Chapter 297 0297
"Ancestor Wu of Houtu, isn't he guarding reincarnation in reincarnation?"

Yuan Shi and the others changed their mentality, and looked a little familiar, looking at the familiar figure and asking.

Houtu smiled gently, and said: "The one who guards reincarnation is Lady Pingxin, and the one who returns is only Houtu! Fellow Taoists, you must check for yourself before you know what I said is not false—"

Sure enough, according to what Houtu said, Yuanshi and others passed through the gap between the nether world and came to reincarnation. The Meng Po who was transformed from the soul of Pingxin was still cooking Meng Po soup tirelessly on the Naihe bridge. In Houtu Palace, Ping Xin still meditates as usual.However, compared to the past, Pingxin has undergone a lot of changes. Among other things, the ruthless feeling like the way of heaven is the most familiar to Yuanshi and others.

Looking at Houtu again, everyone felt extremely awkward.

"By the way, the master of the prehistoric world you mentioned just now is the great god of the divine way? Isn't it the human race and the saints of the immortal way?"

Zhu Rong has a temperament that can't hide his words. He wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but he couldn't find the time to ask it before. Now that the topic was opened, he asked it out.

You must know that during the Lich War, there was no divine way yet. Now that it is back, some people say that the divine way dominates the prehistoric world. Is it because I have been silent for too long, or is the prehistoric change too fast? a feeling of.

Thinking back to Hongjun's strength back then, I can't help but wonder if Hongjun has fallen?Or is it that Hongjun is no longer in Honghuang?Otherwise, how could it be possible for an existence other than the Immortal Dao to be in charge of the Great Desolation.

Da Neng among the crowd looked at each other, as if they were communicating with each other.

Seeing that no one answered, Zhu Rong looked at the Da Neng who spoke first.Pointing and saying: "You were the one who said it just now, you come and continue!"


"Yes, it's you!"

Zhu Rong confirmed again.

That Da Neng is a strong man in the quasi-sage realm. He thought that the twelve ancestor witches of the witch clan were only strong men of the quasi-sage level, but he did not expect that he would be a saint-level existence when he was born.

Money is hard to buy, I knew it earlier, if I knew it earlier, I would definitely not act rashly.

Now I regret it.

Feeling life-threatening, and this Shinto thing is not a taboo in the prehistoric times, the Almighty stroked his train of thought before explaining everything he knew about Shinto.

Of course, there is also a thought in my heart, if this group of witches are defiant and directly confront the Shinto...

The picture was so beautiful, the Almighty body trembled, he threw all distracting thoughts out of his head, and concentrated on telling Zhu Rong the changes in the prehistoric world after the Lich War.

As time passed, Di Jiang in front of the Pangu Palace raised his head and said, "Here we come..."

There was confusion in the heads of all the powerful people, 'what's coming? '

Not long after, I heard a loud voice:

"Xing Tian of the Witch Clan, led a group of Witch Clan brothers to meet the ancestor witches! Welcome back the ancestor witches!"

"I have seen Zu Wu, welcome Zu Wu back!"

"Welcome the ancestor witch returns!"

Di Jiang looked at the group of witches, and was a little moved. Although most of the tribesmen were gone, it felt like things were different, but the kind of heartfelt emotion could not be faked.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

After Xing Tian and the others were arranged, everyone continued to wait.

A group of witches dressed in dark armor and full of ghostly spirit walked out of the nether world.

The leaders are Jiufeng and other great witches.

"We pay homage to Lord Zuwu, and welcome Zuwu back!"

"We pay homage to Lord Zuwu, and welcome Zuwu back!"

"We pay homage to Lord Zuwu, and welcome Zuwu back!"

Wave after wave of sound is extremely shocking.

The shock of the group of great powers from the beginning became calm as waves of witches gathered.

I have never seen this scene before, and I never imagined that the Wu Clan still has so much combat power.

With the addition of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the power of the witch clan is not much weaker than that of the original Lich War, and even to a certain extent, it is much stronger.

"I've watched the ceremony too. If there is nothing wrong, we will leave first!" Lao Tzu, who was numb after seeing the Wu tribe's strength gathering, couldn't help but said when he saw that there were no more Wu tribe troops gathering.

It's really annoying.

"Hehe, what are fellow daoists busy with? No rush, no rush..."

Di Jiang said with a smile, as if there was something left to do, he asked to stay.

"What on earth do you witch clan want to do?" Lao Tzu stared at Di Jiang and asked.

Di Jiang smiled and said: "Didn't you say that the Wu Clan returned to the prehistoric world today! Rule the world! You don't think I'm just joking about waiting for the Twelve Ancestral Witches?"

"Then what are you keeping us for? The world of God is now in the prehistoric world. Although we have the power of a saint, it will not help us."

"There must be someone to be a witness to the Wu Clan's dominance over the wilderness, isn't it—" Di Jiang said with raised eyebrows.

Di Jiang didn't think there was any power in the prehistoric world that the twelve saints couldn't deal with. Even if the twelve saints couldn't deal with it, they could still deal with it by summoning Pangu's real body.

Therefore, he didn't pay attention to what Hongjun even said to the gods and Li Chen.

"Brother, all the clansmen are here, can we start according to the will of God the Father?"

"It's time to start—" Dijiang replied.

After receiving Dijiang's order, She Bishi just brought two great witches into the Pangu Palace.

After a while, the three carried out an altar that looked like yellow mud from the Pangu Hall.

"This is……"

Hearing the conversations of the ancestor witches and seeing this loess altar, I have more doubts in my mind.

"This is……"

When all the spectators saw this altar, they couldn't help being curious.

"This is……"

The Lord of Great Luck, who was far away in Wendao Palace in the God Realm and watched all this, couldn't help being surprised.

Seeing this, Li Chen knew that 'Luck' must know the origin of this loess altar, so he couldn't help but opened his eyes and looked at the Lord of Universiade and asked, "Do you know the origin of this loess altar?"

"Reporting to my lord, this loess altar is one of the three great treasures of the Pan clan in the Hongmeng world. It is a treasure with no rank. No one except the Pan clan can use this treasure. No one knows the power of this treasure..."

The Lord of Great Luck slowly said everything he knew.

"Are you sure this is the treasure you mentioned?"

Li Chen's perception fell on the loess prayer altar, and he couldn't help asking again.

In Li Chen's perception, this treasure does not seem to exist at all, it can be touched and seen, but it cannot be perceived.Li Chen can only learn from the Lord of Great Fortune, looking at this treasure from the perspective of other creatures.

"This, this treasure is the same as the one I know in terms of appearance, characteristics, etc. The subordinate is dull. If there is no accident, it is sure that it will not be fake." The Lord of Great Luck could not help but affirmed again.

After a pause, the Lord of Universiade went on to say: "It is said that this loess altar for praying for birth was not originally a thing of the Pan clan, but the old patriarch of the Pan clan who had reached the Dao realm got it from Taixu—, as for the Taixu Where is the void, I don’t know—”

(End of this chapter)

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