CH 230 0230
"I have met the immortal elder. My name is Jiang Shang and I am Ziya. Because I deeply admire the way of immortality, I want to worship under the immortal's sect and learn Taoism. I don't know if the immortal elder is willing to accept disciples? If the immortal elder does not give up, I..."

Before Jiang Ziya could finish speaking, a loud and clear crane cry resounded through the sky, and when everyone came to their senses, they saw a celestial light falling down and turning into a boy about ten years old carved with jade.

"Boy Baihe, what are you doing here?" Kun Wu was familiar with him, so he asked directly without any hesitation.

"The teacher said that there are people who are apprentices at the foot of the mountain, and asked me to come and take him to Yuxu Palace. I think the teacher is talking about you two!"

As he said that, Baihe boy looked at Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao, his tone was full of affirmation even though he was asking.

In Baihe Tongzi's view, his master is the supreme sage, and his words and deeds are in line with the way of heaven. Since there are people at the foot of the mountain who want to learn from him, then there must be one. With Shen Gongbao, who else would there be besides them.

Jiang Ziya was about to say something, but Shen Gongbao had sharp eyesight and quick hands, pulled him behind him, and then said to Baihe boy:

"It's our two brothers, and I look to Xiantong for guidance. My two brothers are very grateful..."

Shen Gongbao could see that the status of this boy Baihe was higher than that of Kunwu. Didn't you see that boy Baihe with his eyes above his head when he spoke, and that Kunwu didn't respond.It shows that even if Boy Baihe's cultivation is not as high as Kunwu's, at least the existence behind him is not something Kunwu can afford.

Shen Gongbao naturally had to grasp the hard-won fairy fate, otherwise he would lose money if Jiang Ziya, a fool, messed up it.

When Baihe boy asked, he quickly blocked Jiang Ziya's words, and even showed himself (etiquette) without any trace.

Hearing this, Bai He Tongzi looked at the two of them carefully, stared at them for a long time, and thought: A thousand-year-old leopard has transformed into a refined form, and a mortal without a fairy bone, unexpectedly let the master send himself down the mountain to pick him up.Since the master accepted twelve senior brothers, he has not accepted apprentices for tens of millions of years. Could it be that the master wants to make an exception to accept apprentices today?Thinking of the master's request for accepting apprentices, it is impossible to think about it.Jiang Ziya is an ordinary man, with no immortal roots, no hope of becoming immortal.Shen Gongbao, a demon clan, is hated by Yuanshi Tianzun the most, and it is even less likely that he will be accepted as an apprentice.That being the case, why did the master ask me to lead the two of them up the mountain?Boy Baihe couldn't help but start to think.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of a reason. I can only attribute it to the unfathomable heart of a saint. I shook my head and threw all the messy thoughts in my mind out of my head, and then said:
"In that case, you two come with me, the master is in Yuxu Palace..."

The two of them followed Baihe Tongzi along the Kunlun Mountain Road and walked towards the Yuxu Palace on the top of the mountain. The reason why Baihe Tongzi didn't use the technique of riding the clouds to send the two of them directly to Yuxu Palace is naturally a consideration. Climbing Kunlun Mountain in one step, one represents the respect for Yuanshi Tianzun, and the other represents the importance the two of them attach to this apprenticeship.

As the two walked up, they felt heavier and heavier. Originally, they could walk a long distance in one minute, but now it was difficult to take a step.

When they walked halfway up the mountain, the three of them heard the Juxian Bell of Yuxu Palace on the top of Kunlun Mountain rang three times.

Shen Gongbao: "My fairy elder, what is this bell ringing for? Can you tell us about it?"

Even Jiang Ziya looked at Boy Baihe expectantly.

Thinking about the meaning of the bell, it was not a secret, Baihe boy said:

"This is the Immortal Gathering Bell of my Yuxu Palace. The bell rings three times, which means that the master is summoning all the senior brothers and wants to give a lecture... However, the master has already sent the senior brothers down the mountain decades ago. He said he was looking for something, could it be that he has already found it?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help muttering to himself.

Shen Gongbao thought differently.

It's rare for me to meet a fairy preaching when I came here to learn the teacher. Could it be that this indicates that I will succeed in learning the teacher?Immediately, the energy to climb the mountain became stronger.

After Jiang Ziya heard it, he tried his best. After all, he had never seen a fairy preaching before. There was also some bragging when talking with Brother Song after the song.

