CH 205 0205

After Hongjun left, everyone's eyes were on Nuwa.

"Junior Sister, I wonder if there is any way to mend the sky?"

Lao Tzu asked, after all, it is not a solution for everyone to plug the loopholes like this. It is better to finish it as soon as possible.

Hearing Lao Tzu's question, Nu Wa also had a look of embarrassment, after all, she has never mended the sky before, so how can she talk about the method of mending the sky.

A thought flashed through my mind before, but there was no way to talk about it.

"I think it is possible for the light and spiritual thing to plug the loopholes in the sky with the innate nature of heaven and earth. I don't know if it is possible? The sky looks like a dead thing, but it also has the life of the sky. The refining of the thing that fills the sky is only necessary Use the supreme power of good fortune to breed vitality for the sky-filling thing, so that it can be in harmony with the sky, but what is the best thing to make the sky-filling—”

For a while, Nuwa was in trouble, after all, she was not good at refining weapons, and she didn't go out of her way to collect materials for refining weapons, now——

Hearing Nuwa talking to herself, Lao Tzu and the others were also thinking about whether they had the gods that Nuwa said could be used to mend the sky.

But obviously, there was no such fetish on them at all, so they couldn't help but shook their heads.

Nuwa seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly searched for her own space.

It was the five-color god stone that was obtained on Fenbaoyan when the third sermon was heard.

This five-color god stone is formed by the condensation of innate five-color clear energy. It was useless when it was first obtained. It was only because of its beauty that it was played for a while, and then it was thrown into the storage space by myself.

Nu Wa thinks, it should be more than enough to use this as a divine material for mending the sky.

One, two, three...

A total of 51 five-color divine stones were dug out by Nuwa one by one, and everyone's eyes lit up when they saw this.

It's really a rare and good treasure, with five colors flowing on it, just like colored glaze.

After finding the five-color god stone, Nuwa didn't talk nonsense, took out the Qiankun tripod, and threw the five-color god stone into it.

Looking at the Qiankun Cauldron, Nuwa's expression was complicated. To Nuwa, the Qiankun Cauldron only had the right to use it. Thinking of this, she was amazed at Hongjun's supernatural power.

I think the master had already thought of the current situation when the master gave me the Qiankun cauldron——

What a great power this is, even if I am now, I can't be like Master Hongjun Daozu, who has calculated what will happen hundreds of millions of years ago from hundreds of millions of years ago.

But these are just Nuwa's guesses, Hongjun's time has already been counted to the present, and only Hongjun himself knows.

Now the thing that mends the sky is almost certain to be the five-color divine stone, but it has already been broken, and the thing that supports the sky still needs to find a way.

Otherwise, even if the hole is mended, it will not help.

Thinking of this, Nu Wa looked at Tong Tian and said:
"Fellow Daoist, the thing that mends the sky is already in sight, but the thing that supports the sky still needs to be done. Fellow Daoist, go to the North Sea once, and get the four large turtles from the North Sea to support the sky—"

But Nvwa focused on the first black tortoise that existed since the beginning of the world. At this time, the four legs of the creature that can be used to support the sky in the wilderness are the four legs of the creature that existed since the beginning of the world. Otherwise, it has to be retrained. To make things that support the sky, ordinary materials cannot be used to support the sky at all.

Tongtian didn't delay when he heard about it, he tore open the space and landed in Beihai.

However, it is said that the mysterious tortoise from the North Sea is the first mysterious tortoise in the world. However, when the world first opened its spiritual chaos, it may be because it has seen the height of Pangu's real body, so its cultivation only knows how to cultivate its physical body in a bigger and stronger direction. As for the method of transformation, after the transmission of the method, because the physical body is too strong, there is no chance to transform.

A considerable part of the entire North Sea is occupied by the mysterious North Sea tortoise, because the mysterious North Sea tortoise has opened up its spiritual intelligence and understands the cycle of merit and karma, so that the mysterious tortoise of the North Sea does not dare to move its body at all, because every time it moves, it will affect other people. It is a disaster for living beings.

There is even a feeling of not moving until the world is immeasurable.

But now it is people sitting at home sitting on a pot coming from the sky——

As early as during the Lich War, the Beihai Xuangui felt that he would also be doomed.

At the beginning, I thought it was going to be affected by the war between the Lich clan, but now looking at the young man holding a long sword in front of me, I knew that it was affected by the Lich war, but it didn't directly affect me but Indirectly affect oneself.

"Who is Er Nai, what is the important thing in my Beihai?"

A dull voice sounded, echoing throughout the North Sea.

"I am a Daoist from Kunlun Mountain, the heaven and the earth will fall, and I have come to take your four feet to support the sky. I don't know if I want to?"

"What does the overturning of the world have to do with me? Wouldn't it be the same as taking my life if I took my four feet? Hundreds of millions of years of practice turned into fly ash, but I don't want to. Saint, please go back—"

"This is about all beings in the world, but the poor have offended—"

As Tong Tian said, he took out the Qingping Sword and wanted to cut off the four legs of the North Sea Black Turtle.

I saw Beihai Xuangui angrily said: "Fellow Daoist is going too far!"

Having said that, when he saw the sword energy coming from Tongtian Zhan, he quickly retracted his limbs and retracted directly into the turtle shell.

The sword qi slashing on the turtle shell only left a white mark.

Seeing that the sword energy reaching the sky could not break the tortoise shell that he had cultivated for many years, the Beihai Xuangui immediately felt relieved.

"If you come and don't reciprocate, it's impolite, give me a note..."

As he said that, an energy ball condensed in Xuangui's mouth, and it aimed at Tongtian and slammed it out.

The energy ball is like a cannonball, but Tongtian is a saint-level existence, how can he be hurt by this small energy condensed ball, seeing the energy ball flying over, he quickly dodges, dodging the energy ball's attack.

After fighting for several days, Tong Tian didn't want to waste any more, so he retreated to the side, put away the Qingping sword, and sacrificed four murderous pitch-black long swords.

Just seeing these four swords, Beihai Xuangui felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart. Through the long swords, Xuangui seemed to see the inevitable end.

"Too much bullying, even if you die, I won't make it easier for you—"

Said that the body that had not moved for hundreds of millions of years flew up like a floating island.

It slammed into the sky.

The four fairy swords turned into one under the power of the sky, and a chaotic sword energy burst out from it.

There was a "click..." sound when it hit the turtle shell.

The power of the treasure is so terrifying.

Seeing this, Tongtian swung two more Chaos Sword Qi.

"Crack..." The sound was endless, and the third sword came to him, and the entire turtle shell shattered immediately.

"The way of heaven is unfair, I want to curse you with my flesh and blood—"

Before the words were finished, they fell apart.

After Tongtian cut off his four legs, he threw away the broken turtle shell and left the place.

Unexpectedly, this casual thing has created a continent full of swamps and poisonous gas - Beiju Luzhou

But these are later stories.

After Tongtian retrieved the mysterious North Sea turtle and left on all fours, a palm-sized spirit turtle crawled out of one of the fragments——

Nu Wa has also entered a critical juncture at this time. In 49, the five-color god stone was transformed into a cloud of five-color gas, which is hazy and extremely beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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