Chapter 377 Transaction 0377

"Thank you, fellow daoist first," Li Chen said as he hugged Hongjun.

Afterwards, he told the eight treasures one by one, and when Li Chen came slowly, Hongjun had a strange look on his face.

The treasures that Li Chen wanted were relatively rare in the chaos, and some even existed only in the nothingness outside the chaos.

Ordinary people get these treasures, and there is no corresponding way to use them, and they are not even as real as an innate spiritual treasure.

I really don't know why Li Chen is looking for these rare but not very practical treasures.

Although curious, this is not in Hongjun's consideration. It is just one of the treasures, which makes Hongjun a little embarrassed. He doesn't know whether he should tell Li Chen.

This treasure is the World Gem, and the World Gem only has a certain chance to condense after the world above level two is shattered.

Moreover, the world gems condensed after the destruction of the secondary world in nothingness are often directly annihilated in nothingness, and cannot be preserved at all. Therefore, only the world gems condensed after the destruction of the secondary world in the chaotic world can be preserved.

The erosion of the air of chaos is simply too weak compared to the power of nothingness, and it cannot affect the world gems at all.

If you tell Li Chen, maybe Li Chen will have Honghuang's idea at that time.

But thinking that there are too many lice, you don’t have to worry about debts. Anyway, Honghuang still has a more powerful existence, Da Dao, staring at him, and there are even many strong men from the previous era staring at him. Hongjun still thought it would be better to tell Li Chen.

For the eight treasures mentioned by Li Chen, Hongjun silently glanced at his treasure storage space, and found that there were two of them.

One is the heart of origin, and the other is the fountain of return to ruins.

After going through two eras, at the end of the last era and at the beginning of this era, a treasure of the era—the heart of origin was obtained by Hongjun, but Hongjun has not discovered this origin for so many years. The usage of the heart, it seems that this is just a representative certificate for the end of an era and the beginning of an era.

The Spring of Returning to the Ruins was brought back when Pan Gu broke into the Ruins of Returning. As the end of the worlds, the ruins of the endless worlds piled up to produce this miraculous Spring of Returning to the Ruins, which is really rare.

Hongjun has figured out a part of the function of the Spring of Return to Ruins. For example, if you put a magic weapon in it, it can temper the magic weapon and make it more powerful.If you immerse people in it, it seems to be able to improve a person's aptitude, and the comprehension of practicing Taoism and Dao will be directly improved, and there is almost no bottleneck. When Haotian and Yaochi had not yet transformed, Hongjun took Haotian Put it into the spring of returning to the ruins.It directly transformed a piece of ordinary Yang jade into the Zhiyang jade, which made Haotian transform from ordinary to extraordinary directly.

Not only Hongjun glanced at his treasure house, but even Yang Mei's expression changed when he heard the heart of time and space.

At this time, after Yang Mei obtained the Heart of Spacetime, he quickly comprehended the profound way of space from above, and only then did he achieve the prestige of being the king of time without space in the chaos.

But now, although the Heart of Time and Space still has some effect on Yang Mei, the effect is very weak.

Hearing Li Chen mention the Heart of Time and Space, Yang Mei's heart couldn't help but move.

But he didn't make a sound, but looked at Hongjun.


"Fellow Daoist, I don't know what you want these treasures for, can you tell me?"

Hongjun asked tentatively.

Seeing that Li Chen didn't speak, Hongjun continued: "It's not that we were peeping, it's because we got these treasures at the beginning but didn't know how to use them, so I was quite unwilling. If you don't want to tell me, fellow Taoists, then forget it. Of course, we still have to wait." Will bring it out."

Li Chen pondered for a moment before replying: "It's not because I don't want to tell you, it's because—"

Speaking of Li Chen looking towards the void, the two immediately understood what Li Chen meant.

