't talk to her about business, why did he gossip so much, about her sister, she hasn't been seen for nearly 25 years, could it be that she appeared?do what?
(End of this chapter)

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