Chapter 217 Meeting an Old Man in Front of the Base (3)
As soon as Yan Zimo saw Yu Wenman's bright smile and then took his own arm, he knew what this girl was going to do!But she has been suppressed for so long, it is good to let her vent, what he has to do is to cooperate as much as possible, after listening to Yu Wenman's words, Yan Zimo replied from the heart: "Manman! Brother Mo, I think the second possibility is more likely! Look at her face, and then look at your face, the gap will come out! One needs heavy makeup to fan the folds of the face, and the other is pink and tender. , You can’t see anything with naked makeup! So, isn’t this obvious? Besides, Brother Zimo, you’re not blessed to disappear Oba-Sang’s grace!"

"You—what are you? You're just a little girl with no background. What do you compare me to? Isn't it just tied up with a wealthy son-in-law?" Xue Bingbing didn't dare to do anything to Yan Zimo, but if she If Bingbing was ridden on the head by a yellow-haired girl, how would she gain a foothold in the F base in the future, so she stepped forward, raised her right hand, and while cursing, she was about to slap Yuwenman on the cheek!Originally, Yan Zimo didn't say anything, she didn't pay attention to anything, but she just wanted to find someone to vent to, and make Yan Zimo look bad by the way!But after listening to Yan Zimo's words, the more she looked at it, the more jealous she became, and the more she looked at it, the more she felt the urge to destroy the porcelain doll in front of her!In this world, she will destroy everyone who is more perfect than her!
But before Xue Bingbing slapped Yu Wenman with his hand, just as he raised his hand, a man grabbed his hand, and then a woman's figure flashed over, and then slapped Xue Bingbing's face a few times The slap came over, Xue Bingbing was stunned for a while, and when he saw the person clearly, he shouted in disbelief: "Who are you? How dare you hit me? Are you looking for death? Do you know who I am? "

"I don't care who you are? Bullying my sister is courting death!" Yuwen Chenyi said angrily, seeing Xue Bingbing unconsciously shuddered in his eyes, as if wishing to tear himself apart!Because Yuwen Chenyi's back was facing Yuwenman and the others at this time, except for Xue Bingbing who could feel such eyes, the others didn't know it!

"That's right, Brother Yuwen is right! I don't care who you are? It's wrong to bully my Xiaoman, no matter who you are! If it's wrong, I will correct it. If you want to hit Xiaoman, I will hit you! You're a bitch, but fortunately I reacted quickly, otherwise my Xiaoman would be pitiful, you are really vicious! But, to be honest, Zimo was right, she must be jealous of Xiaoman, this old man My hand hurts from the beating, it's really scratching my hand!" Goya rubbed his palm and said angrily.

"Also, next time, Obasan, don't say that she doesn't have a backer. I, Yan Zimo, are her backers! You can be a wealthy son-in-law? You can do it too! No one will stop you! Don't always move your Xue family out. In Yan Zimo's eyes, what is your Xue family? Nothing!" Yan Zimo said sarcastically.

"You..." Xue Bingbing covered her face and was about to shout angrily, but when she heard the voice behind her, she immediately pretended to be pitiful and said.

"Bingbing, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you?" A man stepped forward, supported Xue Bingbing with concern, looked at Xue Bingbing's swollen face with distress, and said angrily.This is the big tree he tied, he can't offend it, and now is the best time to perform.

"They, it was they who bullied me together! It was her who beat me!" Xue Bingbing cried pitifully, then pointed at Yu Wenman and said angrily.

Yu Wenman looked at Xue Bingbing speechlessly, and pointed at herself innocently, whether she was shot while lying down like this!Is she so annoying?Or is it that she, Yu Wenman, and this Xue Bingbing are born to be at odds?Otherwise, why does she like to make trouble with herself so much?But Xiangchen, Zimo, brother Chenyi, and Xiaoya all like her, which means that it's not that she is annoying, it seems to be the latter!

The man raised his head and looked in the direction of Xue Bingbing's finger, but when he saw the person in front of him, the man was stunned, a little surprised, a little excited and said: "It's you? Manman!"

When Yu Wenman heard the voice, he also looked to the side curiously. Does anyone here who knows Xue Bingbing also know himself?But after seeing the person in front of him, Yu Wenman was a little speechless and asked the sky, whether it was a bad relationship for them, today was the first day they came to the F base, and before entering the gate, they ran into two enemies from their previous life!The person in front of him is not Zong Zhengfei, but who is it?If you meet Xing Jiutuo again, then this pot of porridge will be complete!And this Zong Zhengfei and Xue Bingbing, they really are destined!Whether they have their own existence or not, they can all collude together!
"Manman, why don't you speak? I'm Ah Fei! Don't you know me?" Zong Zhengfei looked at Yu Wenman who looked like a stranger in front of him, and said a little excitedly.

"Hehe! Hello! You, how could I forget? I forget myself, and I will never forget you!" Yu Wenman looked at Zong Zhengfei in front of him, and said sarcastically.

"Manman, don't look at me with such eyes, I——my heart aches!" Zong Zhengfei saw the beautiful woman in front of him, looking at him with eyes like an enemy, full of sarcasm, and said heartbroken.In fact, he has been reflecting on what he did wrong?Why did Manman treat him like this?He did want to use her before, but when she was about to marry someone else, he realized that he had used his true affection for her!But he couldn't even enter the venue where they got married, so how could he stop it?He has never dared to think about it, but he often thinks about it at night!
"Oh! Mr. Zong Zhengfei, now is not the time for us to get close. Besides, we have nothing to get close! It's just a relationship between an ex-boyfriend and an ex-girlfriend. Who hasn't been in love a few times before getting married! Besides, you My girlfriend is still waiting for you to discuss with us!" Yuwenman said sarcastically after hearing Xuanyuanchen's words, don't disgust her, okay?A scum like him, still feel distressed?
"Manman, listen to me——I really regret it, listen to me..." Zong Zhengfei heard Yuwenman's words, and excitedly wanted to step forward to hold Yuwenman, but was protected by a group of guards beside Yuwenman. The Flower Messenger stops it!
"Boy, show some respect! Otherwise, I'll throw you out of Base F immediately!" Yan Zimo looked at Zong Zhengfei and said sarcastically.He remembers this kid, remembers clearly, he has the opportunity to get such a good wife as Manman, but he still doesn't know how to cherish it, if you don't know how to cherish it, let it be, and it will kill the whole family...

"Who are you? Do you know who you are hitting? I don't know who threw who out of the F base!" Zong Zhengfei was stopped by a group of people, and he also roared angrily.

"Oh? Throw me out of base F, you guys try it, who dares to lose money? You don't want that Obasan lying on the ground to stand up for you? Okay! I'll give you a chance, but you should ask Ask her if she dares? That old man in her family would not dare to disrespect me, does she dare?" Yan Zimo looked at Zong Zhengfei in front of him ironically and said.

(End of this chapter)

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