Chapter 297 Bo Xi Ya's life experience, got two artifacts (3)
"Be good! Don't cry! Xiaoxi, then your mother and son came to the ghost world, what about your mother?" Yuwenman asked suspiciously while holding the trembling Bo Xiya tightly.The heart is full of twists and turns!

"My mother and I came to the ghost world. I thought that God gave me a chance. I swore in my heart that one day, I would return to the fairy world and seek revenge from him! Tigers don't eat their own children. He even kills his own children." How can a person who can be ruthless and kill without hesitation leave me as a hidden danger? Sure enough, my mother and I reached the ghost world, and he and Jia Fan chased him to the ghost world, stopping me and My mother wanted to destroy my soul too! Just when I was desperate, my mother, that strong and proud woman like an orchid in the empty mountain, bowed her proud head for the first time and begged me on my knees. The so-called father, let me go, she voluntarily went to the [-]th hell as a hostage! Just ask him to let me go! That man finally let me go, and my mother also went to the so-called [-]th hell, At that time, I really hated my own powerlessness, my weakness, and my mere child! Only my mother sacrificed herself to survive like this! I practiced hard, and wanted to break through the soul king as soon as possible and save my mother , but I am really incompetent, I can’t reach that step! I can’t even reach the soul king, and I can’t even save my mother, let alone talk about revenge! Sister, am I incompetent? I can’t save her. I watched her suffer in the [-]th floor of hell, but I can’t do anything! Every year, what I fear most is my birthday. Every day, I will think of what happened the day before my birthday! It will be infinite. Blame myself! Sister, I’m really tired and lonely!” Bo Xiya cried loudly while hugging Yu Wenman, he has not told anyone this secret for so many years, but I don’t know why. His sister, but he is willing to tell her and vomit bitterness, even if she can't help him!
"Silly boy! You have worked very hard, who said you are incompetent! You are already very powerful! You can't save your mother, sister will help you! You will no longer be alone in the future, sister will always be by your side Damn it!" Yu Wenman patted Bo Xiya on the back lightly, and said comfortingly, she finally understood why he hated being a child so much, at this age, he lost everything but was powerless, In fact, it's just an escape in disguise...

Bo Xiya just kept crying, as a kind of venting, in fact, for Yu Wenman's words, he just took it as a kind of comfort, after all, the eighteen levels of hell in the ghost world are not so easy to break through!So many gods have fallen there, let alone them!But my sister has this heart, he is already very happy!

After Bo Xiya slowly calmed down, Yu Wenman looked at Bo Xiya seriously, and said seriously: "Little Xi, I think I know who your father is! The only traitor of the Bo family—Bo Zhongli !” Back then, the Bo clan was originally a family supported by himself!Let them help manage the continuation of the fairy world!I remember that Han Junjun had just betrayed the God Realm at that time, and he supported Boyi to succeed the emperor of the Immortal Realm, Bo Zhongli betrayed himself and the Bo clan, and defected to Han Junjun, but in the end because of his own failure, he chose to reincarnate and implicated the Bo clan !Back then, I didn't know what happened to Boyi?But from Xiaoxi's point of view, they are hidden, so I can feel at ease!

"Sister, why do you say that? You say he is a traitor?" Bo Xiya asked a little confused, knowing that he is Bo Zhongli is not surprising, because the elder sister is from the fairy world at first sight, and it is not strange to know his name, but why? My sister said he was a traitor, or did he look very familiar?

"Xiao Xi, since we are already sisters and brothers, I have nothing to hide from you! In fact, we came to Nether Mountain not to upgrade and break through, but because we are looking for something!" Yu Wenman looked at Bo seriously. Xiya said, while taking out Feng Tianyin from his arms and putting it on the table, he waved his sleeves at Feng Tianyin, and the five bright spots on it appeared in front of everyone's eyes in a blink of an eye.

"This is?" Bo Xiya asked with some embarrassment. After all, when he died, he was only 13 years old. It is already very good to be able to establish a power in the ghost world. It is normal to not understand many things!Especially Feng Tianyin, which is a divine tool, was not seen by everyone in the first place!
"It's called Fengtianyin!" Yuwenman replied affirmatively, the so-called employing people is not suspicious, and suspicious people are not!What's more, they are still siblings of the opposite sex who are married to Jinlan, so they have nothing to reserve about Bo Xiya!
"Feng Tianyin? Isn't that the Qing Emperor's thing? Sister, you—you are?" Even if Bo Xiya has never seen Feng Tianyin, there are still records in the books in the palace. His sister would have this, Legend: Feng Tianyin only recognizes one master in his whole life, and that is Emperor Qing!It was rumored that the Qing Emperor was reincarnated back then, could it be that my sister is the reincarnation of the Qing Emperor?Bo Xiya said with some surprise.Regarding what Yu Wenman said and the promise he made just now, his heart is suddenly full of hope!
"Yes! Xiaoxi, just as you think! I am the reincarnation of Emperor Qing Weiyang, and the three of them are the reincarnations of Red Emperor, White Emperor, and Black Emperor! Xiaoxi, are you afraid that we will hurt you? Together, we are against the Yellow Emperor!" Yuwenman pointed at Xuanyuanchen and the others—introduced, then looked at Bo Xiya seriously and asked seriously.

"Sister, what do I have to be afraid of! You are my sister, we just said that we have difficulties together! Although I look 13 years old, I have experienced a lot, don't treat me like a child! You should understand I understand the truth!" Hearing Yuwenman's words, Bo Xiya replied affirmatively with excitement, he didn't want his sister to treat him as a child, then remembered something, and continued to say in embarrassment: " In fact, to be honest, every time I feel hopeless, I keep telling myself in my heart that maybe Uncle Boyi’s boss, Qingdi, has reincarnated and is ready to seek revenge from Huangdi! I must hold on! I didn’t expect today A dream come true!"

"Fool!" Yuwenman looked at Bo Xiya's appearance and said dotingly with a smile.Then the whole living room burst into laughter.

"By the way, Xiaoxi, do you have anyone you can rely on?" Yu Wenman asked after thinking about the next thing.In the future, this Nether Mountain will need someone to take care of it. If someone is not reliable, Xiaoxi's hard work will be in vain!That's right, Yuwenman intends to take Xiaoxi out of here!

"Yes! Left and right! When I first came to Nether Mountain, I came out from the hands of the zombies! This Nether Mountain was able to take down half of their credit. What's wrong? Sister!" Bo Xiya was puzzled asked.

"Little Xi, in the next three days, I will refine some pills that are suitable for you. In these three days, you will take care of the matter of the Nether Mountain! Three days later, I will go to the back mountain with your Brother Chen to find the artifact. You ask them to help us guard the door! You just take the pill I made and go to retreat! When you leave the customs, it is time for us to leave Nether Mountain!" Yu Wenman looked at Bo Xiya and said with certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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