Chapter 137 Old men are in demand!
The corner of Bo Xinyue's mouth twitched, "It's not that I don't trust you, but I'm worried that you don't know how to spend money, and you spend it all. You have to learn to save money, understand?"

Fu Jingchen nodded, "I've already handed over my property to you, so you can teach me how to terminate the contract properly, just use my money for daily expenses."

"Forget it, save your little money for marrying a wife, don't blame me when you don't have money, I have to spend money to marry you, so spend it on me, if you don't have money Before the income, I can still support you."

"Well, thank you." Fu Jingchen felt that this little girl's mind was really simple. If it wasn't for hatred, she should be living happily.

Bo Xinyue pursed her lips and nodded, "You're welcome, just in case I die one day, don't forget to help me."

"Don't worry, if you really need it, I can go through fire and water for you."

"That sounds invigorating."

Fu Jingchen raised his hand and rubbed her hair, "I'm not just saying this to cheer you up, but to tell you that I can be your retreat and your backing."

Bo Xinyue turned her head and glanced at him, "Well, I remember!"

It is really her luck to have such a person who has no blood relationship in the world but can say such words to you.

And the luckiest thing for her was that she met two such people, one was Uncle Han and the other was him.

The two came all the way to the supermarket, and the two who parked the car walked in holding hands.

Bo Xinyue asked in a low voice, "You said we always walk hand in hand like this, even if a girl likes you, I'm afraid they won't come forward to snatch you, right?"

Fu Jingchen hooked the corner of his mouth, "that only shows that they are not bold enough. If they really like it, they won't take it into consideration."

Bo Xinyue nodded thoughtfully, "Well, that's right, I've met people like this before, and I've also met people who obviously have girlfriends and came to strike up a conversation."

"Stay away from such people in the future."

"Huh?" Didn't he just say that if he likes them, he won't take this into consideration?

"I like fair play, and I really like it, not just for fun."

"Oh." Bo Xinyue doesn't understand these twists and turns. She thinks that emotional matters are too complicated and troublesome, so she doesn't like to try to figure it out.

Because her time is precious, she needs to spend it on the things she wants to accomplish, instead of wasting it on the love of her children.

Walking into the supermarket, Fu Jingchen pushed the cart, and Bo Xinyue followed him. When she saw snacks, her eyes lit up.

"Fu Jingchen, can I take less? For example, the same bag?" She smiled and gestured with her little hands, as cute as a child.

Seeing her like this, Fu Jingchen couldn't bear to refuse too hard, "You can only choose three."

"It's okay, it's better than nothing." Bo Xinyue walked to the potato chips place, and when he saw the biggest bag, he smiled wickedly.

However, before the smile fell, he heard Fu Jingchen who followed him say, "you can only choose one big bag."

"Hiss, Fu Jingchen..." She frowned and pouted, looking like she was about to explode.

Fu Jingchen said in a timely manner, "we need to spend less money. Didn't you tell me to save money? Eating this food is not good for your health and is a waste of money, right?"

Bo Xinyue gritted her teeth. Although she was reluctant, she finally compromised. After all, what he said made sense.

Finally, after choosing three favorite snacks, the two of them went to the fruit and vegetable section.

Fu Jingchen thought of inviting his parents to dinner in the evening, so he specially chose some fruits and vegetables that they like to eat.

Seeing that the things he picked were all vegetarian, Bo Xinyue couldn't help but said in disgust, "Fu Jingchen, can we be more generous? Although I said to let you save a little, after all, if you invite two old people to dinner, they don't want our rent, right? Have something to eat?"

Fu Jingchen looked at the ingredients in the cart, "I choose good fruits and vegetables, so there's nothing wrong with it."

"Can't I buy some meat?" She wondered, why doesn't he like meat at all for a big man?

Fu Jingchen explained, "older people don't like meat very much, and vegetarianism is the foundation of health and longevity."

"Then this is too vegetarian. If you don't know, you may think that we are stingy and don't prepare delicious food for our family."

"I've chosen what you want to eat."

"I like meat, and seafood is fine, but the elderly probably don't like it. Why don't you make braised pork and then make something else?" The braised pork is softer and should be easy to eat, so it is suitable for the elderly.

Fu Jingchen raised the corner of his mouth, his eyes were full of doting, "well, it happens that girls like big meat too."

"Right." She grinned with a small mouth, she just likes big meat, and she doesn't like meat.

He raised his hand and patted her on the head, "Go, go buy your big meat."

Bo Xinyue nodded and walked forward. When passing many people, she always heard girls exclaiming, "Wow, so handsome!"

"It's so charming, I really want to ask him if he has a girlfriend?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

While Bo Xinyue was listening, she saw a girl actually came up to ask. The most important thing was that this girl was pretty good-looking, and she looked about eighteen or nineteen years old.

Slightly twitching the corners of his mouth, it seems that the old man is quite popular!
Fu Jingchen glanced at Bao Xinyue who didn't intend to go forward, then looked at her and said softly, "I have a girlfriend, just in front."

The girl was disappointed when she heard that, she turned her head to look at Bao Xinyue, and left wisely.

Because Fu Jingchen's voice is enough for people nearby to hear, many people cast envious eyes, and of course some are jealous.

Bo Xinyue ignored the eyes of these people and shouted to Fu Jingchen, "Hurry up, I'm still waiting for you to buy me meat."

Fu Jingchen came to her side funny, rubbed her forehead habitually, "OK, go buy meat."

When he walked to the meat section, Bo Xinyue said in a low voice, "Fu Jingchen, you are so flamboyant. It's unbelievable that even a girl of eighteen or nineteen fell in love with you at first sight."

She really didn't understand, how could there be such a crazy and bold girl?

It is really courageous to dare to run up to him and ask him personal questions when he doesn't know the other person at all.

"They just look at the outside, so these people are not suitable for me."

"Well, that's right, these people are too naive, and it's really not suitable for you. It's better for you to find someone who is more mature, so that you can worry less."

"I think it's good that you are like this, little girl. Although you are a little worried, you can really consider for me."

"Although I am excellent, I may not be your best choice."

Fu Jingchen took a look at her, "don't draw conclusions prematurely, some things will always have unexpected results!"

Bo Xinyue was about to answer when she saw a familiar face...

 Thanks to the friends who voted for support, continue to ask for votes and attention.

(End of this chapter)

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