Chapter 314 0314 The Power of the Tongtian Tower (Second More)
The Tongtian Pagoda suddenly changed, turning into a brick of gold, and stood in front of Li Chen like a mountain. The attack of the Lord of Chaos who turned into Zhou Qing fell on it, and it didn't make him move at all.Li Chen stood under the gold-mixed brick, and the falling ax struck the brick-mixed brick. The huge force was directed into the ground by the brick-mixed brick, and the whole prehistoric trembled. Pile driving is generally several feet deep into the ground.

Li Chen slapped backhand, and before the Lord of Great Fortune behind him could attack, Li Chen was slapped and flew out.

Li Chen might be injured if the Lord of Fortune attacked by surprise, but Li Chen was prepared, the Lord of Fortune was basically delivering food.As for the giant ax that suddenly appeared, Li Chen knew without thinking that it must be another good thing done by the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

Among the strong men Li Chen knew, apart from Pan Gu and Xing Tian whose weapons were axes, there was no other strong man whose weapons were axes.And this ax Li Chen could tell at a glance that it was the ax held by Pan Gu's real body when he fought against the Twelve Ancestral Witches - the Sky Opening Axe.

Besides, Xing Tian's cultivation base can't reach Li Chen's level. If he participates in the battle, let alone whether he can cause an effective attack, he will probably be torn to pieces by the force field between several people as soon as he gets close.

"Looking for death!!!" squinting at Pangu and the Lord of Great Fortune, he snorted coldly.

Sensing that the battle between himself and others made the prehistoric prehistoric that had been strengthened by an unknown amount a sign of collapse, Li Chen said:

"This is not a place to fight. I will go to Chaos to fight. Do you dare to accept it?"

Fighting in the prehistoric, several people are tied up, Li Chen is because his disciple is still in the prehistoric, if the firepower is fully fired, his disciple will definitely suffer, so Li Chen did not go all out to attack, basically defending.And Li Chen, the Lord of Chaos and others, didn't know what they were thinking. Like Li Chen, although he made various sneak attacks, he controlled his strength and tried not to affect Honghuang.

Hearing Li Chen's appointment, the Lord of Chaos and others couldn't wait for it, and immediately responded:

"Our strength is too strong. If we start a war in the Great Desolation, the Great Desolation will be torn apart. I really can't bear it. Since Daoist Chang Ming invites us, we will fight in chaos to determine the outcome."

Hearing the answer from the Lord of Chaos, Li Chen obviously did not believe that he would be so kind.A sentence flashed through my mind: I believe in you——

But Li Chen wanted to return to his thoughts, but he wouldn't say it out loud.If the Lord of Chaos, who has shattered the primordial era and survived for an unknown amount of time, can take the initiative to maintain it, maybe there is something conspiracy in this prehistoric world.

Taking a deep look at the Lord of Chaos, he tore open the space and came to the chaos beyond the wild.

Zhou Qing, the Lord of Universiade and others also tore apart the space afterwards, and followed the chaos beyond the prehistoric.

As soon as the three of them appeared in the chaos, they were violently bombarded by Li Chen.

The moment Li Chen appeared in the chaos, he sprinkled black and white chess pieces one by one in the chaos. The star chess that reached the grandmeng level, the power of the explosion was not inferior to the attack power of the powerful Daoist.The moment the Lord of Universiade came out, he was knocked out by the attack.The real body of Pan Gu transformed by the Twelve Patriarchal Witches is alright, but slightly illusory.As for Zhou Qing who was hardly harmed, he was just ashamed and slightly embarrassed, but that image changed back to his own appearance, no longer Zhou Qing's sharp-edged appearance, but a frail scholar, troubled times. With the appearance of a beautiful woman and a folding fan, maybe a group of nympho will run away.

"Daoist Changming, you are a strong Daoist in vain, do you not care about the face of a strong Daoist at all?"

Zhou Qing took a sip, and said with a stern expression.

But he didn't even think about the situation when he was in the prehistoric era, pretending, sneak attacking, etc. were all in a hurry.

"Haha... I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen one as shameless as you. I learned from you. You do the first grade of junior high school and I do the fifteenth grade. Isn't that good? How about it?" Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Li Chen gave Zhou Qing a white look, and said with some amusement, as if picking up the long-lost childlike innocence.

surprise?More or less frightened.

When Zhou Qing heard Li Chen's words, he thought silently in his heart, but he didn't show weakness, and directly refuted it, as if he still had a back hand.

"If you're ruthless, there will be even more surprises in the future—" Zhou Qing gritted his teeth a little, glanced gloomyly at the stunned Master of Universiade, and immediately waved his hand, and the Master of Universiade flew with a force To the distance of chaos.

"Of course I know that there will be more surprises later, watch the trick!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Chen sneered, and the treasure in his hand suddenly turned into a sky-shaking stick.

Li Chen picked up the sky-shaking stick, leaped and slashed, and with a momentum of soaring into the sky, he immediately hit Zhou Qing and the Lord of Chaos.

Seeing this, Pan Gu's real body immediately raised the huge ax in his hand, and hit the sky-shaking stick on the surface of the sky-opening axe.

The sky-opening ax was directly scattered, but the strength of the sky-shaking stick was almost offset.

Hitting Pan Gu's real body, only made a blood-red stick mark on it, and did not cause much damage.

The Pan Gu real body suddenly let out a muffled snort, and under this force, it took several steps back before it stopped.

"It's really tough, but can you still take my blow—" Li Chen sneered.

"Your opponent is me!"

Seeing that Li Chen didn't care about him at all and seemed to ignore him, the Lord of Chaos couldn't help shouting angrily. When he saw Pan Gu's real body blocking the blow, he directly pushed him aside.

Another blow is not something this pirated Pangu can resist, so it's better to let him repair Xiaohui, and then help himself and harass Li Chen.

"If you say it, I will not be polite!"

"I'd like to see how rude you are, haha..." The Lord of Chaos laughed loudly.

But the sky-shaking stick in Li Chen's hand suddenly turned into the space-like treasure that combines attack and control - the Infinite Magic Cube.

I saw the countless grids on it constantly changing positions, which made people dazzled.

However, the power on it makes people feel that if they are attacked by it, it will not be so easy to get out.

But this Infinite Magic Square can't be avoided if you want to. Its built-in locking function, even Li Chen suffered a lot at the beginning, and even almost finished it completely.Although the Lord of Great Luck and Li Chen were only at the peak of the Dao Realm at the beginning, now Li Chen and the Lord of Chaos are both in the Dao Realm. Although the Dao Realm is very strong, the treasures controlled by the Dao Realm are stronger than those controlled by the Dao Realm Countless times.

Seeing the locked attack of the Infinite Magic Square that almost crossed the space, the Lord of Chaos tried to avoid it, but he couldn't block the lock of the Infinite Magic Square at all, so he couldn't help but cursed secretly.

I have to show my hole cards in front of everyone in advance——

(End of this chapter)

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