Chapter 155 0155 Little Mouse
Since Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti achieved the title of saint, there have been two very big contrasts in the prehistoric world.

The two clans of liches who were dancing very happily are now very quiet, and they almost wrote on their foreheads "I'm a good baby, don't make me..."

And those low-level monks who were originally silent because of the friction between the two Lich clans, after Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti made the clarion call to recruit disciples when they became saints, they all 'carried their backs. Pack "Climbing mountains and wading" ready to go to Kunlun Mountain where Sanqing is located and Lingshan where Yingyin Zhundi is located, and join the saint's sect to be sheltered by the saint.

As a result, the whole prehistoric world turned completely, and even when Nu Wa became a saint, there was no such movement in the prehistoric wilderness, so it can be seen that it is normal.

But thinking about the situation in Honghuang at this time, not only the weak are prey to the strong, but also the strong are always strong and the weak are always weak. The older the stronger, or it can be said that the stronger the older, these are the norm.

In this precarious world, if you want to live happily and safely, joining one side is the choice of most born and acquired creatures in the prehistoric world.

In the prehistoric world, apart from the Liches and the two clans, the strongest forces are only the six saints under Hongjun's seat.

Although Nv Wa did not establish a great religion in the Yaozu, he was restricted by Hongjun, so the saint of the Yaozu is only in name only for the time being.

If the two clans of Lich and Monster really fight, the Witch Clan doesn’t care if your Monster Clan is backed by Nuwa. Sometimes even a saint has to give the Wu clan three points of face.

What's more, there are five saints, and with these five saints to restrain Nuwa, Nuwa has no chance of making a move.

As for the two clans of Liches, no one with a discerning eye would join them, and they couldn't even hide.

Only those who are self-confessed in their abilities are affected by the catastrophe, join the two tribes of liches with a bang, and become victims of the war between the two tribes in the future.

At present, the best choice in the prehistoric world is to join the team of Sanqing and the five people who receive Zhunti.

Hong Huang was in action, and Li Chen couldn't help but click his lips after watching the whole process of guiding the dream to preach.

Regarding the sermons in dreams, although Li Chen would collect them in his collection, they basically put them on the shelf.

It's not that the method of proving the Tao in a dream is not good, after all, proving the Tao in a dream can quickly improve a person's cultivation, but the process of improvement will bring many negative effects.

The most common thing is to sink into endless dreams, there are dreams within dreams, and you can't wake up until your source is exhausted.

Secondly, even if one is lucky enough to wake up from the endless dream, there is a hidden danger of split personality.

This split personality is not the kind of three corpses that cut three corpses, it can be controlled by the host.

Although this kind of personality is lower than the original master personality in terms of status, it has the ability to be independent, and can even devour the master personality in reverse, becoming a brand new life.

The worst thing is that the original will keeps splitting in the dream, turning into countless new lives, unable to return to the original self.

This situation is the worst. If it cannot return, it can only maintain the traces of its existence with the life form of group will, half dead.

In any case, the matter of sanctification of all can come to an end.

After announcing their existence to Honghuang, all the saints immersed themselves in it one after another, retreated to consolidate their cultivation, and waited for the time to come after a thousand years.

The moment Li Chen withdrew his consciousness, he suddenly found a few little mice that appeared out of nowhere in the prehistoric world. It has to be said that their advanced technology did not attract the attention of the heavenly dao in the prehistoric world.

Even if it wasn't for the moment when Li Chen's divine sense detected it, even if Li Chen came to calculate, they would not be able to calculate their real heel.

"'s not Li Yixiao and them! I don't know if they belong to the main temple or other forces?"

Thinking of this, Li Chen's thoughts fell on the few people in the sea of ​​consciousness that he had marked by Jie Yin, and found that Li Yixiao and others were approaching the point where he was at a very fast speed. You can reach Honghuang in a day or two.

Li Chen didn't try to startle them, but secretly paid attention to what their plans were, and was going to wait for Li Yixiao and others to inquire about the situation after they came to this prehistoric place before making any calculations.

As for Hongjun's side, whether they can avoid Hongjun's fiery eyes depends on their good fortune, but Li Chen will not disturb Hongjun because of this, just let nature take its course!
Even if it is discovered by Hongjun, it is Hongjun's ability. After all, the existence behind those people is something I can't afford to provoke, at least the existence that I can't afford to provoke at this stage.

So if you can turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, you can turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, unless they touch his own cake, otherwise Li Chen won't bother to provoke them, and make himself a mess for nothing.

Under Li Chen's surveillance, those unknown beings, like most of the monks in the prehistoric world, were drifted towards the holy places (Kunlun Mountain and Lingshan) in the flood of monks.

For Li Chen, three days passed in the blink of an eye.

According to Li Chen's induction, Li Yixiao has already arrived in the wilderness. This time Li Yixiao and others landed in no other place, but the Penglai Immortal Island in the wilderness. Thanks to the presence of Li Yixiao in the Penglai Immortal Island When Chen was sitting in the town, the formations were basically half-open. If it wasn't like this, Li Yixiao and others would have been blasted to pieces by the island protection formations of Penglai Immortal Island just after they landed on the Penglai Immortal Island. Scumbag.

Even so, it made Li Yixiao and others feel ashamed.

According to Li Chen's speed, he would definitely be able to turn off the attack of the island protection formation immediately, but Li Chen did not do so.

Seeing them set their position on Penglai Xiandao without the consent of their master, I feel very uncomfortable.

If Li Chen is unhappy, then others must not be happy, especially the source of the problem.

The result is what it is now.

As soon as Li Yixiao and the others came out of the transmission channel, they received the thoughtful service of the island protection formation. Countless divine thunders bombarded them like a sauna, and the sourness was simply unnecessary.

Tianlei Sauna, if it wasn't for a little bit of cultivation, it would probably just burp.

Before Li Chen's disciples on the Penglai Immortal Island saw Li Yixiao and the others, Li Chen unleashed his great magic power and directly photographed them.

In front of Li Yixiao and others, Li Chen is naturally very stylish, and Wei An's figure suddenly becomes taller in front of everyone, "Thank you Changming Daoist for the rescue..."

A few poor children still think that the main god sent the teleportation by mistake, and they were teleported directly into the sea of ​​thunder. If they knew it was the island protection formation above Penglai, Li Yixiao and others would probably cry.

The words came out, accompanied by the misty blue smoke floating from his mouth...

(End of this chapter)

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