Chapter 144 0144 Asylum
Although Fuxi felt happy for nothing, but after thinking about Nuwa's words carefully, he suddenly felt that there was still hope.

"The sage is not allowed to intervene in the evolution of the prehistoric, but the sage cannot take action at will, and it doesn't mean that he can't take action—"

Having figured this out, Fuxi quickly looked at Nuwa, only to see Nuwa shaking her head helplessly.

If you choose words at this time, you will be the one who suffers in the future.

If you can't make a move easily, you can't make a move!If you feel that you can afford the price of this shot, it doesn't matter.

But for Nuwa, she wouldn't set herself up for this monster clan that wasn't particularly related to her.

Although he is the Emperor Wa of the Monster Race, he is just a name and has no rights at all.

If it wasn't for my elder brother Fuxi being in the Yaozu, the life and death of Nuwa of the Yaozu would not care at all.

Now that I have achieved the position of a saint, all the great powers in the prehistoric world will give me a little bit of shame, but it is more than enough to protect Fuxi. Thinking of this, Nuwa didn't want to explain anything to Fuxi.

After all, talking too much will make Fuxi think that he is trying to evade, which will hurt the relationship between brother and sister for no reason.

Seeing Fuxi's immediately beaming expression, Nuwa couldn't help shaking her head helplessly in secret, and could only take one step at a time.

After sending Fuxi away, Nu Wa went directly to seclusion, and she could be regarded as a saint of merit and virtue. According to what Hongjun Daozu said when he preached, sanctification of merit and virtue is the weakest type of saint. If you don't solidify your cultivation well, it will be even more difficult if you want to improve to a higher level in the future if you don't have a solid foundation.

Probably it was because Nuwa had to retreat for thousands of years, or because what Nuwa said was that saints should not be taken lightly. After Fuxi returned to the heavenly court, the demon clan who were about to move suddenly quieted down.

For the great powers in the wild, the millennium is just a nap time.

However, it took nearly a thousand years for the human race to migrate from Mount Buzhou to the coast of the East China Sea.

Originally, Chenlong could directly transfer a group of human races to the coast of the East China Sea with great supernatural powers and mana, but Li Chen sent a word to let the human race choose one of two options.

The first choice is to reduce the casualties of the human race, let Chenlong and others transfer everyone to the coast of the East China Sea with great mana and supernatural powers, but the price is that Chenlong and others will leave the human race after ten thousand years, even if the human race becomes the master of the world in the future Or they fell apart and died in the world, which has nothing to do with the people of Penglai Island.

Although the second choice is more cruel, the rewards are also very great. With the help of Wuchenlong and others, the human race will migrate to the coast of the East China Sea on foot. If they succeed, they will be protected by Li Chen, and Li Chen will not die. The human race is immortal!

Although all the innate human races don't know who Li Chen is, but even the Nuwa Holy Mother mentioned Li Chen with a trace of respect, people with discerning eyes can still see it, which is more important for this generation of human race? can be distinguished.

They all chose the second option that seemed almost impossible to succeed.

Only a small number still choose to stay in this small valley.

A mighty migration journey took nearly a thousand years.

However, at any rate, a generation of human races are innate Dao bodies. In this era when innate vitality is not lost, life is long, and even if they don't practice, they can live for thousands of years.

For thousands of years, under the influence of Chen Long and others, even if you don't practice, you can become a monk with a little cultivation. Thousands of years have also added several generations of newcomers to the race. The original 12 In addition to the thousands of 600 people who stayed in the small valley at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, there were less than [-] people left after the migration of more than [-] generations reached the coast of the East China Sea.

Nearly [-] generations of human races all died during this migration process. Even Chen Long and others who had been following behind the human race wanted to help the human race several times, but when they thought of the words Li Chen warned himself and others , I resisted the urge to do it again.

From the very beginning, a few more thoughtful people in the human race migrated just to get Li Chen's protection, but as the days passed, the purpose of getting Li Chen's protection became a secondary purpose, and the real support for everyone to go on. It is the will of the predecessors, it is the blood that refuses to admit defeat, it is to leave thoughts for future generations...

The monsters and beasts encountered by the human race along the way became more and more powerful, as if there was a will affecting these monsters or beasts.

Just like the ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships experienced by Tang Seng in Journey to the West, the human race does not know how much suffering they have experienced for nearly a thousand years.

The moment they arrived at the coast of the East China Sea, the luck of the human race suddenly turned upside down.

It seems that there is a connection with someone in the dark.

In an instant, the luck of the human race almost overwhelmed the two main Lich races.

It is precisely because the human race has fulfilled Li Chen's request and fulfilled the conditions Li Chen said, and has truly obtained Li Chen's asylum.

It was also connected with Li Chen's luck that the human race's luck overwhelmed the two clans of liches in an instant. After all, Li Chen was someone who could compete with Hongjun.

But after a while, the skyrocketing luck suddenly returned to the normal level, becoming extremely normal, so normal that even Nuwa couldn't find anything wrong here.

Although so much luck has been increased in an instant, the high-level leaders of the Lich and Demon Clans have not discovered it at all, and all of this depends on Li Chen's handwriting.

Otherwise, it is estimated that before the human race recuperates, the first ones to kill them will be the two clans of liches.

Even if the human race was created by Nu Wa, this monster race would not raise tigers to cause trouble. After all, there are not too many similar examples in the prehistoric world.

For thousands of years, although Chenlong and others did not give much help to the human race, they did not give much to the human race about etiquette and some basic common sense in the prehistoric world.

After arriving at the coast of the East China Sea, the current chief of the human race, Cang, led a group of people to build a loess altar and began to sacrifice.

"I am the chief of the human race, Cang, and I lead the human race to worship the Holy Mother of Nuwa, the Daoist Changming, and the gods of the heavens on the shore of the East China Sea. After all the hardships and tribulations of our people, we finally came to the shore of the East China Sea. I hereby tell you The Holy Mother, Changming Daoist, and the gods, I also hope that the Nuwa Holy Mother and Changming Daoist can continue to protect our human race—”


There was only Li Chen's faint "quasi" in the air.

Immediately, nectar fell from the sky, and under this nectar, all the people of the people seemed to have wiped their exhausted bodies, and their energy and spirit suddenly became full.

After a while, Nuwa's voice was still not heard, and the crowd couldn't help but shook their heads in disappointment, presumably Nuwa was still in retreat at this time.

After tidying up the loess altar, the crowd couldn't help but look at Chenlong and the others.

 The unit is working overtime today, so I will update a chapter for the time being. . .

(End of this chapter)

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