Chapter 133 0133 Source (Fourth Change)

"Who is here, please report your name quickly—"

Before Li Chen reached the city, he heard a deafening shout from the city.

"I am Taoist Ming, the chief of Que Ling City. I came here today looking for the source of the beast tide. I want to pass through this formation. I hope you will let me—"

As Li Chen said, he saluted slightly to the people on the city wall, took out the customs clearance document that Ah Man had prepared for him, and sent it to the man who seemed to be the leader on the city wall with the power of mana.

After a while, the general opened his mouth and said:

"Open the city gate and let this virtuous man pass through—"

Li Chen was a little puzzled, when did he become a virtuous man, after entering the city, he saw the general coming down from the tower, so he opened his mouth to ask his doubts.

The general smiled slightly and said: "The so-called virtuous person is a person who has made great contributions to our race and has noble morals. If he is a senior, he should be called a virtuous person—"

Hearing this, Li Chen knew what was going on. Apart from Ah Man, Li Chen really couldn't think of anyone who would be able to inform him of his deeds here.

What I did, I didn't think about fame and fortune at all. After all, I don't belong to the creatures born and bred in this world, and I will leave sooner or later. He made himself a virtuous man.

Thinking of this, Li Chen couldn't help but smile wryly.

But the soldier was enthusiastic about Li Chen, and kept introducing the history and glory of the city.

Li Chen also learned the name of the city during the conversation.

To be precise, Li Chen roughly understood the names of these cities.

It's not because of how good Li Chen's memory is, but because the city doesn't have any special names at all, only the first city, the second city..., the titles.

And the city where Li Chen is now is the fifth city.

Under the guidance of the city guards, Li Chen went straight along the street until he reached the end of the street.

The entire distance is about a hundred miles, which is not insignificant, but when Li Chen thinks that this city is resisting these countless beasts, he is also clear about this situation in his heart.

On both sides of the street are stalls set up by monks who buy and sell animal skins, animal bones, etc. Compared with Que Ling City, a front-line city, it is indeed much more lively.

Especially the monks who come and go, their cultivation bases are basically one or two levels higher than those in Que Ling City.

But Li Chen thought about it, after all, this is the front line of the human race, and it is not surprising that there are talented people from all corners of the world.

After passing this huge city, Li Chen drove the rainbow again and flew towards the Far West.

But looking around at this time, almost all of them are ferocious beasts, not like the scattered feral beasts before passing this level. The ferocious beasts we see now are quite similar to the scale of the siege outside Que Ling City .

Seeing this, Li Chen continued to attack with two attacks, directly emptying out two blank spaces, but in just a moment, the blank spaces emptied by Li Chen were immediately filled by fierce beasts.

It's the same as before.

Seeing this, Li Chen didn't do any useless work, and simply used his spiritual consciousness to search for the abnormalities in this land of the extreme west, and pushed it further westward to the land of the extreme west.

A week passed slowly like this, and Li Chen could even sense that the Jade Immortal Sword Formation in Que Ling City had been touched by a fierce beast again, returning to the killing machine mode.

Li Chen is not in a hurry to rush back, and it is only the second wave of beasts now. As Li Chen expected, this city of Sparrow Ling should be able to get through it very easily.The most important thing now is to find the source of the beast tide.

However, when the second wave of beasts started, Li Chen saw that the land of the West Pole was like taking out trash, just as Ah Man said, these countless beasts appeared in the Land of the West Pole almost out of thin air.

Li Chen immediately locked the surrounding space. After all, no matter what it is, if you want to teleport it, you must open up a space channel.

He couldn't find the source of this beast, it's just that the method of the space channel opened by the other party is beyond the cognition of the strong in this world, but for Li Chen, he is already familiar with space.

No matter which world the space is the same, with the same characteristics, there may be some differences in the composition of subtle space elements, but in terms of the general direction, Li Chen can guarantee that there is absolutely no big difference.

After a careful search, Li Chen locked his consciousness to a certain point in the sky.

He sacrificed his most powerful attack - Tongtian Seal.

I saw a small and exquisite pagoda condensed by Li Chen's power, and it was full of brilliance, as if it was just a harmless decoration.

But if it is only used as an ornament, it is a very wrong type. This pagoda condensed by Li Chen's mana has the brand of the Tongtian Tower in the Sea of ​​Consciousness imprinted on it. Sixty to seventy percent of the power.

At least Li Chen believes that no one or anything in this world can withstand this blow.

Breaking the boundary with one blow and repeating the universe, this power is not just a joke.

It was precisely because of such a trump card that Li Chen dared to come alone.

What's more, as far as Li Chen himself is concerned, he is not a vegetarian, after all, he has a cultivation base in the Hunyuan realm.

Although it has only returned to the golden fairy realm at this time, the immortality of the Hunyuan realm still exists (this refers to Li Chen's soul, the physical body is condensed in this world, and will be affected by the world's influence. Influence).

After condensing the Heavenly Seal, Li Chen hit the place locked by his spiritual consciousness.

I saw the Tongtian Seal in Li Chen's hand slowly attacking the point that Li Chen locked. It seemed that the surrounding space couldn't withstand the attack of the Tongtian Seal, and it was peeled off layer by layer like eggshells.

The outer space shattered, revealing the innermost, most real space.

I saw a huge black hole covering hundreds of thousands of miles in front of Li Chen like a glutton.

The movement made by Li Chen here spread far away, and was even noticed by the strong men who suppressed the cities in the formations, and they rushed to the abnormal place to check.

When Li Chen saw such a large space passage, he didn't know where the depths of the passage led to. Countless fierce beasts with red eyes fell from it on the ground like dumplings, and Li Chen couldn't help squinting his eyes.

With such a huge space channel, it's no wonder that this wave of ferocious beasts can't be killed no matter what, and the amount of killing in a month is only as much as a week in this channel.

If he wanted to block this hole, Li Chen couldn't think of any effective way other than his own Zhuxian Sword Formation.

But now that the Immortal Execution Sword Formation is guarding outside Que Ling City, and it is the time of the second wave of ferocious beasts, if it is used rashly, it will probably cause an unpredictable blow to Que Ling City.

After thinking about it, Li Chen sat down cross-legged in front of the hole, waiting for the second wave of beasts to pass——

(End of this chapter)

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