Chapter 253 0253
After all, besides Doumu Yuanjun's support, Gou Chen's own strength is also an important factor for Gou Chen to become the Emperor of Heaven.

There are still relatively few quasi-sages in the Daluo realm who must advance to the next level at any time.

After all, although there are many big Luos in the prehistoric world, there are very few beings who can impact the quasi-sage, and existences that can break through the realm and achieve the quasi-sage realm are even rarer.

Looking at Bai Qi's slightly disdainful face, Gou Chen was very annoyed in his heart, if Bai Qi had the quasi-sage cultivation level, Gou Chen wouldn't say anything, and stay as far away as possible.But in Gou Chen's induction, Bai Qi was just an ordinary mortal, with such a disdainful face, he felt provocative to Gou Chen.

Looking at Bai Qi who was parked on the top of the tree, Gou Chen sneered and said, "I'd like to see what you, an overconfident mortal, are capable of..."

Bai Qi's face, which was originally expressionless, appeared sharp and angular under his eyes, giving people a sense of determination.

Thin lips parted slightly, and there was only one sentence in response to Gou Chen: "If you want to know my skills, you may have to go to the underworld and ask that boy Yan Luo..."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Qi drew out his long sword, brought up a series of afterimages, and flew towards Gou Chen with an invincible force.

In the process of advancing, there was a series of cracking sounds.

"It turns out that it's just fast, but in front of the Xian family, the speed is only mediocre..."

Gou Chen's consciousness is like a radar, and Bai Qi's every move is under the surveillance of his consciousness.Seeing Bai Fei approaching, he immediately thought of it.The mana in the body surged, and it was like a teleportation, leaving the range of Bai Qi's attack.

It looks like teleportation, but it is actually just a visual effect brought about by the extreme speed, and it is still far from teleportation.

"Even if you are a genius in Bai Qi, you are still just an ordinary person, so how can you talk about killing immortals?"

Gou Chen spoke slowly, dodging Bai Qi's attack effortlessly, but Gou Chen put down part of his guard against Bai Qi in his heart. Although he still paid attention to the opponent in front of him, judging from the strength and speed of this attack, Gou Chen had already automatically classified them as a group of people who did not pose much threat.

"Really? Now?"

Faintly, a bloodthirsty voice rang in his ears.

At some point, Bai Qi, who was tens of feet away from him, had appeared behind him. Gou Chen shrank his eyes, as if he didn't react at all, with a hint of surprise, he quickly turned sideways to avoid Bai Qi's stabbing sword .

There was amazement in Gou Chen's eyes, he didn't know how Bai Qi came to be by his side at all, as if Bai Qi was by his side in the first place.

'This is teleportation? '

Thinking about this question in surprise, Gou Chen then shook his head.Because at this time, he can also use space spells such as teleportation, but Gou Chen is clear that even if he uses this kind of space spells by himself, it will cause space fluctuations, and it cannot be applied in battle at all.Because the enemy can get out of the attack range one step before sensing the space fluctuation, and even set up a dilemma.

What Gou Chen was puzzled about was that the ability used by Bai Qi did not have the spatial fluctuations caused by teleportation at all. In this way, Bai Qi was the most invincible assassin in the world hiding in the space.

"You are more and more interesting to me..." Gou Chen said to Bai Qi with a little praise.

Bai Qi clenched the long sword in his hand, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, he said coldly: "There is a saying that villains die by talking too much, don't you know?"

Gou Chen didn't react to Bai Qi's words for a while.

Can't help but ask: "What?"

But seeing Bai Qi holding a long sword again, relying on that unknown ability, he came to his side.

Gou Chen didn't bother to ask, his whole body was tense, sensing the trajectory of the long sword in Bai Qi's hand, he immediately stepped aside and flashed to the other side.

But at this moment, Bai Qi seemed to be on the hook with Gou Chenmao, the two kept flashing in the air, every move was dangerous and dangerous, it felt like they were frantically probing on the verge of death.

"If the tiger doesn't show off its power, you will treat me as a sick cat! The star field is out!!!"

Immediately, the starlight flickered on Gou Chen's body, and the power of the endless stars was like a silver pillar, shooting down from the starry sky, covering the place where the two fought fiercely under the starlight.

The silver starlight is extremely beautiful, but to Bai Qi, it is a crisis every step of the way.

These seemingly harmless starlights, under Gou Chen's control, are like domains.Squeezing Bai Qi's speed to the limit has greatly increased the power of Gou Chen's every move.

"Bai Qi, if you don't come under my command, how about I ask my mother to give you a star body and protect you in Haotian?" At this moment, Gou Chen had a heart of love for talents, and said to Bai Qi.After all, it is really rare for a mortal to fight against himself to this extent, but Bai Qi is indeed a rare handsome talent.This made Gou Chen move the idea of ​​bringing him under his command.

With the blessing of the star field, Gou Chen, who was originally forced to be helpless by Bai Qi, has time to display his magical powers, but will the truth really do what he wants?
"In order to thank you, I decided to give you the most decent way to die!!!" Bai Qi's face was solemn, and the long sword in his hand had turned into a pitch-black dagger at some point, with ominous waves emanating from it, which made Gou Chen They all felt threatened, as if if they were hurt by this unknown dagger, they would never have any good fruit to eat.

Regarding Bai Qi's brain circuit, Gou Chen really didn't know how to complain.

It stands to reason that even if Bai Qi disagrees with the olive branch he throws out, the two of them should not become what they are now, and become enemies of life and death.

'Because I thank myself, I'm going to kill myself? ' Not only was Gou Chen completely puzzled, but even the gods and immortals who were paying attention to the two were also at a loss.Everyone is not worried about Gou Chen's failure, even if Bai Qi has a second hand, this is really the only way for Gou Chen to do it?You must know that he is the eldest son of Doumu Yuanjun!
However, the development of things is often unpredictable.

When Bai Qi appeared next to Gou Chen again, he stabbed Gou Chen with the dagger in his hand.

Gou Chen still wanted to escape by relying on his enormous spiritual consciousness and skillful body skills...

This moment seemed to be so long that Gou Chen thought he had dodged Bai Qi's attack, but when his thoughts turned and Gou Chen regained consciousness, the god of death had already started waving at him.

In the eyes of the audience, Gou Chen was able to avoid Bai Qi's attack, but when Bai Qi's attack came, he paused for a moment, as if he didn't react.

Everyone didn't believe that Gou Chen, who had reached the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, would not react.

The moment the dagger stabbed, Gou Chen felt that his time seemed to be accelerated by a thousand times, a thousand times, a billion times, a billion times, and wanted to get out of this state, but his body seemed to be frozen, and he couldn't move at all.

I can only helplessly feel that my life is passing away.

(End of this chapter)

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