Chapter 119 0119 Little
No matter what happened, Li Chen's surroundings were becoming more and more lively.

Li Chen didn't know how long he walked, and finally saw a tall and majestic city wall in front of him. The city wall was mottled, and it looked like it had experienced the baptism of war.

The first time Li Chen saw it, he thought he had finally found the place where the creatures in this world were.

But when I walked in, I saw that there was only one side of the city gate under the city wall, and the other side didn't know where it went.

It seems that the city is a ghost city!
If people existed, the city would not be like this.

At least this city gate will not look like this!
Seeing everything in front of him, even Li Chen had no hope for this city.

As it got closer and closer to the city, Li Chen was shrouded in the shadow of the city wall, and the tall city wall was daunting.

The wall was pitch black, and it looked like it had been soaked in countless blood.

However, there were no corpses or weapons outside the city walls, the ground was covered with white powder, and when the wind blew, white dust filled the sky——

The whole environment was so quiet that Li Chen felt terrified.

But for Li Chen, these are nothing, but this time he should be disappointed again.

Take a step forward, cross the dilapidated city gate, and walk towards the city.

Along the way, Li Chen could see those creepy paw prints on the surrounding houses and city walls.

The city was not finished, and just after half of the journey, the buildings behind and the city wall disappeared as a whole.

It should be said that the whole thing was erased——

Even the ground seems to have sunk by hundreds of meters, and the city feels like it was built on a cliff.

Based on these alone, Li Chen was able to infer the severity of the war in this city.

Shaking his head, Li Chen sighed quietly.

Suddenly, Li Chen heard a sound in the alley at the end of the street——

In a blink of an eye, I saw a small black shadow running into the depths of the alley.

Could it be possible to adopt another little animal?
Li Chen thought in his heart.

The footsteps moved lightly, and slowly walked towards the place where the sound came from.

It is inconvenient to not have spiritual sense here. If you are in Honghuang, you don’t need to go to check by yourself. You only need to sweep away with spiritual sense. Basically, ghosts and ghosts have nowhere to hide.

It's a pity that there are not so many ifs in the world, and Li Chen only has the crystal clear and solid will power that has been polished.

You can't use your talent for nothing, use your willpower as your consciousness.

After Li Chen approached, the result was not as Li Chen imagined.

A small figure hid behind the stone pier, stretched out its dirty little head, and looked at Li Chen.

With clear and ignorant eyes, Li Chen felt that his heart was about to melt.

"Come... come... come..."

Li Chen waved lightly and shouted.

Slowly, Li Chen crossed the stone pier and came behind the stone pier.

The small figure huddled in the corner formed by the stone pier and the wall, looking at the silkworm baby on Li Chen's shoulder, the flying 'chicken' swinging behind him, and the fire unicorn behind him, with a trace of curiosity and longing in his eyes .

The small figure looked about the size of a four or five-year-old child. He was wearing a dirty red bellyband, and his face and body were dirty.

Only those bright eyes can see the whole thing.

"I don't know whose child it is, how could I have the heart to throw it in this empty city, and I don't know what this child ate in this empty city, so that he can survive until now—"

Li Chen muttered to himself.

The palm of the hand stroked the top of the child's head. The child was like a cat, squinting his eyes in enjoyment.

The palm of his hand lightly patted his head up and down, and all the dirt on the child's body disappeared immediately.

The whole thing was just a fat, white kid, and Li Chen immediately hugged him into his arms.

The whole process seemed extremely obedient, as if he felt that he was the same kind as Li Chen, and there was no resistance at all.

"Little baby, you can follow me, Li Chen—"

"If you don't say it, I'll take it as if you agreed."

Li Chen couldn't help but patted his head when he didn't get an answer from the brat. How could this brat be able to speak without being taught by an adult in this empty city? It's quite remarkable to be able to live so long.

"What name should I give you? How about Li Xiaoxiao?"

Li Chen was talking to himself, but this brat didn't pay attention to Li Chen at all.

Instead, he grabbed the silkworm baby on Li Chen's shoulder and giggled heartlessly.

"Smile so happily, then I will call you Li Xiaoxiao from now on—" Li Chen directly confirmed Li Xiaoxiao's name regardless of whether he accepted it or not.

"From now on, your name will be Li Xiaoxiao——"

Speaking of Li Chen throwing it high, the whole city echoed with little giggles and Li Chen's loud laughter.

It's not clear whether Xiaoxiao is laughing because she has a name, or because she is happy because of throwing high——

However, the silkworm baby in Xiaoxiao's hands expressed that he was not happy at all.

It didn't take long for Silkworm Baby to feel better.

Because I also have a difficult brother, it was the chick who was about to fly to Li Chen's left shoulder to rest, but was quickly grabbed by the sharp-eyed hand.

After Li Chen wandered around the city again, he didn't find any other creatures except Xiaoxiao.

He found a house that was still in good condition everywhere, and after cleaning it a little bit, he stayed in the city for the time being.

However, Li Chen didn't want to move on for the time being, the strength needed for the city that sank more than half was definitely not something that Li Chen could resist now.

If he proceeds rashly and encounters such power, although nothing will happen to Li Chen, but the cuties and Xiaoxiao around him may not be sure.

After all, they don't have the power of will at the Hunyuan level like Li Chen.

Even if the physical body dies, Li Chen can still recreate a body by virtue of his huge willpower, and even if he is not good enough, he can be reborn by possessing the body.

Xiaoxiao followed Huo Qilin and waited behind him, and when he was tired from playing, he lay down in Li Chen's arms and fell asleep.

After Li Cheng settled Xiaoxiao on Yunta, he began to clean the house. After all, this is where Li Chen and others will live in the future.

However, Li Chen cleaned very quickly, and the simple dust removal method was still usable, and it didn't take long for the room to look brand new inside and out.

After doing all this, Li Chen sat on the cloud couch and began to sort out what he had heard, seen, and gained along the way.

These information are the basic information that Li Chen needs to deduce the laws in this world. After all, everything in the world is transformed by the operation of laws. It can be said that the laws mean that everything is the law.

The chick and silkworm baby were tortured miserably by Xiaoxiao, and they also fell asleep after Xiaoxiao fell asleep.

When Huo Qilin saw Li Chen sitting on the cloud tower with his eyes closed, he consciously came to the door to guard the door, and the originally noisy room suddenly fell silent——

(End of this chapter)

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