Chapter 206
"Okay! Except for Serena, you two, please go to the stone in front of you! Then cut your finger and drip blood on it, as long as one drop of blood is enough!" The male voice seemed to have heard Yu Wenman's words I've gotten used to it, and didn't make any reaction, but said affirmatively to the other two.

Xuanyuanchen, Yan Zimo listened to the slightly angry conversation between the male voice and Yuwenman, he was stunned for a while, but after thinking about it carefully, he understood Yuwenman's inner anger. Think about your hard work , came here after a narrow escape, but it turned out to be just a soy sauce, and it is normal to be angry, but thinking that since Ling Weiyang did this, she would never be bad for her own reincarnation, so she was relieved!Then the two turned their heads, glanced at each other, nodded affirmatively, and walked towards the stone that the male voice said together!
Xuanyuan Chen, Yan Zimo walked up to the stone and stopped. Without hesitation, one of them used the ice blade and the other used the wind blade to cut open his palm, and then saw the blood flowing down like running water. When it falls on the stone, it blooms like a flower.Then I saw the whole stone exuding a dazzling light, so that the stone was too dazzling to see anything. When the light disappeared, the whole stone was no longer a stone, but turned into a spear, and there was a cute and amazing spear beside it. Little white cat!As a bystander who was making soy sauce, Yu Wenman saw the change, and immediately stepped forward, picked up the little white cat, stroked it gently, and then said to Yan Zimo and Xuanyuan Chen: "Chen, you Help Zimo and yourself to deal with the wound first, let's talk about the rest later!"

Xuanyuanchen nodded affirmatively, then grabbed Yan Zimo's arm with one hand, and used the healing and repairing energy of the light element with the other hand, and then saw the deep wound Yan Zimo had just been scratched by the ice blade. Visible speed, it is healing rapidly, until finally fully restored, just like Yan Zimo's palm, which has never been scratched!Then Xuanyuanchen used the same method to heal his own palm completely!

"Chen, I really have to admire you, the healing power of this light element is too strong! But it is much stronger than the water element, both in terms of speed and healing power!" Yan Zimo looked at himself intact The intact palm said with a sigh.

"Water system is a full support system. It can help with anything. It can also attack and drink. It can also have a chance to mutate into ice system like you and Manman, or fog like Goya. Light system is mainly for healing, and secondly. It is the attack, and the others are useless! The two are of different types, so they cannot be compared like this!" Xuanyuan Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, okay! You two don't talk about these nonsense things! Any other spell or ability has its value, and it can't exist for no reason! We now I'm more concerned. The two things in front of me have nothing to do with me anyway. I'm just a soy saucer today. Come and see, which one belongs to the two of you? After reading it, let's leave here as soon as possible, Chen Brother Yi and Xiaoya are still waiting for us!" Yuwenman looked at the little white cat in his arms and a gun on the ground and said to Xuanyuanchen and Yan Zimo.After hearing Yu Wenman's words, Xuanyuanchen and Yan Zimo withdrew their attention and started observing the two things in front of them!
"I'm not a thing! Sister Wei Yang!" The little white cat in Yu Wenman's arms said in a familiar voice.After finishing speaking, he realized that something was wrong, and quickly added: "No, no, no! Wrong, wrong! I am Little White Tiger, and my name is Bai Haoyu! Sister Wei Yang!"

"Little guy, do you know me? Your voice is so familiar! I think I've heard it before! But you don't look like a tiger, you still look like a kitten!" Yuwenman looked at the little white tiger in his arms, and said softly. He said softly, and suddenly, as if he remembered something, he suddenly realized: "Oh! I remembered, the child's voice before we entered the door, it was you, right? Although I couldn't see anything on the big screen at that time, but you are so cute The voice, I remember it clearly!"

"At that time, it was me! Sister Wei Yang has a really good memory! At that time, my first seal has not been released, but because of the remnant soul of the master, I can still speak!" Xiao Haoyu said happily.

"Then who is the male voice who talked to us later? Where is he? I want to see him! It's best to punch him! It's best to vent your anger!" Yu Wenman said angrily, who should he put on him? , No one is very upset, it's like you go to participate in a lottery, you have to gamble before, if you lose, you will die, if you win, you can go to the lottery, but you worked hard to get the one that can be drawn On the one hand, when you arrive at the lottery draw, people tell you that we called you here just to make soy sauce, are you angry?Although it was a bad idea from her previous life, it was her previous life after all, she was already dead, so she couldn't hit herself!So I had no choice but to find the next family, the accomplice!

"Sister Wei Yang, that voice is a remnant of my former master, you can't see him! You can see him only after his reincarnation!" Xiao Haoyu said sadly.

"Who is he? Seeing that you are so sad, are you his natal contracted beast? Why did Lingweiyang choose to reincarnate, and he also chose to reincarnate? And he seems to be very familiar with my previous life Qingdi, and you and Yanyue are also very familiar. He looks familiar, is he one of the five emperors? Are you one of the five supreme beasts? Like Xiao Yanyue, the reason why he is like this is because he was sealed?" Seeing Xiao Haoyu's sad look, Yu Wenman felt a little worried !asked suspiciously.

"Sister Wei Yang, you are right! My master, that is, the male voice who is talking to you, is Baidi Baizhao refused! And I, as you said, is Baidi Baizhao refused to sit down as the supreme beast ——Bai Haoyu, the white tiger of the West! Ever since the first creation god died, the entire seven worlds have been ruled by the five masters or the five god emperors, and they have lived in peace for tens of thousands of years. It was very harmonious, but thousands of years ago, one of the five emperors practiced sorcery, his strength increased by leaps and bounds, and he reached the God of Creation in an instant! Then, for some reasons, he began to endanger the entire Seven Realms. When Ling Weiyang was retreating to find a way, that person attacked, and the other three knew that they were no match for that person, but they still fought to the death, and finally lost to that person as expected, and they were all seriously injured. When the three god emperors were in danger, Qing Emperor Ling Weiyang rushed over and didn't know what to say to the man. The man laughed a few times, and finally gave up killing the three god emperors, and Ling Weiyang finally disappeared! When he saw Emperor Qing again, as if he had made up his mind, he tricked the three god emperors to a remote place, knocked them out first, and then gave them a kind of pill, which must be The pill that would wake up after sleeping for several months, and then hid the three of them. When the three god emperors woke up, what they saw was a chaotic Seven Realms. A group of subordinates, such as Jiafan is one of them! And the whereabouts of Qingdi has been unknown! It wasn't until my master and the others touched the mechanism of the room where Qingdi had retreated before that they knew what Qingdi chose. And my master and the three of them were helpless to that person even in the God Realm. The man didn’t know why, but every time he just humiliated my master and the others, and had no intention of killing them! In the end, thinking of myself But I can’t help that person, so I might as well take a gamble like Emperor Qing! So the three god emperors also chose reincarnation! It’s just that before the reincarnation, they sealed us like a crescent moon! Sister Wei Yang, this is I know the most detailed situation, and you have to remember the rest yourself!" Little White Tiger carefully recalled all the things he remembered, and said to Yu Wenman seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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