Chapter 270 The grand debut of the hub (3)
Yu Wenman didn't say anything after hearing Han Jun's words, but just rolled his eyes speechlessly, he is very handsome, but he doesn't have to be so narcissistic, so confident!Besides, I was stunned for a moment, but it was because the impact was too great, that's all!After all, my husband, Momo and the others are all handsome, okay?

Looking at Yu Wenman's expression, Han Junjun was not angry, but smiled, looked at Yu Wenman and continued: "Xiao Wei Yang, I'm not lying to you, right! After all, your big brother really hates him that much Father is right, and it is true that he chose to blow up to death and left them with the zombie virus because he was afraid that he would not be able to hold on to the zombie virus and become a zombie and hurt his worried mother and younger brother. Everything was true The only difference is that he resisted the zombie virus as he feared, and did not stick to the past, that’s all! I just turned into him and borrowed his identity and memory to get close to you! Nothing else It's different, after all, I didn't bring you any harm, did I? As for the fact that I let that man assassinate you just now, it was only because your current level is not yet ascended, and it is impossible to leave the human world; if you want to leave The human world, unless it is in the form of a soul body! Even I can’t break this rule! That’s why the man was assassinated. After all, I didn’t want to appear in the form of Yuwen Chenyi at first! But you don’t have to either! Worry, as long as I can bring you back to Tianling, my Haotian Tower can help you reshape your physical body! At that time, you will be the real majesty of Lingwei! As for the behavior of that girl rushing out, I did not expect it of!"

"Then my cousin, what did you do? And Xiaoya, what's going on? Why did you disappear?" Yu Wenman asked nervously after hearing Han Jun's words.As expected, Brother Da Tang is no longer alive. In this world, there really are no so-called miracles...

"Xiao Weiyang, he is your big brother, and he is also my future big brother, and my future brother-in-law. Of course, I can't treat him badly! I have someone bury him properly! He is now in the ghost world. I have made arrangements for life, so you don't have to worry about anything!" Han Jun said as if it should be taken for granted.

"You——I'm already married!" Yu Wenman was a little unhappy with the natural attitude of the person in front of him, but he couldn't beat him, so he could only say helplessly and angrily.

"It's okay! This is not a big problem! You will gradually understand in the future! As for the girl's situation, there is only one problem! She is not an ordinary person! You should know that this world can be divided into the human world and the ghost world." , Demon Realm, Demon Realm, Immortal Realm, God Realm and Asura Realm! But you don’t know, among these seven interfaces, two interfaces are relatively special, one is the God Realm, in the God Realm At the center of the interior, there is a special small interface, which we call Tianling, or the Nine Heavens Nihility Realm, which is the place where our five emperors live! There is also the Asura Realm, where the residents are neither human nor ghost The existence of non-gods!" Han Jun looked at Yu Wenman and said with a serious explanation.

"Not human, not ghost, not god? What is that?" Yu Wenman asked curiously, what does this have to do with Xiaoya!
"That's right! They are neither humans nor ghosts nor gods. You say they are humans, but they retain the viciousness of ghosts. You say they are ghosts, but they also possess the powerful power of gods. If you say they are gods, they don't have the kindness that gods should have! People die. Dead bodies will be left behind, immortals and gods will leave an energy ball when they die, demons will leave crystal nuclei when they die, and ghosts will leave a ghost charm when they die! When our five emperors die, they will leave behind a natal spirit bead! Only people in the world of Asura will dissipate without a trace when they die, leaving nothing behind, as if they have never appeared before! No matter which interface they are in when they die, they will eventually return to their original body!" Han Jun explained to Yu Wenman in detail.

"Return to the original body? What do you mean? Do you mean that Xiaoya is from the Asura world, and now she has returned to the Asura world? Hanhu, you know a lot! And I'm curious, why At the beginning, Ming Yuexin wanted to kill me, so it would be enough to just kill me, why did she shed my blood! Could it be that she hates me so much?" Yu Wenman asked in surprise, these things were not told to her by Han Junjun Listen, she has never been seen or heard of before, even Qing Cang doesn't know anything about the Asura interface!
"Yes, if I guessed correctly that she is from the Asura Realm, then she must have returned to the Asura Realm! We know very little about the Asura Realm, even if we have been in charge of the Seven Realms, No one will be fine, go to the Asura Realm where you have been fighting all the year round! All I know is because Yi Liuyi came out of the Asura Realm! As for the last time Mingyue Xin wanted to drain your blood, it was also because The reason why you were reincarnated as a human! For the five emperors who have human bodies, only by draining their blood can they force out their natal spirit beads! But Xiao Wei Yang, you don’t have to worry, I guarantee that such a thing will never happen again!” Han Jun replied in the affirmative.

"Her? I'm not that worried! But who is this Yiliuyi? It's so familiar! But I can't remember it!" Yu Wenman patted his head in frustration and said.

"Unexpectedly, you would forget him too! Before you became the Five Emperors, the two of you supported each other all the way and cultivated together! Even after we confronted each other, your relationship has not changed!" Han Jun smiled and was relieved He said, it seems that Wei Yang has not forgotten himself, and he should be thankful, after all, Wei Yang has even forgotten him!

"Then where is he now?" Yu Wenman said dumbfounded.

"I don't even know where he is. Back then, he chose to be reincarnated just like you!" Han Jun seemed unwilling to say too much, but said in general terms.

"Do you think Xiaoya is the reincarnation of Yiliuyi?" Yu Wenman suddenly thought, and asked in surprise.

"No! Yiliuyi is a man and a god, how could he be reincarnated as a woman?" Han Jun said amusedly.

"That's it! Yiliuyi, I thought it was a girl when I heard the name! It made me so happy!" Yu Wenman said a little depressed, she thought she had found Goya's whereabouts, and she could tell her face to face , I changed my mind, it turned out to be nothing but joy!It's just that because Yu Wenman was too entangled in these problems, she ignored the atmosphere between her and Han Jun. It seemed that such a warm and natural conversation happened as it should be!
"Okay! Xiaowei Yang, let's not talk about this anymore. Now I will take you out of here immediately, and we will return to Tianling! Although killing you with my own hands is not my wish! But this is the only way to bring you back to Tianling !Maybe it hurts a little, bear with it!" Han Jun looked at Yu Wenman and said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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