Chapter 274 0274 Science and Technology Universe (Second More)

A group of chaotic beasts who only know how to kill came to the edge of the prehistoric for some reason, and launched an impact on the prehistoric world, which immediately brought Li Chen's thoughts back to reality.

These chaotic beasts came silently, without any warning at all, as if they appeared out of nowhere on the outskirts of the wilderness.Even those world groups flying towards the prehistoric world were not affected by these chaotic beasts, as if the purpose of these creatures was just the prehistoric.

This reminded Li Chen of the legend that three thousand chaotic demon gods came to stop Pangu when he created the world. Makes sense.

These chaotic beasts are huge in number, like a beast tide, each with red eyes, it seems that they are purely tyrannical, and they seem to be controlled by some kind of magic, no one can tell.

Fortunately, most of these chaotic beasts are around Da Luo Jinxian, and there are only a few hundred chaotic beasts at the quasi-sage level, and only a few chaotic beasts at the saint level. As for the chaotic beasts above the saints, Li Chen has not yet sensed them, but according to Li Chen The probability of the idea appearing is very small.

With a sound transmission, the strong in the entire prehistoric world knew the danger that prehistoric world was facing at this time.

"In ancient times, there was Pangu who opened up the world, and the gods and demons blocked each other. Today, there is a prehistoric promotion, and chaotic beasts block the way. There is a calamity in the world, and all living beings are innocent. My divine way will be opened again, and those who have meritorious deeds can enter my divine way..."

The scale of the world has expanded again, and the original enough manpower of the Shinto is also somewhat insufficient. For Li Chen, this prehistoric promotion calamity can just be used to screen some high-end elites to enter the Shinto.

In just a quarter of an hour, all the saints and all the quasi-sage-level powerhouses appeared outside the prehistoric world.

Facing this densely packed Chaos Beast like a chaotic wave, everyone's scalps couldn't help but feel a little numb.

These chaotic beasts seem to be manipulated by someone, appearing from nowhere, gathering outside the prehistoric world, confronting the prehistoric powers.

At this time, Atum and La, who were sealed by Li Chen, sensed the situation in the heaven and earth with their consciousness, and couldn't help sending out messages again and again.

"Respected Shinto powerhouse, Changming Great God Venerable!!! We know we are wrong, we are willing to do our best for the prehistoric, and hope that the Lord will forgive us for our ignorance this time—"

The two of them didn't know whether Li Chen would hear their words, but now that the prehistoric combat power is scarce, every saint-level combat power is very precious, and one more saint means that low-level monks will fall a lot less.

And at this time, the Nine Pillar God World has completely merged with the Primordial World, and the two of them themselves have the authority of the Sun God in the Nine Pillar God World. The speed progress is just a little slower, but the rest has no effect.

Moreover, the invasion of Chaos Beasts is now a battle of the world. If they perform well in the battle, maybe there will be the favor of the original will, which is even more scarce than authority.

The two naturally didn't want to miss it.

But now that he is sealed, he can only hope that there will be a large number of the great gods of Changming, and he will not care about little gods like himself.

There was no answer for a long time, and the two of them were a little panting.

Just when the two were disheartened, a deafening voice came from their ears:

"The world has been robbed, and all living beings are devastated. Nian Atum and God Ra sincerely repent, and temporarily pardon the two gods for provoking Shinto and attempting to take the power of the sun as their own. The crime of disrespect, order, release!"

Immediately, the two of them felt that the power of the seal on their bodies dissipated without a trace like melting ice and snow.

The two regained their freedom, and hurriedly went to the outer chaos, as they said, to prepare to face the Chaos Beast.

Seeing the saints again, Atum and La obviously didn't give them a good face, snorted coldly, and stood aside directly.

Seeing this, Lao Tzu didn't take it seriously at all, and still closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, as if he was asleep.Yuan Shi didn't even look at the two of them, as if he didn't bother to be with them.Tong Tian touched his nose in embarrassment.Nuwa was silent, as if she had something on her mind.And Jieying Zhunti was much friendlier, with a kind smile, slightly nodding towards the two of them.

"Nine-headed saint level, 320 three-headed quasi-sage level, and Da Luo Jinxian level..." There are countless chaotic beasts at the Da Luo Jinxian level. For a moment, Nuwa frowned.

Except for Hongjun and Li Chen, the situation is very bad for Honghuang.

The side of the star space where the technological universe is located, had already begun to mobilize all staff when Li Chen announced the prehistoric times.

On the countless stars, the weapons with power reaching the Da Luo level began to gather energy, and the mechas in the interstellar spaceships that reached the Da Luo level began to be ready to go. Compared with monks, the combat power of this technological universe is in the On the low-end, it is almost as good as the beast tide of the Chaos Beast.

Moreover, after the technological universe merged into the prehistoric world, the original technological bottlenecks seemed to no longer exist.

In just a few hundred years, a series of big killers such as zero-dimensional strikes (dimension reduction strikes, similar to two-way foils), space mazes, and causal weapons have been developed from the original technology tree.

Although the output is not a lot, in this prehistoric world where strength is the most respected, it can be regarded as a big force. Generally, the strong will not easily offend the civilization or the strong with quasi-holy means.

Moreover, the power produced by this technological weapon has never been seen by a group of prehistoric powerhouses. Unknown equals mystery, and mystery equals power. Different directions of civilization will bring different results.

The most powerful force in the technological universe - the Palace of Civilization.

The Hall of Civilization is an alliance formed by a group of nine-level civilizations under the leadership of a god-level civilization. When Li Chen opened the God List again, the idea of ​​entering the Shinto to occupy a place in the Hall of Civilization began to exist no matter what.

Not only for the power of the Shinto, but also because the Shinto is the most powerful in the prehistoric world, backed by Li Chen.

The technological universe where the palace of civilization is located seems to be powerful, but there are no saint-level powerhouses sitting in it. If a saint comes to the world, it will be vulnerable.

The Hall of Civilization doesn't want Atum and La to act rashly without investigation. The Hall of Civilization sent an advance team to investigate the prehistoric as soon as the technological universe merged into the prehistoric.

In the past, there was no Kaifeng God List in Shinto, and even if you wanted to join the Hall of Civilization, you couldn’t find a way to join it, but now it is different. According to the residents of the wilderness, even ordinary people can enter this God List and become a member of the powerful gods.

Yes, for the prehistoric beings, the gods are powerful, especially the blessing of the gods' cultivation speed on the list of gods. Today, this god may not be in the realm of heaven, but after a few decades, you will find that this god is already a golden fairy—— —

(End of this chapter)

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