Li Chen's voice changed, and he continued: "However, if you find all these treasures, I can show you the finished product——, if you have one of the treasures, what do you like on me, as long as it is not the treasure of my life I am willing to trade them to you. However, fellow Daoist Hongjun, if you want to return your good fortune jade plate, please forgive me for not being able to do it. This good fortune jade plate has been swallowed by my natal treasure, and there is no good fortune jade plate in the world. Disk, although I can use it, it’s just a change from my natal treasure..."

Seeing the brightened look in Hongjun's eyes, Li Chen quickly said the words to death.

"Hey, fellow daoist, don't say anything else, first take a look to see if these two treasures are what you're looking for—"

Speaking of Hongjun, take out the fountain of return to ruins and the heart of origin from the space.

The Spring of Returning to the Ruins looks like a spring that keeps bubbling water, and the water that emerges disappears immediately when it is one foot away from the range of the Spring of Returning to the Ruins, which looks very miraculous.

There is also the heart of origin, which looks like a transparent diamond-shaped diamond, no need for introduction, when you see this diamond-shaped diamond, you will naturally know that this is the heart of origin you are looking for.

Li Chen checked it briefly, and found that it was almost exactly the same as what Tongtian Tower gave him. He couldn't help but nodded and said, "It's the heart of origin and the spring of return to the ruins. I don't know what you want to exchange?"

Li Chen did not rush to put away the two treasures, but instead looked at Hongjun and asked.

"I don't know what treasures you can exchange for?" Hongjun didn't see the treasures, and he was not sure, so he asked back.

But when Li Chen waved his hand, a force projected treasures in front of everyone.

"These are treasures from my collection. You can choose your own, fellow Daoist Hongjun. Let me know when you have chosen, and I will take them out for you."

The screen condensed by Li Chen's power is like a high-tech product, and with Hongjun's fingertips, the treasures on it are rolling like commodities.

Yang Mei at the side seemed to have seen some treasure, and couldn't help saying:

"Fellow Daoist, I also have one here. I don't know if it is the Heart of Time and Space you want."

Speaking of taking the heart of time and space out of space.

Li Chen originally thought that today he could only obtain the Heart of Origin and the Fountain of Return to Ruins, but he did not expect Taoist Yang Mei to give him such a surprise.

Picking up the Heart of Time and Space that Yang Mei took out, Li Chen sensed it carefully.

The Heart of Time and Space is an irregular milky white stone. Its shape gives people a weird feeling, and a force of time and space is surging above it, which completely matches the description of the Heart of Time and Space given by Tongtian Tower.

"Fellow Daoist Yang Mei hid it very deeply, but I would like to thank you for giving up your love. I don't know what treasure you are looking for, just ask, if I have one, I will definitely not delay—"

"I saw that Taoist friend has a treasure named Kemosi ring, but it is quite consistent with my way of space. I don't know if you are willing to part with it?"

Yang Mei is not greedy, as long as he has this one treasure, after all the treasures of time and space are much less than the general treasures, it is a great gift to have one or two in the whole chaos.

So for treasures like space, Yang Mei has seen it before and never missed it.

To Li Chen, the Komos ring was not a special treasure, and the abilities of Rainbow Bridge and the Komos ring overlapped quite a bit. Therefore, Li Chen readily took out the Komos ring, took back his brand and handed it to Yang Mei.

At this moment, Hongjun has also made his choice. What Hongjun chose was the eye of the Dao that Li Chen had seized at the beginning. Of course, it is not the eye of the Dao itself, but just a clone of the Dao. But for Hongjun, This Eye of the Great Dao is also far beyond the ordinary treasure.

"Fellow Daoist, the Eye of the Great Dao belongs to me. As for the remaining one, I don't know if you can agree to my request?"

"Fellow Daoist, let's listen to what you said—"

Li Chen didn't respond immediately, but asked Hong Jun to talk about it first.

After all, some requirements are not easily met.

"If Pindao is controlled by Dao in the future, can fellow Daoist save me?"


After a while, a word came out of Li Chen's mouth just now.


(End of this chapter)

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