Chapter 179 Three Arrays
Not only Zhen Yuanzi and Xiying Zhunti and others intervened in the human race, but even the Twelve Ancestral Witches ordered them to 'secretly' help the human race before the situation of the monster race was unclear.

The monster clan kills, and the witch clan saves people!Anyway, it is what the Yaozu does, and the Wuzu does the opposite.

With the powerful obstacles of the Wu Clan and the large and small hills in the flood, the human race, a new and weak ethnic group in the flood, was able to linger in this crack.

It is not so much the slaughter of the human race by the monster race, it is better to say that it is a battle between the prehistoric powers and the witch race and the monster race.

At this time, in the ancestral land of the human race on the coast of the East China Sea, all the monks and warriors of the human race are being treated seriously.Because they found that all the monster armies of the monster clan were all coming towards the ancestral land.

The next tough battle will be fought, if there is no miracle, it is estimated that the ancestral land will be beaten to pieces in this battle.

The Nuwa Holy Mother ignored world affairs, and the whereabouts of Daoist Li Chen was unknown, so they couldn't be contacted, otherwise these monster races would dare to act like this.

"Reporting to His Majesty the Demon Emperor, the army is already in full formation. We only need an order from His Majesty, and our army of monsters can directly attack Huanglong and enter the ancestral land of the human race! It's just..."

I just received the news that after the human race entered those 'powerful' dojos, those great powers took action one after another to stop the monster race from slaughtering the human race.

All kinds of news made Kunpeng hesitate, but fortunately, the monster army was not harmed——

Although Kunpeng didn't finish speaking, Di Jun also knew what Kunpeng wanted to say.

Thinking of those vacillating prehistoric powers, Di Jun's eyes turned cold, and thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind.After a while, Fang Cai let out a long breath and said:
"Then let's attack with all our strength. Even if we can't destroy the human race, we must do our best to maim the human race. At least we must ensure that we cannot recover our vitality within tens of millions of years after the two clans of the Lich fight!"

When Di Jun said this, his face was indifferent, as if he had guessed something. Looking at every era in the prehistoric history, every calamity is the change of the protagonist of the world.

From ferocious beasts and innate sages, to the dragon, phoenix and unicorn clans, and now to the current lich clans, there seems to be no rules to follow, but after careful scrutiny, a terrible problem can be found.

Reminiscent of the monster clan slaughtering the human race before, and the mighty power of the wilderness either overtly or secretly protecting him, even Di Jun couldn't help but tremble a little at this moment.

The world is so cruel, and it is even more vivid in this prehistoric world where the strong are respected.

The army of monster races is endless, seemingly endless. Although the low-level monster races account for the majority, the problem is that there are not many high-level monks in the human race.Basically, if a person lives alone, he will be besieged by a bunch of monsters, but as long as the human race is besieged by the monsters, there is no hope of survival, and they will blow themselves up and drag the surrounding monsters to die together.

Although the monster race has a large number of people, they suffered a lot of losses under the fierce attack of the human race.

Seeing this scene, Di Jun frowned, and the coldness in his eyes deepened.

"Such a human race must die! Otherwise, it will be a disaster for my monster race..."

Di Jun's voice became even more indifferent, but he was shocked by the spirit of this human race who is not afraid of death.

Seeing that some of the monster races around were concerned and did not dare to step forward to besiege them, for fear that the human race would drag them down and die together, Di Jun's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"White Pond!"

"Where are Shang Yang, Fei Lian and others? Tell them to come see me quickly!"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Shang Yang and others are chasing and killing the fleeing human race in the wilderness, and they probably won't be able to come in a short time. The two empresses, Fei Lian, Ji Meng and others are staring at the Wu clan, and they probably won't be able to get away. Only me and Qin Yuan came here under His Majesty's order, if we have to wait for Shang Yang, Fei Lian and others to come here, it will take some time..."

Bai Ze was dressed in white, waving a feather fan, and looked like an immortal.

Its eyes seem to reflect a world, which is mysterious and unpredictable.Among the monster race, he is probably the only one who has never killed a human race.

In his words, what can be solved with the brain, why bother to be so vulgar.

It can be said to be a wonderful flower among the demon clan.

Among the top ten monster commanders of the monster clan, Bai Ze has a high prestige and belongs to the military division category.

Kunpeng's status in the monster clan is also very special, like the teacher of all the monsters.

After all, it is really a great merit for the demon clan to create the demon text and preach to the low-level demon clan.

Hearing Bai Ze's answer, Di Jun murmured to the situation in front of him:

"Since that's the case, what's your opinion, Bai Ze, facing the situation in front of you?"

Originally, Emperor Jun wanted to gather thousands of monsters to slaughter the human race to extract their souls, but now, Tai Yi is injured and can no longer fight, and there is no news of Fuxi going to the Wa Palace, and the Chenlong people of Penglai Xiandao are also constantly adding resistance to the monster race——

It was a good attack, but now it is stalemate.

Because Nv Xi's blow was comparable to a saint's powerhouse, he didn't dare to take the risk of attacking Chenlong and others with other monster race powerhouses.

All kinds of things made Di Jun feel tired for a while.

Could it be that I really didn't think well?Di Jun couldn't help thinking.

"It depends on what His Majesty thinks. I don't know the cards of the human race and everyone in Sanxian Island. I think it may be rewarding to let the army test it, but..."

Needless to say, Di Jun understood that a large number of low-level monster races would definitely be lost.

Bai Ze thought for a while and said to Di Jun.

In this prehistoric world, there is plenty of aura, and everything is bad, except for the low-level monster race!

Like grain, one crop after another has been harvested.

"Then it's according to what you said!" Di Jun propped his chin and replied after thinking for a moment.

Seeing the monster race attacking, the human monk couldn't help shouting:

"Kill, for my human race, kill a bright universe..."

"Kill..., these monster races won't give me a way out for the human race, we will fight them..."

And the Yaozu who heard Dijun's order were overjoyed.

"Jie Jie, there are a lot of human pills, and the cultivation base is about to increase again..." A monster with a dog's head and a hala, licked his lips with his tongue as he ran, as if he was missing something, with a smile gloomy.

"The demon emperor has an order to kill all the human races, you people should just wait for us to harvest..."

"I want to eat, puff..., eat, eat up the human race, puff..." A pig demon kept snoring while running, but he didn't forget to eat.

"The human race is nothing more than the blood food that Empress Nuwa created for my monster race. If it's food, just obediently be a food—"

For the human race, this battle is about their lives, but for the monster race, this battle is just an ordinary foraging.

The battle line was stretched very long by the monster clan, even Chen Long and others were submerged in the monster clan army and entangled by the monster clan army.

Seeing that there was nothing to be done, he couldn't help shouting "Back to the coast of the East China Sea!!!"

A formation spread from the ancestral hall of the human race, and the entire coast of the East China Sea was shrouded in this formation.

It was the clan protection formation that Li Chen casually arranged for the people when he was bored.

(End of this chapter)

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