Chapter 117 0117 The Incomplete World

The prehistoric matter came to an end for the time being, and there should not be any big disturbances in the prehistoric in a short time, so Li Chen thought of Li Yixiao and others in the main temple.

There is a saying that is what you want, what you think, just now when you think of Li Yixiao and others, Li Chen has another sense of landmark.

However, for Li Chen, this landmark was almost beyond Li Chen's sensing range. Even Li Chen couldn't determine the location of this landmark, but he could roughly sense that this landmark was very, very far away from him.

If it wasn't for the fact that his cultivation had reached the realm of the Hunyuan Saint, and his comprehension of the Dao of Tribulation had reached another level, Li Chen probably wouldn't even be able to sense this boundary mark.

"The main temple has such a great ability to send these reincarnated people to such a distant place. It seems that the mighty power of the main god is still beyond his reach," Li Chen muttered to himself.

From here alone, we can see the power of the main god.

Originally, after Li Chen reached the cultivation base of the Hunyuan Saint realm, he thought that even if he was not as good as the main god, he would be able to deal with the main god no matter what.

But now this thought has been extinguished.

After all, to be able to detect and send the reincarnated people to such a distant place, even Hongjun after joining the Dao now, probably might not be able to do it.

But for Li Chen, there is no conflict of interest with the main god.

Now that he has sensed this world so far away, Li Chen has a slight interest in this world.

After thinking for a while, Li Chen called a group of disciples forward, and handed out the innate spirit treasures he had just obtained from the Wu Clan to each of them.

Then he announced to the outside world that he was going to retreat, and even told his disciples not to wake him up unless it was absolutely necessary.

After doing all this, Li Chen closed the gate of Wendao Palace.

Throw all your will towards the fourth boundary mark in the sea of ​​consciousness, leaving only a trace of will in the body to maintain the operation of the real body, so that a new will will not be born after Li Chen's will leaves.

Time passed, I don't know if it was a year or a day, Li Chen even felt that during this long process of will transmission, his power of will was constantly being consumed, making his power of will start to slacken up.

A pagoda glowed faintly between Li Chen's eyebrows, suppressing Li Chen's will, and Li Chen was able to continue.

During this teleportation process, Li Chen felt as if he had experienced three different areas.

At the beginning, Li Chen's power of will advanced very fast, and even the power of will was not consumed much.

Not long after that, Li Chen felt that in this transmission channel, a strange force that was countless times stronger than the erosion of chaos was constantly eroding his willpower. If it wasn't for the power of his Tongtian Tower to suppress Concentration, Li Chen guessed that his consciousness had been corroded to be riddled with holes.

But fortunately, after experiencing the erosion of this unknown and strange force, Li Chen's original will, which was like flowing water, has now become like crystals, one by one, and the power is basically one sky and one earth, which can be called a blessing in disguise.

After that, it was much easier, without the erosion of this strange force, it was just like the beginning.

If it weren't for the power of will that has mutated into crystal, Li Chen even thought that everything about him was just a dream.

At this time, as time passed, Li Chen could feel that the distance between himself and the fourth landmark was getting closer and closer.

Li Chen suddenly felt that the teleportation space was being squeezed for a while, and his eyes suddenly went dark.

When he woke up, he found that he had turned into an ordinary person.

'Ordinary people' are really 'ordinary people', not 'human beings' transformed by some form.

Although there is no mana in his body, the vision still exists for Li Chen.

What's more, Li Chen's power of will has undergone a qualitative change during the transmission process.

"What kind of world is this?" Li Chen muttered to himself.

Li Chen kept trying the things he knew, and found that most of them were useless, as if the way was wrong and the law was illegal.

Even if some spells have some effect, their manifestations are quite different from those in the prehistoric place.

Even in Li Chen's induction, the law of the great way in this world is not as orderly as the law of the great way in the chaotic world, and is governed by the great way.

Most of the Dao laws in this world are broken or even disordered, and there is no order at all, and even the endurance of the Dao laws is not as good as that of the Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric.

Li Chen suddenly understood one thing:

Such a world is not the chaotic world where Honghuang is located!

Otherwise, the same avenue, it is impossible to have such a big difference——

A world that is not in the chaotic world under the jurisdiction of Dao!Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.

Li Chen tried to mobilize his Tongtian Tower with the power of will, and found that although the power of Tongtian Tower was still there, it could not be transferred from his sea of ​​consciousness. It was like being sealed, but Li Chen didn't find any trace of being sealed.

Li Chen also couldn't figure out why, so he sensed the landmarks and the physical body belonging to the prehistoric world, and found that he could still sense it, Li Chen couldn't help but heaved a long sigh of relief.

In fact, what Li Chen is most afraid of is that he will not be able to return to the prehistoric world because of his own death.

Now that I can sense the landmarks of the prehistoric world and my own body, it doesn't matter if I can't go back for a while. With my Hunyuan realm vision and deduction ability, it will be a matter of time before I go back.

And Li Chen's task at this time is to stay in this world with peace of mind and explore its mysteries.

After thinking about all this clearly, Li Chen had the leisure to sense his specific situation at this time.

Li Chen only felt that he had a very high degree of fusion with this body, it didn't look like he was taken away, but rather like he was reincarnated.

Reincarnated?How is it possible, Li Chen didn't feel that he had experienced reincarnation at all.

Li Chen doesn't believe that he has reached the Hunyuan realm, and that there is still someone who can hide his will and arrange his own destiny.

What's more, the world we are in at this time is so dilapidated that it is impossible to conceive a strong person above the Hunyuan realm or even the Hunyuan realm.

Even to a certain extent, it is a luxury to achieve immortality and immortality in this world.

Although the law is incomplete, although the difficulty of comprehending the law is reduced to a certain extent, this incomplete law cannot support immortality and immortality at all.

This is just a world with powerful force but no immortality, a broken world...

(End of this chapter)

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