Chapter 153 0153

"If I attain the supreme Bodhi and attain full enlightenment, the Buddha realm where I live will be immeasurable and inconceivable, and the merits and virtues are dignified.

There are no hells, hungry ghosts, beasts, squirrels, and the like.

All sentient beings, as well as the Yanmara Realm, among the three evil paths, will be reborn in my land.legalized by me.Xi Cheng Anuttara Sanliu Sanbodhi.No longer fall into evil.To get the wish is to become a Buddha.It cannot be a wish, and it is not possible to obtain the supreme enlightenment.

When I became a Buddha, all living beings in the worlds of the ten directions, who were reborn in my land, would all have bodies of purple-milled true gold.


The two made a full 48 wishes to the way of heaven, and suddenly the auspicious clouds of merit and virtue rolled in the sky, and suddenly it expanded many times, but if you want both of them to become saints, this amount of merit is far from enough. Jie Yin, Yin Yin shook his head in between.

The two couldn't help but sighed together.

When the merit fell, Jieyin's sleeves were rolled up, and the power of merit that fell to Jieyin was immediately thrown to Zhunti by Jieyin.


Seeing this shock, Zhunti quickly looked at Jieyin.

Such a huge power of merit, even if it is not enough to become a saint, is still enough to improve Jieyin's cultivation by a large margin, and this is directly thrown to himself. I am afraid that I will never repay this kindness in my life.

"We must find a saint in the west. Since one person's merit cannot be holy, then we can combine the merits of you and me!"

"Then senior brother, you..."

Zhunti hesitated to speak, and looked at Jieying with a worried expression.

"It doesn't matter, brother has his own means, you just need to break through!"

Jieyin waved his hand grandly, signaling that Zhunti should rest assured.

"Brother, are you going to use that method that is almost impossible to succeed? If you are not careful in that method, you will sink into it, and you will never be able to get out..."

Zhunti knew the method to be used when seeing Jieying like this. This method was derived by taking Jieying as the main and supplemented by himself, and he was very aware of the pros and cons of this method.

Therefore, it is a thousand people who are unwilling to use this method for receiving and referrals.

I saw Jieying with a serious face, looked at Zhunti and said: "Brother, you and I have passed through countless years from birth to now, it's not like you don't know, brother never do things that are not sure, now It's about proving the way, even if you fall on the road of proving the way, you are still willing to be a brother..."


Zhunti choked with sobs, and secretly swore in his heart that he would not disappoint his senior brother's expectations and become a saint!

He no longer persuaded Jieyin, after all, if Jieyin could not break through, he would have to bear the backlash of heaven.

You must know that the way of heaven is high above the saints, not to mention the quasi-sages who have not yet achieved the realm of saints. Ten to eighty-nine.

Such a situation is simply a fatal blow to Jieyin. Zhunti knows the true face of his senior brother. On the surface, he looks like Lao Tzu in Kunlun Sanqing, who does not fight or grab the sufferings of the world, but in his heart he is The most proud.

No matter how worried Zhunti is, the group of meritorious power that belongs to Jieyin has already integrated into his body and is indistinguishable from him. Like a smelling cat, it constantly transforms its merits into a mysterious force. This process cannot be reversed at all, and even Zhun Ti's will can only be a bystander.

Seeing that Zhunti is on the right track, Jieyin is more at ease. Although these merits are not as many as those of Sanqing and Nuwa, they are quite a lot in comparison. According to the prediction of Jieyin, sanctification is just enough .

Even if Zhunti cannot become a saint, the power of this merit is enough to pile it up to the realm of being infinitely close to a saint. Even if he suffers the backlash of heaven, his cultivation base will not fall too badly.

Only in this way did Jieyin set out to practice his bold idea with confidence.

I saw Jieyin lying sideways on the glass couch, his eyes seemed to open and close due to sleepiness, and after a while, he seemed to completely let go of all thoughts, the whole person seemed to fall asleep, and his originally painful face seemed to be changed because of the dream. softened up.

Li Chen, who was far away on Penglai Xiandao, saw this scene through his divine sense, and couldn't help but look weird.

Li Chen immediately thought of the method of proving the Tao in his dream, which he had forgotten.

Immediately, Li Chen focused all his attention on Jieyin, and Li Chen also wanted to know what the whole process of Jieyin's enlightenment in his dream was like.

After all, the deduction is always different from the experiment by one person.

I also thought about this method when I first traveled to the ancient world. After all, just relying on dreaming and cultivating bases can increase slowly. up.

Seeing it now, Li Chen couldn't help but sigh, even if he can deduce the method of proving the Tao in his dream now, it is not necessary for him, the deduction is quite a lot, just to add another book to his collection .


Under the transformation of the primordial purple energy, the legacy of Pangu on Sanqing's body turned into merit for rising cultivation, and even Zhunti's cultivation base soared with the help of merit. An astonishing coercion.

It seems that all living beings have become quiet under the coercion generated by the combination of many people.

The four of them seemed to have reached the threshold of a saint, and the bottleneck of entering the holy realm disappeared in a flash, and then became fragmented under the impact of the power of merit, leaving nothing left.

At once, all four of them achieved the supreme position of saints.

All of a sudden, the purple air spread in the prehistoric world, and the simultaneous sanctification of the four made the purple air directly dye the entire prehistoric sky purple, mysterious and noble.

Accompanied by the purple air in the sky, four huge coercions directly swept across the prehistoric world, which is much stronger than Nuwa's enlightenment, and it is almost the same as the coercion when Hongjun became a saint. After all, the source of this coercion is Four saints!

The moment the four became saints, they got a message from the Dao of Heaven, asking the saints to open up a world in the chaos outside the sky.

In this regard, Hongjun had already said it when Nuwa became a saint, and everyone was already mentally prepared, so there was no surprise at all.

With the addition of the heavenly law at the time of sanctification, everyone declared their existence to the prehistoric.

"I am Taiqing Laozi of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains. I have attained the Holy Way. Thousands of years later, I will open a gate in Kunlun Mountains to pass on my Taoism. Anyone who is destined can come..."

"I am the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, Yuqing Yuanshi, and now I have certified the holy way. Thousands of years later, I will open a gate in Kunlun Mountain to spread my orthodox tradition. Anyone who is destined can come..."

"I am from the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain. I have attained the Holy Way. Thousands of years later, I will open a gate in Kunlun Mountain to pass on my orthodox tradition. Anyone who is destined can come..."

"I am a quasi-spirited Taoist in the Western Lingshan Mountain. I have now attained the Holy Way. Thousands of years later, I will open a door in the Western Lingshan Mountain to spread my Taoism. Anyone who is destined can come..."

The four sonorous and powerful voices of saints spread throughout the world under the blessing of heaven, and every prehistoric creature who heard the voices naturally knew the path to the two places in their minds.

(End of this chapter)

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