Chapter 124
Li Chen bought a small yard in the south of Que Ling City. The yard was just a quadrangle with a large water tank in the middle. A blue lotus bloomed in the tank, which was truly beautiful.

As the foothold for settling in Que Ling City in the future, Li Chen even set up an attack-defense-maze formation, which can be said to defend the small courtyard tightly.

These three sets of formations are intertwined, and when they are fully activated, even a strong person at the Xuanxian level will not be able to bear it, and even a strong person at the Jinxian level can resist one or two.

It took Li Chen more than half a day to arrange all of this. He thought he could have a good rest, but he couldn't hear the noise outside the door, but trouble came to the door——

"Second Master, after a lot of inquiries, the other party bought this yard and never came out after entering it."

The boy said flatteringly to Wang Wei's second uncle, Wang Zhongming.

Wang Zhongming originally thought he was just an ordinary monk, so he just cleaned up the matter casually.

After coming out of this small courtyard and seeing the formation covering the small courtyard, I realized that I had underestimated the enemy.

To be able to create an offensive and defensive trinity, and to be able to form such an interlocking formation, the opponent must be at least a master-level formation master.

Even the grand master of the formation method may not be sure.

One must think of that in Que Ling City, there are not many formation masters at all, and they are all regarded as guests of honor in various aristocratic families.

Even my own Wang family doesn't have a formation master.

Immediately, Wang Zhongming changed his idea of ​​cleaning up Li Chen at the beginning, and was going to try to see if he could be recruited into his Wang family's command, but he still had to give him what should be given. After all, the Wang family is not just a cat or a dog. Bullying.

"I'd like to see how your formation is, whether it's my scarlet cloud stick or your formation that's better—"

Muttering in his mouth, Wang Zhongming sacrificed his talisman, the Red Cloud Cudgel, and holding the Crimson Cloud Cudgel with both hands, he threw it at the small courtyard where Li Chen and the others were.

Wang Zhongming's Scarlet Cloud Cudgel is made from the divine material Chiyun Jinjing as the main material, and a crimson trajectory is drawn when the stick goes down, which is bright and full of the feeling of killing and blood.

Li Chen didn't make a move to block Wang Zhongming's attack. After all, the upper limit of this formation's defense is Xuanxian, and Wang Zhongming's cultivation base is only on par with his own in Li Chen's induction, and he can't break through this formation at all. defense.

After all, this Wang Zhongming is not like Li Chen, who has methods comparable to Jinxian, and the result can be seen.

The Chiyun stick hit the forehead shield formed by the formation, which did not stir up any fluctuations in the formation at all.

Wang Zhongming, who didn't believe in evil, hit another backhand, but the ending was still the same.

"What level of formation is this? Could it be that Wei'er offended a master formation?"

Muttering to himself, he couldn't help wiping away the non-existent sweat on his forehead with his sleeve in a panic.

"Hee hee, Dad, is this stupid guy stupid? He knows he can't break Dad's formation, but he has to try again—"

"However, father, I also want to learn this formation."

"Is it possible? Father, is it possible..."

Looking at Xiaoxiao who was pulling his sleeves, Li Chen couldn't help covering his forehead and said:

"Xiao Xiao, you want to learn how to fly the clouds and ride the fog, and you want to learn this formation, what do you think father should teach you first?"

"But Xiaoxiao, you can't learn from this stupid big guy. If you can't win in the future, it's useless to be in a daze. You have to turn around and run. After all, if you leave the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood, don't you think so?"

The following sentence was addressed to Wang Zhongming.

Hearing the conversation between Li Chen and Xiao Xiao, everyone's eyes were on the two of them.

"Hmph, I'm not afraid that Feng Da will flash his tongue, but it's just using the power of the formation. What's there to be proud of?"

Wang Wei felt that his second uncle seemed to have gained a lot of confidence here, so he couldn't help retorting a little unconvinced.

He ignored Wang Zhongming's constant winks.

"Father, daddy, is this stupid man suffering from some kind of disease? His eyes keep twitching."

Li Chen scratched his little nose and couldn't help laughing, but he didn't answer the little words.

"You, and you"

Li Chen pointed to the boy and Wang Wei, and then said: "You guys like to chew your tongue, so keep your tongue."

With that said, Li Chen looked at Wang Zhongming and said, "You like to do things indiscriminately, so I'll keep your hands..."

"Are you doing it yourself, or do you need me to do it yourself?"

He said and looked at the crowd.

"If you want my Wang's hand, it depends on whether you have the qualifications—"

After Wang Zhongming heard it, he was furious.

When will the members of his royal family be slaughtered like lambs.

Roaring angrily, he picked up the red cloud stick and waved it towards Li Chen.

I saw Li Chen held up his palm, but he didn't see any magical weapon sacrificed. A delicate and beautiful green lotus appeared in his hand, but upon closer inspection, it was condensed by countless runes of the law of the great way.

Li Chen blocked in front of the red cloud stick with his backhand, and under the attack of the red cloud stick, Qinglian's petals collapsed.

And the attack of the red cloud stick was easily followed by Li Chen.

Li Chen raised his hand abruptly. Under the powerful force, the Red Cloud Cudgel was not under Wang Zhongming's control at all, and it flew back the same way, splitting the tiger's mouth of Wang Zhongming's hand holding the Red Cloud Cudgel.

"It's not rude to come and go, and you can also take my newly researched trick: Tongtian Seal——"

This Tongtian Seal is one of the seals researched by Li Chen to mobilize the power of the Tongtian Tower in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

I saw an illusory six-story pagoda appearing between the two hands under Li Chen's seal formula, attacking Wang Zhongming violently.

Wang Zhongming only had time to block the red cloud stick in front of him, and Li Chen's attack came in front of him.

One seal, one stick intersect, and suddenly, it seemed to become quiet.

A "click... click... click" sound rang in everyone's ears.

Under Li Chen's blow, the Chiyun stick, which was originally red all over, was like shattered glass. The stick was covered with dense cracks, as if it would shatter at any time.

Not only that, Wang Zhongming was also under Li Chen's blow, his arms were shattered and broken, and he flew backwards into the distance under the huge force.

"Do you do it yourself or do you want me to help you? Let me tell you first, I won't be so gentle——"

Seeing Li Chen approaching the two of them step by step, Wang Wei couldn't help but retreat again and again, his face was full of panic.

Even his second uncle worshiped the devil in front of him, and he was a piece of cake.

"You, you, if you touch me, our ancestors of the Wang family will not let you go—"

Even speaking is a bit awkward.


(End of this chapter)

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