Chapter 271 0271 Negotiation (First Change)
"Why do you all come from afar?" Lao Tzu looked at Atum, La and Fan and asked.

For these people from other worlds, I don't think they just come here to talk heart-to-heart.

From Sanqing, Nuwa, Jieyin, and Zhunti, they only sensed the mistyness of the immortal and the compassion of the Buddha, but did not sense the aura of the authority of the god. The three of them silently reached a consensus.

Atum stepped forward and said: "This powerful friend, we don't want to come here, but my world has been captured by your powerful world, and the power of the world cannot be resisted by the existence of my power , in desperation, we can only come to this world of yours to discuss with you."

"..." La and Fan also nodded with Atum.

But I can't tell what I think in my heart. These three worlds only have the most basic original will, and they don't form the way of heaven like the prehistoric.Although the Heavenly Dao at this time has collapsed and turned into the merits of all Dao, but in terms of power, whether it is the Immortal Dao or the Divine Dao, even the Buddha Dao is stronger than the world of La, Brahma and others.

It's like a living being competing with a world, the power of a living being is almost always inferior to that of the world.

"Then what are you going to do?" Yuan Shi looked at the three of them with great interest and asked.

The three of them looked at each other, as if they didn't expect the prehistoric saints to be so talkative, but they didn't finally achieve their goal, and they couldn't relax at all, but tentatively said:

"Our practice is different from yours. We need the authority in the heaven and the earth. What I need is the authority of the source, the beginning, and the starting point..."

Atum stared at the saints, as if he wanted to see something from the expressions of the saints.

"What I need is the authority of the sun..." Lakai said.

After the world belonging to the Nine Pillars God put forward his request, everyone's eyes fell on Fan.

Fan put his hands together and bowed to everyone. He didn't ask for authority like the two, but said to Jieyin and Zhunti: "You two saints, our methods are quite similar. Fan doesn't do anything else. I do not need any authority, and I am willing to share with the two holy ones the beauty of the lotus flower and the supreme principle of Buddhism—"

When Yuanshi and Laozi heard this, their eyes could not help shrinking.If Vatican also joins Buddhism, then the power of the East and the West will not be much different in the future, and the immortal way will not be able to maintain an absolute advantage over the Buddhist way. How can the two be worried.

Jieyin Zhunti and Zhunti were very happy when they heard that, and they welcomed Brahman again and again, and they could also feel the 'Buddha' nature in Brahma. If they can be absorbed in Buddhism, the Dharma of the two of them must be even better. Let's go to the first floor.

The good thing is that the world where Brahma is located is in line with the land of the West Pole, and when dealing with it, it is only dealing with the guide Zhunti who is located in the West.

All of a sudden, the three-person alliance will remove one person.

Atum and Ra looked at each other, although they were disturbed in their hearts, they remained calm on their faces.

"I don't know what you guys think about what the two of us said before..." Atum asked tentatively with a deliberate tone.

Tong Tian smiled and said haha: "No problem, what problem do we have..."

Nu Wa: "I have no objection either!"

Yuan Shi: "Hehe, what opinions do we have, and we don't need authority to practice..."

Lao Tzu looked at the crowd, his face twitched, and he chose to remain silent: "..."

Originally, Atum and Ra had no hope at all, but when they heard that the saints did not object, they couldn't help but smile.

I can't help despising the shortsightedness of the saints in my heart, but on the surface I still maintain a happy and harmonious appearance with the saints.

There was no sympathy in Tong Tian's eyes at all.

After some simple exchanges, Atum and La got up and said goodbye, because the two had to go back to their respective worlds to speed up the fusion of the worlds, so that they could use the authority of the Nine Pillars World as a springboard to swallow the authority related to the prehistoric world.

Fan remained calm and stood side by side with Jieyin Zhunti.

After Atum and La left, Nuwa looked at Tongtian with a strange face and said, "Fellow Tongtian, is this inappropriate? It's not that you don't know that this authority is controlled by that person. If these two... ..." This picture is so beautiful that even Nuwa doesn't want to think about it.

However, all the saints present knew what Nuwa was going to say. If the two of them hit the south wall and did not turn back, they would probably be sealed into a stone statue like Yuanshi, Laozi, and Nuwa.

Seeing the weird expressions on everyone's faces, Fan couldn't help but asked in a low voice what was going on.

Hearing Zhunti's answer, Fan couldn't help but sigh that his choice was indeed right.

After all, in such a big world, how could it be possible to only give birth to six strong men of the same level as himself, and he couldn't help but feel sympathy for Atum and La in his heart.

Speaking of which, the saints are right. If you want authority, I have no objection. After all, the authority does not belong to me. What opinions can I have? If something goes wrong at that time, it has nothing to do with me.

And this power between heaven and earth is the foundation of Shinto, and Shinto is rising like the sun in the prehistoric, it is the time of prosperity, although there is no saint born from Shinto, but Shinto has a long man who is stronger than the saint Master Ming, I hope the two of you don't want to beat dogs with meat buns, there will be no return.

For these, Atum and Ra did not know.

Although I sensed the aura of the divine way in the prehistoric world, I didn't sense any strong people in the divine way, let alone those who have reached their level. After all, Li Chen's level is not something you can sense if you want to sense it. .On the way back, the more they thought about it, the more something went wrong, because the prehistoric saints agreed too simply, without any hesitation, which inevitably made them gasp.Uneasy, the two could only make more preparations to deal with the subsequent engulfment of authority——

For the meeting of the saints, Li Chen only paid attention to it at the beginning, but he didn't pay much attention after that.

At this time, Li Chen's energy is above the divine way. After all, at this time, the divine way is in charge of the prehistoric deployment of the world. Facing the impact brought by the fusion of all worlds, if it is not resolved, the disaster caused in the prehistoric will be almost wiped out. world class.

Fortunately, the gods returned to their place, and almost every law in the prehistoric world is dominated by gods, otherwise it would be really difficult to sustain it with the strength of Li Chen alone.

As time passed, the world barrier of the three-party world almost merged with the world barrier of the prehistoric world.

The first to merge into the prehistoric world is the universe of the Great Thousand Worlds, which is full of planets.

This kind of world is very fragile compared to the world with a round sky, and the barriers of the world are weak, so the fusion speed is also very fast.

This cosmic world and the prehistoric point of contact are the other side of the prehistoric.

Although it is only the Great Thousand World, its coverage area almost covers the entire Great Desolation.

Combined with Honghuang's Zhoutian and stars, the whole Honghuang seems to be like the yolk of an egg, wrapped in the center——

(End of this chapter)

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