Chapter 69

The nearest hospital was 10 minutes away, and they missed the ambulance on the way, but they didn't care, Chu Xiwen drove straight to the hospital.

Chuxi drove Tianya to the hospital to give birth!

This is a plot that Yan Kai never dreamed of.

Tianya's heart-piercing cry, the two men heard it, and felt pain in their hearts.

Yan Kai hugged her with his left hand, held her left hand tightly with his right hand, looked at her, tears welling in his eyes, "Relax a bit, listen to my prompts, adjust your breathing, breathe in now."

There were fine beads of sweat on Chu Xiwen's forehead, his face was pale, and he bit his lower lip with his upper teeth. He was not the kind of person who shed tears easily, but his nose was sore, his vision became blurred, and he blinked hard a few times. Clearing the road ahead, unexpectedly tears flowed down his face.

"I don't want to live, let me die..."

Tian Ya's right hand firmly grasped Yan Kai's shoulder, the pain and despair in his eyes made Yan Kai dare not look directly.

"Tianya, don't, be brave, we'll be there soon, okay? The hospital is ahead."

Tian Ya couldn't hold his breath anymore, he stared into Yan Kai's eyes, "I want my mother..."

Chu Xiwen glanced at the rear mirror, and immediately said, "Their car is right behind, and you can see it in a while."

Finally, finally to the hospital.

Chu Xiwen stopped the car, and Yan Kai immediately got out of the car with Tianya in his arms. The medical staff were already waiting below, pushing the man straight to the delivery room.

"Yan Kai, Yan Kai..."

Yan Kai kept holding her hand tightly, "I'm here..."

"For a while, look after me, child, please, please, don't hug the wrong one..."

"I know, I know, don't worry, Tianya..."

Men are not allowed to enter the delivery room, so Yan Kai can only wait outside impatiently.

Next to him was Chu Xiwen, who was also anxious. This was the first time he had experienced such a thing in his life. He never thought that giving birth to a child would be such a pain.

Soon, Tianya's parents, Juntian and Zou Ruolan ran over, followed by Xu Youhua, Wang Chuhan, and today's bride and groom, wearing formal dresses and wedding dresses.

There were also reporters rushing to report, and soon surrounded the hospital corridor.

Hu Kai and his wife helped take care of Chen Nuo at home.

Tianya's mother and Juntian enter the delivery room to accompany her.

From the moment the two of them entered, their tears hadn't dried up.

When Yan Kai's grandparents, Ye Xiaoyan and Lan Haiquan rushed over, they happened to hear the baby's first cry.

Everyone was very excited.

The door of the delivery room opened, and the doctor carried a baby out, "Congratulations, Mr. Yan, you are a young master, born at 11:26, weighing 3220 grams."

"Oh," Yan Kai wept with joy, "Okay, okay," he immediately took the child, hugged him in his arms, and looked at him affectionately, the child was grinning and crying happily, "My dear," he leaned over and kissed, Ask the doctor again, "How is my wife?"

"Very well, there is one more in my belly."

"May I go in and see her?"

"Sorry, no, wait outside."


Yan Kai hugged the baby and immediately gave it to his grandparents. The eyes of the two grandparents were filled with tears. It was finally a birth. It was great.

The old lady carried the child to Tian Ya's father again.

Everyone read it over and over, and everyone congratulated Yan Kai and the others.

Yan Kai smiled, Tianya can rest assured, the child is very good-looking, don't worry about not being able to take it out, but I don't know when the other one will be born...

At this time, someone said, look, the sky outside has changed color, and purple light is everywhere.

Everyone looked outside one after another. The whole hospital turned purple. Pedestrians walking in the yard were bathed in purple mist.

Shi Junyan and Yang Yi rushed over. Chu Xiwen knew that Yang Yi knew metaphysics, so he immediately asked why.

Yang Yiyi said, "The secrets of heaven must not be revealed," but he said in his heart, he was destined to be rich and powerful, destined to live three lives, 18 years, so someone has something to wait for, it's really a test.

She raised her hand and looked at her watch. At 11:59:50, she said, "Little boy, it's time to be born, don't miss the time."

Before everyone understood what was going on, they heard a baby crying from the delivery room. They were shocked and all looked at Yang Yi. This girl, at such a young age, turned out to be a fortune teller, and their respect for her spontaneously arose.

5 minute later.

Yang Yi smiled mysteriously and said, "Yan Kai, your young lady is here."

Yan Kai was startled, he looked around, but he didn't see Yan Yan, he looked at Yang Yi with doubts, "What do you mean?"

"It means that your daughter is finally born."

Sure enough, the door of the delivery room opened, and the doctor came out with a baby in his arms, with a bright smile on his face, "Congratulations, that's great, one male and one female is just a good word..."

"Wow, it's really a daughter, Yang Yi, you're right, I told Tian Ya that I hope one of them is a daughter, and it's better to look like her..."

"Hehe, it's just a coincidence."

"Congratulations, congratulations."

Everyone congratulated.

"Heavier than her brother by 90 grams, 3310 grams, just like her brother, both beautiful children, born at 12 o'clock."

Yan Kai immediately took it, hugged and kissed, his big eyes were as clear as water, and his small mouth was open and kept crying.

Yan Kai's grandparents were weeping with joy, the Yan family has had many happy events in the past two years, it's really good, it finally washed away all the previous bad luck.

