CH 242 0242

Seeing that Tongtian had activated the Zhuxian Sword Formation, Lao Tzu shook his head slightly and called softly: "Niu Er, come here..."

I saw a green bull galloping happily in the void, came to Lao Tzu, and whispered, as if talking to Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu stepped onto the green bull, slapped the bull, and came towards the gate where the Dongfang Zhuxian sword was located.

When I was about to enter the Zhuxian Sword Formation, I pointed to the top of my head, and I saw the mysterious and exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth suddenly appeared above my head, with a yellow light hanging down.With a flick of the Taiji diagram in his hand, the Taiji diagram immediately rose against the wind, turning into a golden bridge and entering the sword formation.After finishing all this, Lao Tzu nodded in satisfaction, slapped the green bull on the seat, and boldly entered the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

The faint sound of the Great Dao permeates, and there is a song that says:

"Xuanhuang Wai worships the Ming teacher, and in the chaos, let me do it.

The five elements are in my control, and the avenue is in the hands of fans.

When it is quiet, it is built into a golden pagoda, and when it is leisurely, it has been out of Kansai.

The two hands cover the world, and the belly is safe with the five mountains and the sumeru. "

Seeing that Lao Tzu entered the formation and it was the gate where the most sharp and sharp Zhuxian sword in the Zhuxian formation was selected by him, Tongtian couldn't help being furious. This simply looked down on the power of his Zhuxian sword formation.

Immediately, his hands were like phantoms, and Wan Qian shot out the spell that manipulated the Zhuxian sword formation, and the formation changed suddenly.

The entire formation immediately formed a line, like a peerless fairy sword. Even under the protection of Lao Tzu's Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda and Tai Chi Diagram, the green bull under Lao Tzu's seat was still digging the ground uneasily.

Thousands of Sword Qis of Zhuxian continued to attack the light curtain formed by the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Lao Tzu that day. Although the attack was sharp, it only made the light curtain slightly rippled.Without this Heavenly Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, maybe I would have suffered a big loss like Yuanshi, but with the Heavenly Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda in his body, this attack is simply a piece of cake for Laozi, not worth exposing.

Seeing that the sword qi attack had no effect, Tong Tian immediately changed his tactics, intending to deal with Lao Tzu as he did with Yuan Shi.

The longer the Zhuxian sword formation is placed, the more evil spirits in the world will gather, and relatively speaking, the power of the Zhuxian sword formation will be much greater.

Using the same move at this time is much better than when dealing with Yuanshi before, but for Lao Tzu, it is still not enough. After all, the saying that the Xuanhuang Pagoda will not stick to ten thousand methods is not just for fun.

Tong Tian held the Zhuxian sword in his hand, and went straight to Laozi's face, but he saw Laozi laughing and said: "My brother Tongtian, don't be rude, look at my crutches." After saying that, Laozi took out his crutches, and lightly struck Zhuxian sword.

The Zhuxian sword trembled, and the mouth of the Tongtianhu who was holding the Zhuxian sword faintly ruptured, but the saint's body and some minor injuries disappeared without a trace under the flow of the power of the day.

Seeing Lao Tzu wandering around in all directions after a single blow, Tong Tian couldn't help but turn red.

The frequency of attacks could not help but speed up a lot. The two saints were back and forth in the Zhuxian sword formation, fighting with swords and crutches, crutches with swords and unloading, fighting evenly.

The enemy fought several times, and when Lao Tzu figured out the number of paths in the formation, he slapped the green bull on the crotch, and walked out of the Zhuxian formation leisurely and leisurely under the escort of Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda and Tai Chi Diagram.

Seeing Lao Tzu coming out of the battle, Yuan Shi hurriedly stepped forward to pay respects and said, "I don't know if Elder Brother has seen anything from this Zhu Xian sword formation?"

Lao Tzu sighed and said: "It is indeed the treasure of the demon ancestor Luohu. Although it has flaws, it is still very powerful. If I didn't have this treasure to defend myself, I might not be his opponent. However, the formation is not beautiful, as the teacher said , the four sages gathered together, it can be broken! This time, we will wait for the two Westerners..."

Yuan Shi looked down on the two men who were introduced by the West very much, thinking that what they had learned was nothing more than heresy, and that the establishment of a sect was nothing more than misleading their children.In principle, he is very unwilling to have any contact with those two people, but in this prehistoric world, apart from his three brothers and the four eastern saints represented by Nuwa, only the two western people can sit on an equal footing with himself and others.By the way, the one from Penglai Xiandao should be added, but that one's hands and eyes are open to the sky, in Yuanshi's mind, he is at the same level as Hongjun, and under normal circumstances, he will subconsciously ignore him.

Nuwa has the backing of the monster race and the human race. She does not establish a great religion and is unknown. In Yuanshi's eyes, she belongs to the neutral camp. Even if she invites Nuwa, she is still short of a saint.

So after thinking about it a few times, I just discussed with Lao Tzu to invite the two sages of the West to break the formation together.

Zhunti has always spared no effort to muddy the muddy waters of the East.

After blackmailing Yuanshi, the two agreed to come east to break the formation.

Under Yuanshi and Laozi's waiting, within three sticks of incense, golden lotuses poured out of the sky, and the purple air came from the west.

When Yuan Shi saw this, he was very upset, but thinking that he had something to ask for from others, he held back his temper.

The bursts of Dao sounds are faint, and people can't help but yearn for it after hearing it. It is exactly:
The branches of Moco are superficial and mysterious, but the roots of morality are profound and profound.

The lotus leaf has the hue of the wind, and the lotus stands on the bridge without rain.

"The two Taoist brothers are late this time..." Yuan Shi frowned and said.

I saw that Yingying had a bitter look on his face, but he didn't say a word, but Zhunti laughed and said: "Brother Dao was joking, this time the formation hasn't been broken yet, why is it so late, besides, Brother Dao I also know that my journey to the west is far away, and I want to come to Brother Dao with an open mind and understand our difficulties..."

Today, I came to the east to gain benefits, and Zhun Ti smiled when facing Yuan Shi's aggressiveness.

After all, some of my own things will be taken away by others, and no one will be in a good mood if I change them.

Zhunti expressed in his heart that he understood Yuanshi's thoughts, but he still had to take what should be taken. After taking it, what Yuanshi and Laozi owed the West should be paid back when it should be paid.

In general, this time, the West can basically make a lot of money.

Seeing the tendency of the two to continue talking, Lao Tzu couldn't help but stand up and said: "You two don't want to talk about other things, what's wrong, we can talk about it after breaking the Sword Formation of Immortal Executioner, I don't know how to accept Daoist friendship?"

"I have no opinion, we just listened to what fellow Taoist said. I don't know if you have a way to break the formation?"

When the two masters spoke, Yuanshi and Zhunti naturally wouldn't intervene and stood obediently aside.

Hearing the question asked by the guide, Lao Tzu said, "I went to the Zhuxian sword formation before, and saw that the eyes of the Zhuxian sword formation were four precious swords hanging in all directions. The Immortal Sword, the Absolute Immortal Sword, the four of us entered through the four gates and suppressed them with supreme magic power, and this Immortal Execution Sword Formation will be destroyed without attack."

Seeing the two sages of the West thinking about it, how could I not know that the two had decided to use the Zhuxian Sword.But to Lao Tzu, as long as he can win this battle of saints, it doesn't matter if he has one or two fairy swords, as long as all four don't fall into the hands of the West.

Otherwise, I really can't think of where to gather four people to break the formation——

(End of this chapter)

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