Chapter 356 0356 Gathering (Second More)

When the entire world on the other side was completely swallowed by the chaotic world, and the chaotic world blocked the catastrophe of world destruction, in such an instant, the world barrier that was almost shattered returned to its original state at this moment.

The barrier of the chaotic world instantly repaired the hole caused by the entry of the other world.

The power that originally caused the fluctuations of the chaotic world followed this power point and gathered in this part where the chaotic world merged with the world on the other side.

A huge force erupted from here, causing the tentacles of the void beast to suffer a blow that almost destroyed the entire chaotic world.

If the world on the other side did not speed up its integration into the prehistoric world, maybe the world on the other side would be directly ejected like a cannonball under this power like a world ball full of energy.

But at this time, it is impossible for this force to fall into the other world in the chaotic world.

The huge force directly bombarded the tentacles of the Void Beast.

It's like pouring a pot of concentrated sulfuric acid on the tentacles of the invisible beast, and the entire tentacles are like melting candles.


A hiss resounded through the other shore, through nothingness.

There was a sneer on Li Chen's face.

If this chaotic world was so easy to break through, the original self would not be forced to leave his hometown.

The cause and effect with the Void Beast can be said to be retaliation. At the beginning, he was led away from Chaos, but at this moment, the journey of return was also accelerated because of the Void Beast.

As the world barrier outside the other world dissipated, the cracked world barrier immediately began to repair.

Compared with the erosion pressure of the force of nothingness on the world barrier, although this chaotic air also has the ability to assimilate, it is relatively less important. For the world on the other side, the impact on the world on the other side is minimal.

The attack of this chaotic world is not just a tentacles aimed at the Void Beast, the entire Chaos World is like an excited laser cannon, a stream of energy erupts instantly along the point where the Void Beast attacks.

The part of the body of the void beast that was rubbed by the erupted energy flow immediately experienced an annihilation reaction, as if it had been wiped away by an eraser, and the entire place hit by the energy flow turned into a blank, as if it should be so. generally.

Not long after, next to the translucent void beast, under the reflection of the energy flow erupting from the chaotic world, several void beasts appeared in Li Chen's sight, including the small void beast with two broken tentacles .

If the Void Beast has eyes, Li Chen can guarantee that the Void Beast's expression is definitely glaring.

At this moment, Li Chen is backed by the chaotic world, but he is not afraid of these void beasts at all, unless there are void beasts among the void beasts that can cause damage to the chaotic world.

But just thinking about it makes it impossible.

But Li Chen still kept an eye on it in his heart.

Although this other world has become the boundary of the chaotic world, Li Chen did not intend to turn this other world into an out-and-out subordinate world of the chaotic world, and at most allow some material and energy flows on the surface of the world to exchange with the chaotic world.As for the real origin of the world, only when the other side of the world has no effect on Li Chen will it be considered to fully integrate into the origin of chaos.

Just like a company's stock, it is enough to control 51% and maintain control over the 'company'.

The 49% that he gave not only allowed Li Chen to gain some "favor" and authority in this chaos, but also allowed the other world to maintain this semi-independent state for a long time in this chaos.It can be said to serve multiple purposes.

After completing the affairs of the other world, Li Chen did not go to the prehistoric world to find the trouble of the Dao, but flew to the God Realm that he arranged on the edge of chaos.

After disappearing for such a long time, my apprentices must be dying of anxiety.

However, Li Chen also had a worry in his heart, if the Dao went to look for the God Realm after he was clouded, he didn't know if his apprentices could handle it.

At this moment, Li Chen only hopes that Dao will focus on Honghuang after he has clouded himself.

There is no earth-shattering vision for the other side world to merge into chaos, but as a strong person at the level of the Dao, they must all have a sense. bring it on.

Following his induction to the God Realm, Li Chen took the other world across nearly half of the Chaos Outer Domain.

A wormhole opened, and the world on the other side suddenly appeared in front of the God Realm, causing Chen Long and others in the God Realm to be in a commotion.

For the God Realm, this other world is simply a giant. The prehistoric world that has been merged three or four times before seems a bit unsightly in front of this other world.

It is simply challenging the cognition of Chenlong and others.

When did the super world in chaos become so worthless?

Moreover, this world on the other side suddenly appeared in this area. Chen Long never imagined that anyone with such great power could move a world comparable to the prehistoric age here.

But when they saw Li Chen who appeared between the two worlds, Chen Long and the others immediately burst into tears.



"Eternal Bright God..."


It seems unbelievable.

"Teacher, it's been three years, I, we all thought that the teacher didn't want us—"

"Master, look, I'm already a saint-level powerhouse, and the second senior sister and junior brother Tianfang are already saints. Master, don't leave us behind. The disciples can help the master."

Li Chen smiled wryly. It wasn't a question of whether he could help him or not. It was really unexpected. However, Li Chen glanced at the cultivation base of his disciples, and they all basically reached the peak quasi-sage level.

Li Chen couldn't help but think with his chin: "I disappeared once and it has such a big effect. If I disappear several times again, after I come back, will I be all saint-level powerhouses?"

Seemingly sensing Li Chen's thoughts, Nv Xi panicked, just like when she was a child, she pulled Li Chen's sleeve, like an abandoned kitten, looking pitiful.


"There are many variables in the world, and I can't give you a guarantee, but we have been mentors and apprentices for hundreds of millions of years, and we will never leave you as a teacher..."

Li Chen shook his head helplessly.

"Master, this is what you said."

Nv Xi immediately beamed with joy.

Even the other disciples smiled knowingly when they saw this.

This can be regarded as half of Li Chen's promise. After receiving half of Li Chen's promise, everyone turned their attention to the behemoth behind Li Chen - the world on the other side.

"Master, this is..." Chen Long looked at Li Chen with fiery eyes.

Master is worthy of being a master. After going out for a trip, he will change his shotgun and change his guns when he comes back, and directly bring back a world that is bigger than the prehistoric world...

(End of this chapter)

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