Chapter 228 0228

In the prehistoric times, not only the disciples of the Tongtian Jujiao, but also the disciples of the Yuanshi Chanjiao and the disciples of the Western Cult were sent to the human race after the return of the saints, waiting for the flying bear in the human race. The birth of the person who should be robbed.

They all hope that someone who will be the first to arrive will recruit the person who should be robbed into their own sect.

With the arrival of the 500-year period, the originally clear secrets of the heavens suddenly became turbid as if a drop of ink had been dripped into it. Even the secrets of the monks who were good at the number of secrets were useless at this time. Nothing came out.

A flying bear roared in the sky, but in an instant, it fell in the direction of Chaoge City at this time, and disappeared without a trace.

In Chaoge City, which has a large population, it is really difficult to find this person with the appearance of a flying bear. The disciples are much friendlier.

As a saint, he is naturally concerned about the place where the appearance of the flying bear descends. Although it is covered by the way of heaven, it is also delineated by the saint to a rough range.

Immediately, all the sects received orders from the sage, and set off for Chaoge City one after another.

It is said that there is a small village two hundred miles away from Chaoge City, where they live by hunting and fishing. The Jiang family and the Lu family in the village are over half a hundred years old and have no children. Shi dreamed of a flying bear in his arms, and was later diagnosed with pregnancy.

The husband and wife naturally take great care of this hard-won child and look forward to its arrival.

After ten months of pregnancy, the child was born smoothly. The strange thing is that the child's hair is all white, but because of the happy birth of Linzi, and the fact that there are many strange births in the human race, everyone is no stranger to it.

Later, the husband and wife named him Jiang Shang, also known as Lu Shang, with the word Ziya.

The family mainly focuses on fishing, supplemented by hunting, and their lives are quite impressive.

More than ten years later, Jiang Ziya's parents both died of old age one after another. Jiang Ziya saw things in the small village and lost his thoughts, so he left the small village and came to Chaoge City, where he met Song Yiren and worshiped Song Yiren as brothers with different surnames.

With the help of Song Yiren, he could barely make a living in Chaoge City. Knowing that he was born as a flying bear in a dream, he was nicknamed Feixiong by skilled people.

After living in the world of mortals for more than [-] years, Jiang Ziya is still in a daze, without any goal in life.

Later, Yingyin saw a Taoist wearing a purple-gold Taoist crown, a Luolan jade suit, and a five-color jade belt around his waist riding a strange beast through the clouds and mist during a great sacrifice in the Shang Dynasty.Immediately yearning, he bid farewell to Song Yiren and embarked on the journey of seeking immortality and Taoism.

Whenever there are high mountains and steep mountains, I worship, hoping that there are gods and gods in the mountains who can accept me as a disciple for the sake of my sincerity.

But although there are many monks in the wild, not every mountain exists.

Moreover, monks need aura to practice. Not only do ordinary mountain peaks lack that aura, but they are even filled with mortal aura because they are close to the gathering places of human races.

After spending 5 years and traveling through countless mountains and rivers, Jiang Ziya did not meet the fairy in his heart after all. He even had doubts about whether what he saw was true or not in Chaoge. Is it a hallucination?In fact, immortals do not exist?

People will habitually doubt the existence of things that they cannot see, not to mention the legends about immortals, a considerable number of people in the human race have never seen them at all.

Since the Three Emperors and Five Emperors of the human race, not to mention immortals, even goblins have seldom revealed their real bodies in front of the human race.

Therefore, it is reasonable to be suspicious. Except for the high-level people in the human race, ordinary people in the human race have no way of knowing these things.

There are many self-proclaimed Taoist priests in the human race, but in the eyes of countless ordinary people of the human race, they are no different from the human race, and they are not like the gods who move mountains and seas.

Thinking, thinking, a black shadow suddenly sprang out from the edge of the woods, about to pounce on Jiang Ziya.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be an incomparably huge spotted leopard.

Jiang Ziya didn't respond at all. When he was about to hurt Jiang Ziya, a huge flying bear sumo on Jiang Ziya's body threw himself out, and there was a huge roaring sound that went deep into the soul and was deafening.

The spotted leopard, like a kitten being molested, immediately ran away with its tail between its legs.

The flying bear in Jiang Ziya's body slowly sank into Jiang Ziya's body after the piebald leopard disappeared, everything seemed to be just a dream.

During the whole process, Jiang Ziya seemed to be only the third person, and he didn't notice any changes at all.

A crisis disappears imperceptibly.

After Jiang Ziya left the mountain, the piebald leopard looked at Jiang Ziya from a distance, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and immediately jumped and ran a few times, running to Jiang Ziya from the other side of the mountain.

After some ideological struggle and thinking, Jiang Ziya became more determined to seek immortality and apprenticeship.

Not only do I believe in my own eyes, I believe that the fairy that Chaoge saw is real, but I also believe that the ancestors of my human race will not pass some specious empty talk to their descendants, this fairy is even more real Existence will be handed down, and even Jiang Ziya feels that the ancestors of the human race hope that the descendants of the human race can visit those blessed lands of immortal families, learn the magic of immortality, and strengthen the human race...

After thinking about it, I turned over another mountain.

"Hey, brother, brother, what's wrong with you, you are so out of your mind, my name is Shen Gongbao, I don't know what to call brother?"

A man who called himself Shen Gongbao stretched out his hand in front of Jiang Ziya and called out.

Shen Gongbao was dressed in animal skins mixed with sackcloth, dressed as a hunter, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a simple and honest appearance.

Feeling the strength on his shoulders, Jiang Ziya just 'woke up'.

"Ah..." He let out a sound, as if he didn't realize what happened.

It took a while before he realized it. With an embarrassed smile on his face, he scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "My name is Jiang Ziya. I didn't pay attention to something just now. I'm very sorry."

I saw that Shen Gongbao asked again: "There are many beasts in this mountain forest, brother, it is wrong for you to be so careless, but you must know that jackals, tigers and leopards are not as reasonable as you and me. I don't know where you come from, brother. , where do you want to go?"

Jiang Ziya didn't think about it carefully, so he blurted out: "I've been here for the past five years, and I haven't seen any wolves, tigers or leopards..."

Shen Gongbao: "..."

It seems that what I said is wrong. After all, there are many wolves, tigers and leopards in the deep mountains and old forests. How could there be no one? It must be my luck that I didn't meet them.He quickly changed the subject and said:
"Well..., I came from Chaoge City, and I want to worship in the blessed land of the Immortal Mountain, and practice immortality, so I don't want to be in the world in vain."

(End of this chapter)

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