Chapter 269 0269 Farce and the Beginning (First Change)
The great prosperity of Buddhism, the spread of Buddhism to the east, and the opening of the road to heaven, the merits in it are almost incalculable, even if it is only a small role in it, the saints can foresee the merits in it.

When the saints determined that one volume of scriptures per kalpa, the secret of heaven suddenly became clear, showing that there should be 49 kalpas and 49 volumes on the road to the great prosperity of Buddhism.

Every time a catastrophe is passed, no matter the person who learns the scriptures or the person who set up the catastrophe, he can obtain a lot of merit.This made the saints jealous, even if they can't use it, giving it to the disciples can make the disciples practice more smoothly and make more high-level monks under their sect.

After all the benefits were distributed, the two sages of the West left in anger.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves, even if the other party owes him karma, after all, it is the uncle who owes the debt.

Four or five hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye. As the journey to the West unfolds, I will appear on the stage after you sing. Today, the cow from the fairy family went down to be a demon, and tomorrow the Buddha's mount disappeared. In the eyes of the immortals, the Journey to the West, which is not particularly long, has been arranged for seven to seven 500 kalpas.

Every time, Tang Seng was arrested and rescued by Sun Monkey, just like playing house.

Going back and forth like this, Sun Wukong traveled all over the heavens and spiritual mountains because of this, and made friends with countless gods and Buddhas. Because Tang Seng was a mortal, he was tossed enough by this shock.

Finally, a group of people came to Daoling Mountain, but because of the last catastrophe, the scriptures fell into the Tongtian River, and all the efforts were almost in vain.

However, this journey to the west can be regarded as a complete success.

Tang Monk was conferred the title of meritorious Buddha, Sun Wukong was conferred the title of Fighting Saint Buddha, Drifting Monk was conferred the title of Golden Arhat, White Dragon Horse was conferred the title of Eight Heavenly Dragons, and Zhu Bajie was conferred the title of Messenger of the Purification Altar.

In fact, this entrustment is also interesting. Among the people, only Tang Seng and Monkey King were conferred Buddhahood.

Tang Seng is simple. In the previous life, he was the second disciple of the Tathagata. I remember what the Tathagata said when he was enshrined in the Buddha: Holy Monk, in your previous life, you were my second disciple, named Jin Chanzi.Because you didn't listen to the Dharma, and despised my great teaching, you demoted your true spirit and reincarnated in the Eastern Land.Now I am happy to take refuge, uphold my blessings, and take advantage of my teachings to take away the scriptures, which has achieved great results...

To put it another way, this sentence is: Tang Seng, your previous life was my second apprentice, Jin Chanzi.Because you don’t listen to my Buddhist teachings and despise my great teachings (just looking for a reason), I think you should go to the human world to exercise and reincarnate you in the Eastern Land of the Tang Dynasty for ten lives.In the end, no matter what you say in this life, you have to return to my seat, so, in Journey to the West, you only need to be a team leader to accompany you through the entire Journey to the West.You are still my second disciple when you come back. Naturally, I will confer you the fruit position closest to me. If you carry forward the Dharma and make contributions to Buddhism, then you will be conferred the title of meritorious virtue Buddha.

It can be said that Tang Seng's fruit position has been pre-booked long ago.

As for Sun Wukong, who is a representative of the "strength faction" on the surface, but whoever calls his master is the three corpses of Zhunti Saint, this is even stronger than Tang Seng's relationship.You must know that Zhunti Buddha's mother is one of the two founders of Western Buddhism. As his disciple, it is not a Buddha. What will the gods and gods think of this saint.At that time, it is estimated that rumors will come - my disciples don't even have the status of a Buddha, it seems that the two saints don't attach much importance to this Buddhism... Invisibly, they blocked the road to the great prosperity of this Buddhism It's halfway through.You must know that many souls join Buddhism not for the teachings of Buddhism, but for the strongest saints in the world.A sect that doesn't even value saints has no future at all.

As for Drifting Monk and Zhu Bajie, they both served in the Heavenly Court and were demoted to the mortal world for doing wrong things (excuses), so they joined the scripture learning team.Who knows if the current Jade Emperor deliberately demoted Yuanshi and Laozi's eyeliner left in the heaven to the earth, the two of them are "spies" arranged by Laozi and Yuanshi, but they have changed from monitoring the Jade Emperor to monitoring Buddhism .When sealing them, the first thing to consider is the Jade Emperor's feelings.After all, these two people who have served the Jade Emperor are too high, and they are not suitable; if they are too low, the Jade Emperor will not be able to hold his face on the surface.It would even offend Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi.

Among the two, Drifting works hard and Zhu Bajie is greedy for money and lustful.The performance in Journey to the West is one in the sky and one in the ground.One, however, often caused troubles for the group of people because of his lust and laziness.At the time of entrustment, even if the Drifting Monk had no outstanding features, he was enshrined as a golden arhat. Of course, he was just a freelancer.Zhu Bajie was miserable, and he was named the envoy of the altar. To put it bluntly, he licked the dishes and cleaned up the leftovers for the Buddhas.

As for Xiaobailong, although he belongs to the dragon clan, the dragon clan at this time is not as fierce and powerful as the three clans of dragon, phoenix and kylin at that time. After being forced into the Journey to the West team by Guanyin, he existed not as a disciple but as a mount. However, Tathagata also read that he carried Tang Monk on his back all the way. He worked hard and made great achievements, and was awarded the position of Eight Dragons. Zhu Bajie's emissary for purifying the altar gave people a much better feeling.

So far, Journey to the West is over.

The power of boundless merit is automatically distributed according to the degree of participation of all the participants. After Tathagata entrusts five people, the power of merit will fall on everyone like rain.

The merits of Tang Seng and Sun Wukong are the greatest. As soon as the merits fall into Tang Seng, Tang Seng's cultivation base has grown from scratch, and he directly crossed the realm of Da Luo Jinxian and became a quasi-sage.Not only that, Tang Seng even retrieved the memory of his previous life.

After Sun Wukong gained merit, he also stepped into the quasi-sage realm, which attracted the secretly concerned Jieyin Zhunti to nod repeatedly.

It also made Zhu Bajie, Drifting Monk, Xiaolongma and others envious.

As for Zhu Bajie, after gaining merits and virtues, he barely reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian.The Drifting Monk has also reached the realm of Daluo.

Xiaobailong is the worst, but it is worthy of the Taiyi realm, but it also makes him very happy.You must know that Xiao Bailong was just a little Xuanxian before.Logically speaking, it is impossible to participate in Journey to the West.

Not only the five people gained merit, but even those who participated in the Westward Journey but survived such as the Golden Horn and Silver Horn, Red Boy, Bull Demon King, Iron Fan Princess, and Yellow Eyebrow King also had merit and virtue fell to them.

The scene can be described as hello, me, hello, everyone, and it was fun, and everyone believed that it was a family.

As the merit descended, a cloud of merit that was almost the sum of all the merits and virtues of all people fell into the Buddhist luck, and suddenly the Buddhist luck skyrocketed a lot with the help of this merit.

At this moment, there is still more than half of the power of merit in the sky, and the merit that fell before only accounts for less than half of it.

A loud voice came to everyone's ears: "The road to the sky is now!!!"

I saw that the remaining power of merit, under a force, turned into golden runes, and the golden runes connected end to end, turning into something like a chain, consuming all the remaining power. With the power of merit and virtue, a chain across the prehistoric world was created just now.

This chain is exactly the chain of rules, the key to Li Chen's journey to heaven!
 This chapter is a transitional chapter, I don’t want to write Journey to the West, woo woo woo…

(End of this chapter)

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