Chapter 247 The aftermath of the night of perdition (1) ([-])
"That's right! Dad, your son, Young Master Yan, is going to starve to death! It's been a night of tension and fighting all night! I haven't eaten all this time!" Yan Zimo lay on Xiao Haoyu Said pitifully on his body.

"That's right! Uncle Yan, the family has nothing to apologize for! But Zimo has spoken my heart out, I'm so hungry too! It's already the front belly against the back belly!" Goya also said with a smile.

"Very hungry!" Xing Jiutuo also said seriously.

"Uncle Yan, Chen and Zimo really spoke our minds!" Yuwen Chenyi also said.

"Understood! I'm going to ask someone to prepare food and bath water! A bunch of little greedy cats!" Yan Xiansheng looked at the group of cute children amusedly, and said with a smile.

"What are the two behind?" Yan Shengsheng turned around and explained a few words to the subordinates behind him. Just as he was about to tell the group of children to go in first, he suddenly saw the two gray ones behind him, whose faces could no longer be seen. Let's call them "people" first!Looking at the two groups of people, he asked suspiciously.

"Uncle Yan, are you talking about them?" Goya slightly raised his hand, Qingqing was very cooperative, and threw the two balls forward with a wooden vine, and they were still on Goya's lying face. At the feet, Goya pointed to the two groups of gray and unkempt people at Huanhuan's feet, and asked Yan Shengsheng suspiciously.

"Yeah! Who are they? Why do you tie them up like this?" Yan Xiansheng nodded in affirmation and asked doubtfully.

"They! They are amazing! The two of them are the two major accomplices of this incident, the culprit - Xue Bingbing and Zong Zhengfei! It's just the two of them, it's basically impossible to see Manman alone Let this man come to Uncle Yan’s house to harass Xiaoman every day! I finally saw Xiaoman that day, and said some inexplicable words in Xiaoman’s ear. After asking Xiaoman to go tonight Shan, together with a patient who came out of a mental hospital, dressed in ancient clothes, with ancient hairstyles, and some very powerful exercises, attacked Xiaoman together! If we hadn't arrived in time, Xiaoman would have ——It’s not that crazy person they found somewhere, we won’t get hurt!” Goya looked at Zong Zhengfei and Xue Bingbing coldly, and explained.

As soon as he heard that it was Xue Bingbing and the man who was yelling in front of his house that day, Yan Shengsheng knew why, why these children treated them like this, he didn't have any objection, and even used a very positive tone, serious Said: "What a group of good kids, they did a very good job! It's a very correct decision for you to do this! At that time, look at the day, Uncle Yan will give you a medal of merit! For these things that destroy the happiness of other people's families, it has a great impact on society. People who have caused great harm, as well as family members who have launched a coup against the rebels, should be severely punished!"

"Then let's thank Uncle Yan first!" Goya and the others were immediately amused when they heard Yan Shengsheng's jokes in an official tone!He replied with a smile.

"However, children, since you didn't kill them right away, but took so much effort to drag them here! You must have your own reasons!" , but painstakingly dragged here, there must be some kind of plan for them!So asked curiously.

"Uncle Yan, I know that they are the remnants of your political enemies. You must get rid of them to avoid future troubles! But, can you leave them to me! I promise, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!" Yu Wenman didn't know how to explain the rebirth to Yan Xiansheng, and Yan Xiansheng might not believe it!It can only be guaranteed in such an ambiguous way.Yuwenman didn't know that Zimo had already told Yan Shengsheng everything, including the so-called Five Emperors!
"Dad! Come here!" Yan Zimo shouted to his father.

"Speak!" Yan Shengsheng saw his son calling him, so he knew that this matter must be related to some secrets, so he quickly walked to his son and knelt down, saying affirmatively.

"You should remember the rebirth I told you! Manman was also reborn, and Manman's father also knew what happened to Manman before, so Manman planned to take the two of them back to base P and give them to her One is to explain to her mother the reason why she hid it from her mother before, and the other is to let her parents vent their inner grievances!" Yan Zimo explained to Yan Shengsheng in a low voice.

"Manman, what a good boy! For his filial piety, I will definitely fulfill her, but I don't know, what is she going to do?" Yan Shengsheng asked curiously.

"I heard from Manman that she wants to use her own way to punish her! Back then, these two scumbags tricked Manman's parents into the zombie den in N City, and killed Manman's parents! I saw with my own eyes that she rescued her parents with my own hands! So Manman plans to use the same method to kill them! Ask her parents to throw them into the zombie nest in N city!" Yan Zimo whispered Explained to Yan Xiansheng.

"Good way!" Yan Yansheng replied affirmatively, then stood up, smiled at Yuwenman and said, "Xiaoman, I'll leave them to you, and you can do whatever you want! However, when that day comes, you must call Uncle Yan, go and observe! Uncle Yan, just wait for you to contact me with ink and wind!"

Yu Wenman was stunned for a moment when he heard Yan Shengsheng's words, and then heard the message from Yan Zimo's spiritual platform, and said with a smile, "Definitely! Uncle Yan, I will definitely call you to be a guest of honor! But for the time being , before we left, they asked you to help watch over!"

"No problem! It's on Uncle Yan! Uncle Yan, I will definitely vent your anger on you! Let them stay in the cell, and they can't live without dying!" Yan Shengsheng said to Yu Wenman with a smile.He really felt distressed. Before this child was reborn, at such a young age, he experienced the death of his relatives one after another...

"Then I will thank Uncle Yan first!" Yu Wenman knew that Yan Shengsheng felt sorry for him, so he did not refuse his kindness, and replied with a smile.

"You are a real kid, thank you! Alright, let's wash up and eat first! Deputy Captain Yan, throw the two of them into a special cell and lock them up. Remember to take care of them every day!" Yan Shengsheng greeted the child We went into the room, turned our heads, and said to the deputy captain of the special forces.

"Yes! Chief!" Deputy Captain Yan gave a respectful military salute and replied in the affirmative.At the same time, I also realized that these two criminals are super criminals who have committed heinous crimes. The so-called special cells and special care are just some code words, which will only make their life in it worse than death!

Yu Wenman and his group happily washed up, gathered around the table, and ate food. Maybe they had fought, exhausted their physical strength, and got hungry too fast. Everyone felt that this meal was especially special. tasty!After dinner, regardless of 21 [-], they all lay on the bed and fell asleep!

(End of this chapter)

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