Chapter 334 0334 Void Beast (Second Change)

After the tower body world on the 11th floor was opened up, Tongtian Tower roared, and a huge coercion emanated from it, which was countless times higher than before.

If the previous Tongtian Tower was comparable to a missile, then it is not an exaggeration to say that the Tongtian Tower is an atomic bomb.

However, to Li Chen's regret, this Tongtian Pagoda is only at the top-grade Hongmeng Lingbao level compared to the previous low-rank Hongmeng Lingbao level.

One step away from the Grandmist Supreme Treasure, it is precisely this one step difference, the power of the Tongtian Tower must be at least a very large discount.

But for Li Chen at this time, the Tongtian Pagoda of the highest grade Hongmeng Lingbao level is enough for Li Chen to use.

Just when Li Chen was about to blast the chaotic world with the Tongtian Tower, a wave of malice came from behind Li Chen.

In Li Chen's perception, there is nothingness behind him, and there is no such thing as life.

The frenzied warning in his heart made Li Chen quickly move a certain distance downwards.

However, Li Chen felt that where he was, a void force erupted in vain.

Li Chen felt a haze in his heart.

what on earth is it?

Li Chen couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

Obviously there is no enemy, but he is attacked. Could it be that a strong person on the unknown avenue came to attack him?

If it is an attack from a strong man above the Dao realm, I am afraid that he will not be able to dodge at all. This can be seen from the fact that the strong man in the Dao realm has almost no resistance under the hands of the strong man in the Dao realm.

While thinking, a strong warning sign of danger suddenly appeared in Li Chen's heart.

But at this moment, both the upper and lower sides were sealed, leaving no room for Li Chen to escape, and the surroundings were filled with strong power of nothingness.

In desperation, Li Chen sacrificed the Tongtian Pagoda——

I saw that the Tongtian Tower suddenly changed into a roulette, and countless laws were derived from it.

It was Li Chen who was going to repeat the scene of opening up the sky in the Tongtian Pagoda.

But even if it's just temporarily creating a small world at the level of the chaotic world, it directly emptied more than half of Li Chen's power, making Li Chen feel cold and cold. If this trick is useless, then I probably have to explain it here .

As for why Li Chen didn't directly use the Tongtian Tower to attack, the main reason was that Li Chen didn't know whether the Tongtian Tower could remain intact under the power of nothingness that was several times stronger.

If it is damaged, then Li Chen's last backup will be gone.

After thinking about it, since the only thing in Li Chen's mind that can resist the power of nothingness is the chaotic world, Li Chen chose to temporarily create a small chaotic world as a means of attack and defense.

Before the invisible attack came, Li Chen created a chaotic world prototype of a small Dyson ball.

As soon as it appeared in this nothingness, under the scouring of countless nothingness forces, this Dyson sphere was like a ball under tremendous pressure, changing from a round shape to an ellipse, and even the shape became not very good at the beginning. Regularly, it is like plasticine, being pinched into various shapes by people.

Li Chen didn't care about 21, and went directly into the Dyson ball world he created.

That force hit the Dyson ball, and the chains of countless laws seemed to be splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid, making a sound of 'Zi-Zi-Zi'.

However, with the support of Li Chen's power, and under the control of the good fortune jade plate, these chains of laws instantly returned to their original state, and even became tighter, with a faint rhythm of moving closer to the transformation of the barrier of the chaotic world.

The Dyson ball world created by Li Chen, under this force, bounced off like a ping pong ball. The invisible force that was originally blocking the top seemed to be afraid of this 'Dyson ball' world, and bounced on the Dyson ball. In an instant, a road came out.

Faintly, Li Chen saw a very large tentacles covered with countless hollows. If someone with trypophobia had seen it once, he would definitely not want to watch it a second time.

And this tentacle only appeared when it hit the Dyson sphere. It seemed to be just a part of a huge monster. Li Chen couldn't help feeling a little pessimistic. What kind of monster did he encounter? It was almost fatal——

At the same time, Li Chen couldn't help secretly hating, and vowed that if he went back to the chaotic world, he must make Dao look good, otherwise he would be really sorry for the harm his young heart suffered.

The tentacle just disappeared in a flash, and Li Chen couldn't even make a mark on it, because no matter what kind of power it was, Li Chen lost his sense of it the moment he touched the tentacle.

This monster was completely incomprehensible, Li Chen had no choice but to think that now he could only rely on his keen instinct to warn and avoid it.

Although he escaped, Li Chen did not slack off, but continued to improve the Dyson sphere world through good fortune jade plates. With the addition of rules to the barrier of the Dyson sphere world, the whole world suddenly became perfect.

Just like the world created by the good luck jade plate in Li Chen Tongtian Pagoda, when it reached a certain point, the whole world suddenly shook, it seemed to have life, a heartbeat, and began to breathe.

A force of nothingness follows the world and joins the complex circulatory system built by the law. Suddenly, a lavender force is created in the process of this cycle, but it exists for a very short time, and it will be released at will. With the evolution of the world, it turned into a larger and lower level of power.

It is similar to the air of chaos in the chaotic world, but it is different from the air of chaos in essence.

The other party seemed to let him go, but Li Chen knew that this unknown powerful existence was definitely brewing a more powerful disturbance.

While perfecting the Dyson ball world, Li Chen is also making second-hand preparations.

In the world of Dyson spheres, Li Chen used countless laws to create a boundary within the boundary. The rules and rules of this boundary within the boundary were all constructed by the crystallization of Li Chen's will. After doing this, Li Chen's body faintly changed. It got illusory.

After all, this crystallization of will is not like other powers, and it basically depends on time to recover.

Although he has the time pocket watch of the Tongtian Tower, but now the Tongtian Tower has been turned into a jade plate of good fortune, it is simply useless.

If you want to speed up your own time through the time pocket watch, you can't wait until the world within the world Li Chen envisioned is completely created, but at that time, will this unknown enemy give Li Chen time to restore his power?This is a question worthy of further study.

Sure enough, Li Chen's world within the world hadn't been created yet, and when most of the work was still to be done, huge tentacles made of nothingness appeared directly outside the world, enveloping Li Chen's Dyson sphere world.

The whole world was shocked suddenly, as if under the influence of this tentacle, it moved to an unknown place——

(End of this chapter)

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