174 Chapter 0174
"Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, our army of demon tribes has assembled, and we can kill every single one of them with your majesty's order."

When Emperor Jun heard the words, he ordered:
"Pass down the order, the whole army set off!"


As for the human race, they didn't even know that the catastrophe was approaching.

Still work at sunrise and rest at sunset, living a simple life.

But I have to say that the reproductive ability of the human race is indeed very strong. From the initial 12 people to the present, the number of human races has increased by tens of thousands of times. It just belongs to a small clan. You must know that there are trillions of other races in the prehistoric world.

But even with the current reproductive ability of the human race, it is only a matter of time before they catch up with other races and even become the largest race in the wild.

On the coast of the East China Sea...

"Brother, I don't know why I have been restless during my practice recently. I feel like something big is about to happen."

Women's sixth sense is particularly strong, Ziyi felt his heart beating thumping, and there was some faint pain, but when he looked carefully, he couldn't find any problems at all, so he couldn't help frowning and said to Suiren .

"Little sister, do you also feel this way? I thought it was just that I was too worried about my tribe recently, so I couldn't calm down. Could it be that something big is going to happen to my human race..."

You Chao heard what Ziyi said, and couldn't help interjecting.

After Suirenshi heard this, he frowned and remained silent, because he also felt this way, but he calculated the secrets himself, but found that the secrets were chaotic, and nothing could be calculated.

After a while, he couldn't help but sigh:
"How about we go to Penglai and ask the teacher? Maybe the teacher can ask the master to wait for me—"

The three of them didn't even know that Li Chen was no longer on Penglai Xiandao.

After the three of them returned to the ancestral land of the human race on the coast of the East China Sea from Penglai Xiandao, they basically practiced in the ancestral temple. They didn't know much about some things on Penglai Xiandao, and they didn't pay attention to Penglai Xiandao in real time. movement.

Although Xiandao sent its own uncle and others to guard the human race, but it is a thousand-year rotation, and the uncle and others stationed on the human race this round have not yet returned.

While the three of them were thinking, a hurried and chaotic voice came from outside the hall:

"Report..., report to the three patriarchs..."

While the three were talking, a human monk stumbled in.

"Why are you so flustered? Tell me slowly."

Ziyi said, as the only female among the three patriarchs, Ziyi was the gentlest of the three, with a soft voice, which made the human monks who were originally a little disordered in breath quiet down.

"Report to the three patriarchs that the monster army has somehow killed our human race. Many tribes that have moved out of the East China Sea have already been wiped out..."

As he spoke, the dignified seven-foot man's eyes were red with tears rolling in his eyes.

"What, the demon clan destroyed my human tribe? This is really deceiving!" After hearing this, Youchao slammed the table.

"Second brother, third sister, I'll go there quickly to see what's going on." Although Suiren's face was flushed with anger, he still tried his best to calm himself down and make a decision in the shortest possible time. People represent the will of the human race. If the three of us are in chaos, the human race will also be in chaos.

Speaking of which, the three disappeared in the ancestral temple of the human race in an instant, and rushed to the front line.

In Penglai Xiandao, Chenlong, who was cultivating at this time, also felt a burst of fear.

It is impossible to continue to practice at all, and it may be considered light to practice forcibly and become obsessed.

Hastily stopped practicing, and began to calculate what happened, but after a while, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and the secret was vague, unable to calculate.

This is not the result Chenlong wanted, and the reason cannot be found, even if Chenlong can solve the problem, there is nowhere to use it.

After thinking about it, Chenlong directly communicated with the center of Penglai Xiandao, and used the power of Penglai to forcefully calculate the prehistoric secrets.

For a moment, Chenlong's face turned pale, and his body was almost crumbling, but he was bitten by this secret, but luckily, he finally got a result - a big omen.

But now that I am in Penglai Immortal Island, what is the ominous sign? Could it be that Hongjun is planning to attack Penglai Immortal Island?Or is the teacher in danger?Or……

Chenlong couldn't help thinking: Or is there a problem with the human race?


The third ancestor of the human race suddenly appeared above a tribe that was besieged and slaughtered.

Seeing the desperate wailing of the human race and the chewing sound of the monster race everywhere, it was a hell on earth.

Suddenly, Suirenshi couldn't suppress his anger, and a white flame with a hint of gold floated out of his body. This was the first flame Suirenshi obtained by drilling wood to make fire. It was the fire of humanity and the fire of human civilization.

I saw sparks floating out of the flames and falling on the monsters below. A single spark can start a prairie fire, and the fire of humanity can burn demons!

"Hey, what is this..."

A pig demon with a pig's head in its incomplete form, after discovering the sparks falling on his body, suddenly felt a tingling pain where the sparks landed and couldn't help but exclaimed.

At the same time, he was about to extinguish the sparks with his hands, but unexpectedly, as soon as his hand touched the sparks, his hand immediately started to burn, and the fierce sparks exploded, like dry wood meeting a raging fire.

The pig demon burst into unbearable pain, and immediately yelled, attracting the surrounding monsters to come forward one after another, ready to extinguish the flames on her body, but unexpectedly it spread like a plague, and almost all the monsters next to her were infected with the flame.

There was a burst of crying and howling, and as the flames burned, the sound gradually became weaker.

"Fellow Daoist He Fang, dare to fight against my monster clan..."

A burst of arrogant and domineering voice came, but it turned out to be the ghost car of the Yaozu Yaoshuai.

Ghost Che heard the wailing of the Yaozu here, and was just about to come over to check the situation.

Seeing the miserable situation of the demons, while Ghost Che was speaking, he condensed a giant hand covering the sky, and hit the three of Suirenshi.

"It's not good, it's a monster quasi-sage, retreat quickly!"

Suirenshi found out that the person who came was a ghost chariot, sensed the ghost chariot's cultivation level, was startled, and hurriedly said.

The ghost car sneered and said:
"I'm here, you three little Taiyi Golden Immortals, do you also want to escape? You'd better stay obediently."

Seeing the giant hand covering the sky coming, Youchao quickly sacrificed his virtuous spiritual treasure - Youchao House, to protect the three of them.

The giant hand that shrouds the sky immediately hits the protection with a nest, and the light curtain that turns into a nest suddenly flickers, and immediately collapses, and it also collapses after a blow from the giant hand that shrouds the sky.

Youchao's face was flushed, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

But it was the meritorious treasure that his mind was connected with was severely injured, which implicated himself in being backlashed.

"Let's go." Suirenshi and Ziyishi supported Youchao and hurriedly flew towards the coast of the East China Sea.

Ghost car with a playful smile
"Interesting, there are merits and spiritual treasures to protect the body. I think they are the three lucky people of the human race... But even so, the gap between the quasi-sage and Taiyi is a world of difference, insurmountable!"

Ghost Che muttered to himself, regardless of the Yaozu here, he stepped over and chased in the direction where the three of Suirenshi left.

Those burning monster races were reduced to ashes under the burning of the holy fire of humanity within a short while, and even the primordial spirit was burned away, leaving only a touch of true spirit, circling in place for a week and then sinking into the dark world. .

(End of this chapter)

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