Chapter 277 The Turning Point of Desperation (1)
So Xing Jiutuo didn't say a word, raised his hands without hesitation, gathered all the spiritual power, at one point, and then shouted to the sky: "The third type of Huang Zhijuan·Under the Yellow Spring!" Then he saw, the sky It turned black instantly, and then a super large vortex appeared, and it became bigger and bigger, and then shot a black light at Xing Jiutuo, and then Xing Jiutuo's mental power gathered in a little bit became more and more intense. Bigger, bigger and bigger... Then Xing Jiutuo took a deep breath, raised the huge ball of spiritual power, and attacked towards the Han hub. At the same time, the vortex in the sky did not disappear, but instead Because there was no gathering point for the ball of spiritual power held high by Xing Jiutuo, rays of light flashed towards Hanjun, and Hanjun quickly avoided these rays of light, but the ground was a mess, and then I saw the huge The ball of spiritual power in his body was divided into countless smaller balls of spiritual power of different sizes, surrounding Han Junction without leaving any gaps, accompanied by the black rays of light, unless Han Junction can Disappear out of thin air, otherwise it would be impossible to escape the seamless attack from the combination of these spirit balls and black rays of light!
Then I saw that the ball of spiritual power surrounding Han Junction was no longer just suspended in mid-air, but was flying towards Han Junction at a fast, almost invisible speed. Next to the body of Han Junction, it slowly changed into the previous playing ball, tightly wrapping Han Junction in the big ball, and then accompanied by the gathering of those light rays, a huge explosion occurred, and the entire base gate suddenly exploded. Before, like an atomic bomb explosion, the thick smoke can't wait to rush into the sky!And because of the impact of the explosion, Yuwenman, Yan Zimo, and Xuanyuanchen were violently rushed away and crashed into the city wall of the base!The thick smoke disappeared, and there was nothing but the dilapidated venue!

Seeing such a scene, whether it is Yan Zimo who just woke up after passing out, or Xuanyuanchen who has recovered and regained consciousness with the help of Juling Stone, whether it is Yu Wenman who has been feeling uneasy in his heart, or Staring at the gathering point of the explosion, Xing Jiutuo breathed a sigh of relief... Yu Wenman also stood up slowly, walked towards Xing Jiutuo, and then helped Xing Jiutuo to the edge of the city wall, Xuanyuanchen and the others stayed there The place……

"Honey, how are you?" Yu Wenman asked nervously.

"It's okay! I have the Juling Stone to help me recover, so what could happen!" Xuanyuanchen said amusedly.

Yuwenman looked at Xuanyuanchen, his expression was not bad, and he didn't seem to be lying, so he turned his head and asked Yan Zimo beside him, "Momo, how about you? Are you okay!"

"It's okay, I have a little internal injury. Although I don't have the spirit-gathering stone, I have the World-Building Cauldron. This is a pill made by the World-Zaoding Cauldron. I believe that after a while, my internal injury will recover immediately!" Yan Zimo said Er said with a smile, while taking out some pills for herself, and one for Chenhe!
"Okay! I have to admit that the things trained by Zaoshiding are not bad! Then Tuo, how are you?" Yu Wenman asked with concern.

"It's okay, it's just that my mental strength is exhausted, and I'm a little exhausted!" Xing Jiutuo said with a helpless smile.

"That's okay, I have pills, which are specially designed to restore mental power! Although I have given them away, I still keep a bottle! Just in case! Look at me smart!" Yu Wenman said jokingly with a smile, and then in I kept searching in the space, but couldn't find it, so I couldn't help but wondered to myself: "Where did you lose it?" Then saw the bottle that fell not far away, and suddenly realized: "So it's there. , it must have fallen out when it was hit by the explosion just now! Ah Tuo, wait a moment, I'll pick it up!"

After speaking, he looked at Ah Tuo and nodded affirmatively, and quickly ran towards the place where the medicine bottle fell, but just when he reached the place of the medicine bottle, he heard a voice that made Yu Wenman tremble...

The voice that made Yu Wenman tremble with fear, if it wasn't Han Jun, who was it?

"Ye Guangji! Do you think that one blow of yours can kill me? How naive! Now that the three moves have passed, I won't be polite! It just so happens that the three of you are together, and Serena is not here! It's God's help Me too!" Han Juju said with a smile, while raising his arms high, a wave of light hit the three of them...

Not far away, when Yu Wenman heard Han Jun's voice, he ran towards Xuanyuanchen and the three of them, and shouted loudly: "Don't..."

When Han Shujun saw Yu Wenman running towards him, it was impossible to hold back his mental power and stop the attack. Seeing Yu Wenman shouting loudly: "Xiao Wei Yang, you go away quickly! I don't want to hurt you!" But Yu Wenman seemed to have not heard Han Jun's shout, and put all his heart into it and used his best Power, with the fastest speed, stretched out his hands without hesitation to block Xuanyuanchen, Yan Zimo and Xing Jiutuo...

No one thought that among them, Yuwenman, who was the weakest among them, would have such a powerful explosive power, because Yuwenman's movements were too sudden, and because the speed of the light wave was too fast, so when Xuanyuanchen and the others stretched out their hands, wanting to When Yuwenman was pushed away, it was obviously too late, and he could only watch helplessly as Yuwenman was blown away by the light wave and hit the wall of the city wall...

Seeing Yu Wenman hitting the wall, he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. Xuanyuan Chen and the others hurried forward, asking questions with concern and nervousness, but in their hearts they were annoyed and remorseful, just a little bit, just a little bit away Son, I can push Xiaoman away, it's all my fault, causing her to suffer such a serious injury...

"Manman, how are you doing?" Xuanyuanchen stepped forward to help the injured Yuwenman, and asked nervously.

"I'm fine, don't worry!" How could Yu Wenman not know what they were thinking, and said comfortingly with a smile.

"Xiaoman, why are you so stupid!" Xing Jiutuo said distressedly.

"Xiaoman, what's going to happen to you, what should we do?" Yan Zimo choked up with some fear.

"Isn't it all right?" Yu Wenman said with a slight smile.

"You can still laugh! It's okay to vomit blood?" Yan Zimo said bluntly.

Yu Wenman could only shrug her shoulders helplessly, she didn't dare to talk back casually now, because no matter what her reason was, she did make them worry...

When several people were concerned about Yu Wenman's injury, they suddenly heard a loud noise not far away, and saw the scene of Xuan Yuze and Qi Zhutian falling together, and saw Qi Zhutian tied up by Tianjun silk, The tense nerves of the crowd were slightly relieved. It seemed that Xuan Yuze, like Xing Jiutuo, only collapsed when his mental strength was exhausted!But immediately after, I saw Qi Zhutian easily put away the Tianjun silk, then slowly stood up, walked towards Xuan Yuze and took out the Tianjun silk to attack Xuan Yuze, Yan Zimo and Xuanyuan Chenhao Without hesitation, he summoned Suzaku Haotian and Baihu Haoyu. Although their level is not as good as Qi Zhutian's, and their spiritual power has not yet recovered, the problem is that they should save Xuan Yuze when he was defenseless. not big!Of course, the result was consistent with the judgment of Xuanyuanchen and Yan Zimo!At the moment Suzaku Haotian and Baihu Haoyu were summoned by Xuanyuanchen and the others, they tried their best, one hindered Qi Zhutian, and the other took the opportunity to save Xuan Yuze. The three beasts staggered back to Yuwenman, Xuanyuanchen and the others Although the three beasts were scarred by Qi Zhutian's attacks several times, fortunately, the result was satisfying!

(End of this chapter)

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