"Can I go in and see my wife?" Yan Kai gave the child to his father-in-law, he wanted to know the situation of Tianya, "Can I?"

"it is okay."

"Thank you."

Yan Kai immediately ran into the delivery room.

The elder brother had stopped crying and was sleeping peacefully, but it was the little sister who kept on crying. Several women took turns hugging her, but it was useless. They all asked Yang Yi what was going on.

As soon as Yang looked outside, the purple mist had dissipated. She said with a smile, "Give this Mr. Chu a try. He and this child's horoscope and five elements are in harmony."

In view of the previous situation, everyone was convinced by Yang Yi's words, so Zou Ruolan immediately carried the child to Chu Xiwen.

Chu Xiwen was surprised. He had held that baby boy just now, and it was the first time he held a baby, and the baby didn't stop crying. This time, is it okay?After all, those great women were not coaxed.

He still reached out to pick her up, and didn't know how to coax her. He just hugged her, shook her gently, and looked into her eyes. At this time, the child also looked into his eyes, and suddenly stopped crying. She was very cute and sensible, without blinking her eyes, Chu Xiwen was also shocked, as if she had known this child for several lifetimes, her eyebrows, nose, mouth, especially her eyes, seemed to have been seen before.

Everyone called Yang Yi a strange person and admired her very much, but she just smiled indifferently.

At this time, Yan Kai, Tianya's mother, Juntian and the doctor pushed Tianya out.

Shi Junyan said, "Yiyi, I really didn't know you were still so accurate. The last time you went to the temple to worship Buddha, you met her father. As a result, she said, from the beginning to the end, she only saw one man. , or a monk, so miscalculated..."

Tianya's parents were startled, they looked at each other, but didn't speak.

Yan Kai was also shocked, Yang Yi did not miscalculate, that monk was Tianya's biological father, Qin Jianyan, who escaped into Buddhism with his wife Xia Tian on December 1988, 12.

Yang Yi blushed, "At that time, I was not good at knowledge, if now, I would definitely be able to calculate accurately..."

"It's okay," Tianya smiled, "It's the past, let me see the baby."

The old lady and Chu Xiwen immediately showed her the baby.

Yan Kai patted Chen Jun on the shoulder, "I'm sorry, brother, I messed up your wedding, you can still go on, right?"

"It's okay, two new lives, it's really exciting, boss, if you want to make up for us, that's fine, then remember what you said, your daughter, be our son's wife."

"I agree on my own behalf, haha, well, don't just worry about your daughter-in-law, let your mother-in-law have a good rest too."

"Yeah, let's go."

There was laughter and laughter in the corridor, and the cameras kept clicking and clicking. The Yan and Jin families didn't mind taking pictures. Today, what a commemorative significance, it was a wedding and a newborn was born.

The nurse carried the baby to the nursery. Ye Xiaoyan, Yang Yi, and Zou Ruolan followed immediately to prevent the baby from being dropped.

The son, named Yan Xing, means that what he says will be done, this is Yan Kai married.

My daughter, Mr. Yan named her Yan Zhiyang, which is a homonym for Ziyang. When she was born, there were purple everywhere, and even the color of the sun became purple. Also, she was born at exactly 12 o’clock, when the sun was at its highest, so , named Zhiyang.

Two days later, Tian Ya and the child were taken home, and the Yan family suddenly became lively.

"Honey, Yang Yi is so accurate, he actually counted us as the second daughter."

"I knew it was a man and a woman last night."

Yan Kai was surprised and worshiped all kinds of things, and asked, "Are you also a fortune teller? My dear."

"I don't know how to count, but there are gods and men who guide me. Last night, when I was dreaming, I dreamed of a fairy couple. They told me, 'Jin Tianya, you will give birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins. The son is better than the daughter. 34 minutes', so I know."

"Really, don't fool me."

"Absolutely not."

"Then tell me, what does the pair of immortals look like? Describe them, and I will draw them."

"Uh," Tian Ya grinned, what should I do, I can't tell him, so, after thinking for a while, he said with a smile, "I asked them, and they said their surname was Qin..."

Yan Kai was startled, Qin asked, "Qin what?"

"It seems to be Qin Nongyu. That's right, it's this one. That woman's name is that. The man's name is Xiao Shi. That's right, it's them."

"My God, is it the Nong Yu Xiao Shi in history?"

"I don't know, anyway, that's how they said it. After they finished speaking, they flew away and went to the sky. Then, I started telling them not to leave, and then, they woke up..."

"Oh, no wonder you said last night, don't go, you mean them."


Because of Yang Yi's matter, Yan Kai didn't have the slightest doubt about what Tian Ya said.

The butler came over and said that someone had given Tian Ya a gift.

Tian Ya said, "Give it to me, let me see, who gave it to me?"

"I don't know. It was a child who gave the gift. It was given to the guard. After explaining it, he ran away."

Yan Kai immediately said, "Let me take a look first, in case there is any problem." He took the box, an ordinary gift box, tied with a pink ribbon, it was very pretty, and he opened it quickly.


Yan Kai opened the box, screamed, stared blankly at the contents in a daze, Tian Ya and the butler were frightened by him, what kind of gift was it, Yan Kai, who had a lot of experience, couldn't help being surprised Call?
(End of this chapter)

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