Chapter 146 0146 Defective Products

In fact, Nuwa created the human race again just to prove one of her own ideas.

Before creating the human race in the small valley at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, although I could clearly remember all the steps of creating the human race in my mind, I still felt that something was missing.

Now creating the human race again is exactly as Nuwa thought.

Although there is no doubt that it is a human form, but its five veins are blocked and its six senses are not clear. It is not the innate Taoism like the prehistoric human race!
It seems that in order to create a human race with an innate Taoist body, there must be some kind of power blessing. Now these two blue-haired and blue-eyed human races are just defective products to Nu Wa.

But it doesn't matter to Nuwa, after all, she created these just to make her world more dynamic.

Throwing these directly into her own world, Nu Wa took out a handful of seeds from nowhere and sprinkled them into the world.

Countless forces of good fortune floated in this world along with the seeds, and took root on the ground. After a while, the originally bare world became colorful.

The opening of the world has been completed so far.

Nu Wa clapped her hands, as if she wanted to shake off the dust on her hands.

Then he stretched out his hand to fish for the flood, and a small mountain suddenly appeared in Nuwa's hands. It was the Zhonghuang Mountain where Nuwa and Fuxi had lived for countless years.

I saw Nuwa throwing Zhonghuang Mountain towards the center of the world. This Zhonghuang Mountain is located in the center of the world like Buzhou Mountain.

Sensing the familiar smell on Zhonghuang Mountain, Nu Wa couldn't help but nodded, and said, "So, this world should be called Wa Huang Tian."

Then he turned his head to look at Hong Huang Da Neng who was far away.

At this time, the crowd took a closer look and there were already a few fewer people. Either they couldn't hold on and left early, or they fell into the chaos because of their strong support, but they were all just under the quasi-sage, above the quasi-sage But all of them are intact.

"Fellow daoists, please enter with me..."

Speaking of which, Nuwa made a gesture of please, and then walked towards Huangwa's heaven first.

The crowd came to the Zhonghuang Mountain which was moved by Nvwa to Wahuangtian, and they saw that at some time, a platform for preaching had been built on it.

Nu Wa is sitting on it.

Seeing that everyone had found their seats and sat down, Nu Wa slowly began to talk about her way of being a saint.

Nuwa's way is the way of good fortune, not only good fortune of heaven and earth, but also good fortune of living beings.

The sound of Daoism spread throughout the entire Wahuangtian, and the entire Wahuangtian seemed to be singing in harmony with Nuwa's Dao.

"The god of good fortune, yin and yang are separated, yang comes out of the earth, the yang in the yin is the sky of man, so take advantage of its movements to attack the innate mother qi..."

Originally, the minds of the people watching Nuwa opening the sky were already filled with many doubts. After Nuwa said this, everyone suddenly became enlightened.

The sage's preaching is naturally full of hype and golden lotuses, and countless visions are competing to appear, but compared to Hongjun who preached in Zixiao Palace, it is more than a step behind.

But the breadth of the sage's way he taught also made all the listeners mesmerized.

The Tao that Nvwa taught lays more emphasis on good fortune. After hearing the Tao taught by Nv Wa, everyone had a deeper understanding of life, good fortune, etc.

Because of this, the art of good fortune spread widely, so that later generations have the art of lotus incarnation and the means of making clones with spiritual objects...

This time, Nuwa directly talked for 3000 years when she preached, from the first explanation of the principle of the great way in the process of opening the sky, to Nuwa's way of good fortune, and then to the way of saints she proved.

All the listeners were still satisfied with what they heard, and after 3000 years, Nuwa stopped preaching.

At this time, the two blond-haired and blue-eyed human races created by Nu Wa's Creation had a very nourishing life in a corner of the Wa Emperor's Heaven.

In Wahuangtian, spiritual fruits are everywhere, and the two of them basically climbed to the tree to pick the fruit to eat when they were hungry. They were not as smart as the prehistoric human race, and they were not as polite as the prehistoric human race. All are as savage as a wild beast.

Seeing that there is no harm if there is no comparison, Nu Wa couldn't help feeling unhappy for a while.

But to put it this way, it is a creature created by myself, and I can't decide its life and death at will because of my own preferences, and simply isolate it in this corner of the Wahuangtian, so that it is invisible to the eye.

Compared with the prehistoric human race, this blond-haired and blue-eyed human race is a foreign race. When it was created by Nuwa, Li Chen felt that the luck of the prehistoric human race was slightly shaken, until Li Chen used a trace of the power of the Tongtian Tower After the strength, the luck of the prehistoric human race became impregnable again.

Following the direction of this luck connection, Li Chen saw the two blond-haired and blue-eyed people who were left in the corner by Nuwa in Wa Palace.

He couldn't help frowning: Isn't this what the Europeans and Americans looked like in the previous life on Earth?How could it be here with Nuwa?

A man and a woman, the woman was created with a rare rib, could it be Adam and Eve?
No, according to those gringo legends, Adam and Eve were created by Jehovah.

So who are the two people here with Nuwa?

Li Chen thought silently in his heart.

With a cultivation level that reached Li Chen's level, he could basically clear all the information about these two people at a glance. Although he had a little judgment in his heart, it was still unable to make a deduction because of the cognition of his previous life.

But no matter what, the fate of these two people is connected to the prehistoric human race because of Nuwa's relationship, so it is not appropriate.

Regardless, the connection between luck might become a disaster for the prehistoric human race in the future.

Since Li Chen met, he decided to take care of it.

For Li Chen, it was just a matter of moving hands.

If luck is connected, then it will be broken.

Li Chen's will is like a knife, directly condensed into an entity, and slashed at the gap between the prehistoric human race and the blond man, and the originally connected luck, cause and effect, etc. were cut in two under the blade of Li Chen's will.

Nu Wa seemed to be aware of it, but after feeling it for a while, it didn't have much to do with her, so she didn't care about it in the end.

As for the two created by Nu Wa, they have not reached that level at all, and there is no way to talk about induction.

After doing all this, the blade of will was taken back by Li Chen again like flowing water.

I clapped my hands, as if I just did a trivial thing.

As for what will happen to those two people in the future, whether they will live or die, whether they will be strong or weak... these are all out of Li Chen's concern.

A group of powerful men who heard in Wahuangtian woke up one after another after Nuwa stopped preaching.

"3000 years have passed, but this preaching is over here, you can do whatever you want in this heaven..."

After hearing this, everyone saluted Nuwa one after another, even Sanqing and the Second Western Sage were no exception.

Although Nuwa said it was casual, everyone would not really be casual. After all, if you offend a saint because you are too casual, you can play with it. A saint will kill you if you play for a long time.

Then everyone said: "Thank you fellow Taoist (junior sister, senior sister) for preaching, we are very grateful! Listening to the sermon today has gained a lot, but it is inconvenient to stay for a long time..."

(End of this chapter)

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