The three-person team immediately accelerated several times, and within a few hours, they had already climbed to the top of the mountain.

The tired Shen Gongbao and Jiang Ziya couldn't help but sat down on the ground regardless of their appearance, sweating profusely and panting.

Shen Gongbao would also like to use mana to make himself more relaxed if he could use mana. The problem is that this part of the road up the mountain has a huge suppressive force, and he can't mobilize even a little mana. In general, climb to the top with perseverance.

After a short rest, under the leadership of Boy Baihe, he came to the platform in front of Yuxu Palace.

At this time, the twelve golden immortals in front of the Daotai had all arrived, and they all sat upright. Seeing Baihe Tongzi leading Shen Gongbao and Jiang Ziya coming from the top and bottom, although they were curious, they all closed their eyes with an attitude that should not be asked. Pretend not to see.

As soon as the two were arranged, Yuanshi Tianzun appeared on the platform, and looked at Baihe Tongzi and Jiang Ziya Shen Gongbao, with some doubts in his eyes, although Yuanshi Tianzun was a little puzzled because there was one more person, But he still couldn't stop Yuanshi Tianzun, and directly opened his mouth and began to talk about the Dao.

"In the beginning, it was too easy. There is no image or form. You don't know what is heavy and turbid, and whoever argues lightly... Those who honor me live long, and those who do not belong to me die. I have this order, and people and ghosts will listen to it..."

"There is no up and down, and there is no front and back. The way of heaven is vast and great. I take its essence and explain it... Therefore, all living beings have a way, which is called human beings. Heaven and earth have a way, which is called heaven, and the way of heaven is also The way of all things..."


Everyone was intoxicated by the Dao told by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun also took advantage of this time to constantly calculate Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao's heels.

When looking at Jiang Ziya's heels, he kept tracing back to its source, and found that Jiang Ziya had experienced nearly a hundred reincarnations, and worked as a beggar, prostitute, general, scholar, flower, bird, vegetation, insect and fish, etc.

After going back to the period when the Lich stood side by side, the secrets of the sky seemed to be disturbed by an inexplicable force, and everything became blurred.

Vaguely, Yuan Shi seemed to see a drop of blood, and other things could not deduce any useful information at all.

He tried again, and it was still the same as before, so he gave up the calculation, even he couldn't calculate it, which meant that Jiang Ziya was most likely the person who conferred the gods.

As for Shen Gongbao, under Yuanshi Tianzun's calculations, Shen Gongbao's life and past stories were all revealed by Yuanshi Tianzun.The process of reincarnation is different, but it seems that Shen Gongbao's scenes in each life seem to have a little connection with that Jiang Ziya, and there is no good ending. Similar to Jiang Ziya, when the Lich stands side by side, all the secrets before him disappear. Without a trace, at the same time, the figure of a drop of blood flashed past Yuan Shi's eyes.

The two irrelevant people have so many similarities and entanglements that Yuanshi couldn't help but start to face his Shen Gongbao squarely.The fate of the two is even more entangled, but it is the numerology of mutual generation and mutual restraint.

Simply put, the better one is, the worse the other will be. If one is lucky, the other will be full of bad luck.

Yuan Shi really didn't know what the reason was.

Originally, I didn't like the monster race, so I set up a formation to test my disciples, and promised that anyone who passed the formation would be accepted as a disciple. I thought that the people of the monster race would not be able to pass the formation I set up, but unexpectedly, Huanglong made an unprecedented breakthrough. passed the array.Accepting a Huanglong already made him very upset, and Yuan Shi was also very embarrassed about Shen Gongbao.

I want to accept it, but it is annoying, I want to send it out, I am afraid that it will become a disciple of other sects, I want to obliterate its existence, and I am worried that it will affect the progress of the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods.

As time passed, Yuan Shi quickly calculated the pros and cons in his mind while preaching.

After the sermon was over, Yuanshi also had a rough idea. This idea was crazy to Yuanshi. If it was completed, then he could use the power of teaching to replace Jiejiao's position in the Taoist sect...

For Yuan Shi, the temptation is not insignificant.

After stopping to preach, Yuan Shi said to the two of them:

"I am Yuanshi Tianzun. I want to accept you two as registered disciples. I wonder if you two are willing?"


 I am very sorry, I have modified some of the plots in this chapter, I hope it will not affect the reading experience...

(End of this chapter)

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