Chapter 336 Invitation to the 0336 Alliance (Second Change)
A secondary world with dim light was drawn to the edge of the sea of ​​the world by a tentacle composed of nothingness. There seemed to be something attached to the world barrier, and the originally dim light was disappearing little by little, as if it had been captured by some unknown force. Existence devours the general.

At the moment when the last ray of light in that world was about to disappear, it seemed that its last residual heat erupted. In an instant, the radiance emitted by the entire world barrier increased several times. In front of him, compared to the huge tentacles that brought Li Chen's 'Bian'an' here before, the tentacles that Li Chen observed are smaller than the tentacles that are the difference between a child and an adult.

If this void creature has wisdom, the practice of hoarding the world is the same as hoarding food, or hoarding food for the growth of small void cubs.

This is similar to the habits of creatures in the prehistoric world or even the earth world in the previous life.

Seeing this scene, Li Chen gasped a little in his heart. If it was true, it would be his turn one day.

It seems that we still have to find a way, otherwise we can only eat and wait to die, this is not Li Chen's character.


At this time, the world of "The Other Shore" was touched by people, because the world of "The Other Shore" was almost created by Li Chen by imitating the No.11 world of Tongtian Tower, so he had a very deep bond with "The Other Shore", almost Everything that happened in it couldn't be hidden from Li Chen's perception.

What Li Chen sensed at this moment was someone breaking into his "beyond shore" world, and Li Chen was sure that it was definitely not the void beast. , as if waiting for himself to go to find him.

Li Chen guessed that the other party should be a creature or creation belonging to a certain world in the sea of ​​worlds.

Now that the guests have come to the door, there is no reason for the host to hide from them. No matter what the other party's intentions are, it is not a problem for Li Chen as long as he has strength.

Li Chen doesn't think that there is a strong person in this sea of ​​stars who can kill him instantly. If it really exists, he won't be brought here by this illusory beast as a food reserve.

After thinking about everything, Li Chen returned to the 'other shore' and stepped forward to the outsider.

What appeared in front of Li Chen was a shuttle-like creation with smooth, translucent and silky streamlines like flowing water. Seeing Li Chen's arrival, this shuttle-shaped creation was like a deformed mech. The shell immediately turned into a disc shape, and a humanoid creature with three pairs of arms appeared in front of Li Chen.


When the other party spoke, the meaning of grammar and words gave Li Chen the feeling that he was singing. It was very pleasant to hear, and it was automatically transformed into its most original meaning in Li Chen's ears: "Respected strong man, I, Tasen Fei, represent our Tasen Greetings from His Majesty Tasenzo, the Emperor of Somiro World, and all the lords of the alliance..."

This ability to listen to everything is a kind of ability spontaneously developed by the strong above the saint level, just like a standard skill.

Li Chen didn't interrupt him, but looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

The creature stopped talking, looked at Li Chen, saw that Li Chen was still listening, and continued to speak:
"Our alliance observed that the adult's world was captured by this 'evil' beast. We all feel empathy for the adult's situation. At the beginning, we were also captured one by one. We also saw many civilizations, countries, and creatures. Because of the last kalpa, the world is weak and swallowed by its weak beasts (young beasts) and become a supplement for its growth. We also feel very sad for this, so for our world, for our lives, we formed an alliance, first through I extend an invitation to you, my lord, and hope that my lord can become a member of our alliance, share weal and woe, and resist the threat of the 'evil' beast—"

After finishing speaking, the creature who called himself Ta Senfei looked at Li Chen cautiously. Li Chen thought it was because many companions who acted as messengers like Ta Senfei really became dead.

It caused him to think twice about every sentence, for fear that the other party would misunderstand its meaning due to some semantic problem, and he shot directly. At that time, he would really become a dead person, and there would be no place to cry for injustice.

"Okay, no problem, I have nothing to do, so I will go to your so-called alliance with you to have a look..."

Li Chen opened his mouth indifferently. Li Chen was also very curious about the alliance he mentioned, but he didn't know what kind of existence this alliance was, whether it was a parliamentary system, a dictatorship, or...

But no matter what form of existence, if it is useful to Li Chen, he will be taken under his command; if it is useless, just ignore him after understanding it.

No matter how he chooses, there is no harm for Li Chen.

It is estimated that the other party just regarded Li Chen as a strong man in the world of 'The Other Side'. Hearing Li Chen speak, Ta Senfei couldn't help saying: "Sir, don't you want to discuss it with the strong man in your world..."

As soon as the words came out, Ta Senfei couldn't help but want to slap himself. Isn't this questioning the authority of the other party? Many envoys lost their lives because of such questioning words.

'Is it possible that I have to follow in the footsteps of my predecessors? 'Ta Senfei couldn't help but wailed in his heart.

"Hehe, I am the master of my world, and you will lead the way..."

At this moment, Ta Senfei didn't say anything. After returning to the shuttle, Ta Senfei looked at Li Chen and said, "Aren't you with me, my lord? There is no way to pass through the world without protection... ..."

Presumably the world of nothing in Tasenfei's mouth refers to this world of nothingness. Li Chen just shook his head, seeing that Li Chen didn't obey his own words, and didn't make his own claims, and controlled the shuttle.

I saw that the flying shuttle turned into a frisbee turned into its original appearance immediately, and the flying shuttle immediately moved to the outside of the barrier of the 'other side' world like a protective teleportation.

A faint silver light radiates from the outer shell of the shuttle, and after entering the void world, it immediately speeds up, and the silver light shakes slightly and turns into a force similar to the power of nothingness, which continuously spews out of the shuttle, forming a thin stream of light. At the same time, it provides forward power for the shuttle, and the entire shuttle is instantly hidden in the world of nothingness.

If you don't pay attention, it's really hard to find this pseudo-nothing power similar to nothingness.

Seeing this, Li Chen smiled slightly, his perception had already locked on to the shuttle, and the moment it left the 'other side', Li Chen fell outside the shuttle, and Li Chen had long been aware of the operating principle of the shuttle , outside the body is also like a flying shuttle, this kind of energy shield similar to the power of nothingness appears.

Just looking at the knowledge contained in this flying shuttle, you can see that this alliance has already done a very advanced research on this power of nothingness. Li Chen is becoming more and more interested in this alliance and the civilization that made this flying shuttle ——

(End of this chapter)

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