Chapter 233 The truth of the night of perishing (1) ([-])
"Xiaoman, what's the matter with you, I'll take you back, I'll ask Zimo to take a look at it later!" Xuanyuanchen said nervously, then stood up, ready to carry Yuwenman back.

"Let me go back and have a look together! Xiaoman is always in good health, how could he suddenly feel unwell! I won't be relieved until I hear that Xiaoman is fine!" Goya also put down his chopsticks, packed his bag, and was about to get up and leave of!
"I'll go too!" Xing Jiutuo said nervously.

"Let's go together! I'll go talk to Zimo!" Yuwen Chenyi was about to stand up and say hello to Yan Zimo.

Yuwenman glanced at Xuanyuanchen, Yuwenchenyi and the others were taken aback by their posture, didn't they!They all go back, how can they flash!So with the guilt in his heart, he continued to say weakly: "I'm sorry! I made you worry, I'm just a little dizzy. If you all leave, what will happen to the plan for a while? How about this! I'm anyway It's not very serious, please help me go to the lounge upstairs to sleep! Maybe I'll be fine in a while! This way I can rest again, and I won't miss your business!"

Xuanyuanchen and the others saw that Yuwenman was a little pale, as if she really told her that there was nothing serious, so they helped Yuwenman to the upstairs lounge, arranged for Yuwenman to lie down, and then turned around leave!It's just that before leaving, I didn't forget to care about Yu Wenman's body!

"Honey, if you don't get better, use Mo Fengfeng to contact me! I will definitely show up right away!" Xuanyuan Chen said worriedly.

"Xiaoman, you have to lie down obediently, and listen to Chen if you feel uncomfortable!" Goya said worriedly.

Listening to everyone's concern, Yu Wenman's feeling of guilt in her heart became more serious, but she couldn't say that she was a little uncomfortable, and they were all so nervous. If they knew that she was going to the back mountain at night , I don't know what will happen!I can only say comfortingly: "I understand! Don't worry, I will contact you with ink and wind if I have anything, so don't worry about me if you do anything! Otherwise, I won't worry!"

Seeing everyone nodding their heads affirmatively, Yuwenman felt a sense of guilt overflowing his heart, so he could only choke up and say, "I'm sorry! I can't participate in the evening plan, so it's all up to you!"

"Fool! We are enough, so don't worry about these things. You just need to take good care of your body, which will be the greatest help to us!" Xuanyuanchen fondled Yu Wenman's forehead and said softly .

"Yes! Don't worry!" Everyone said in unison.

Yu Wenman, who was lying on the sofa, looked at the backs of everyone leaving, and his heart could not be calm all the time. It was the guilt for his friends and relatives; it was the excitement that he would know soon, and some doubts accumulated in his heart would be solved. ;It is the worry that relatives and friends will soon face danger...

Glancing at the time at [-]:[-] on his wrist, he sighed helplessly, called Da Luo out, took out a pill, then cut his finger, dripped a drop of blood on the pill, and pointed at Da Luo. Luo said: "Da Luo, you don't need to do anything, just take this pill and lie down here to sleep! No matter if any of them come in in the morning, you just have to pretend to be asleep! Understand! ?"

Da Luo didn't know why he looked at Yu Wenman, and when he saw Yu Wenman's serious expression, he nodded affirmatively, opened his mouth obediently, spit out the pill Yu Wenman gave, and then saw Da Luo instantly Changed into the appearance of Yuwenman, then Yuwenman took off the ink on his hand and put it on Da Luo, and then said comfortingly: "Da Luo, I have some things that I have to deal with, you should be able to feel my If I am in any danger, I will notify you! But if it is not a last resort, don't tell them my location!"

Da Luo nodded affirmatively, lying on the sofa, looked at Yu Wenman with some worry, Yu Wenman said with a smile: "Da Luo, you don't have to worry about me! Aren't there Huan Huan Xi Xi beside me! Xiao Xu I'm not here, and only you, you can become about the same size as me, so I'm counting on you here! Help me delay, at least don't let them find out that I'm not here so quickly!" Looking at Da Luo's affirmative point With his head down, Yu Wenman jumped out of the window without looking back, and ran towards the back mountain of the base...

At the same time, in the bustling hall, Mr. Xue suddenly stood up, picked up the wine glass in his hand, and slammed it on the ground. Suddenly, the good wine glass turned into pieces of glass, scattered in all directions. come on...

"Mr. Xue, what do you mean?" Of course, Yan Xiansheng knew what Mr. Xue was going to do, so let's make a secret sign!But he still pretended to be stupid.

"What do you mean? I've tolerated you, Yan Shengsheng, and your Yan family for a long time! What do you think I'm going to do? If you still don't know, and you still choose to keep pretending to be stupid, then I'll tell you directly! Let's see, is it your Yan family who can destroy my Xue family casually, or my Xue family will trample your Yan family on the soles of your feet, so that you will never stand up!" Mr. Xue looked at Yan Shengsheng, without any thought. He concealed his resentment.Then with a wave of hands, many soldiers with weapons ran in outside the door, surrounding Yan Xiansheng and the others...

"Mr. Xue, do you really not regret what you did today?" Looking at the soldiers with weapons who broke into the door and surrounded themselves, their family, and allies; Mr. Xue who killed his father and enemy; looking behind Mr. Xue, gloating and laughing at Mr. Xue's allies and relatives who are sarcastic; Ally; Yan Shengsheng didn't feel nervous or panic, just slowly put down the wine glass in his hand - remembering him, then slowly stood up from his seat, turned his head and glanced at his unusually calm son and his son's face. Friends, nodded in satisfaction, then slowly turned their heads, looked at Mr. Xue and asked seriously.That expression, that tone of voice, it seems that they don't know their current situation at all, as if this kind of conversation is just an ordinary chat!
"Regret? Yan Shengsheng, should I laugh at you for being naive or stupid? Haha! I'm already at the gates of the city, do you think I'm joking with you? If this was in ancient times, I would call it treason, a palace change! You Don’t you know, what does rebellion mean? I regret it? I, Xue Ziqiang, have never done anything to regret in my life, and I don’t know what regret is! I won’t let it happen, something that may make me regret Happened!" Mr. Xue looked at Yan Xiansheng with incredible eyes, as if looking at a freak, and then said with a smile in disbelief.

"That's right, I think Chairman Yan, you should hurry up and give up your seat, maybe Boss Xue can leave you a whole body!" One of Mr. Xue's allies said with a sarcastic smile.

(End of this chapter)

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