CH 392 CH 0392
In order to prevent the Shrouding World from being torn apart by powerful forces during its high-speed advancement, Li Chen could only sacrifice the speed of the Shrouding World.

Although the speed of the Shrouding World at this time is still very fast, to Li Chen it is as slow as a turtle crawling.

It's not that Li Chen doesn't want to use his great mana to directly move the Shrouding World like the former Huanggu Realm (God Realm) that packed the other world, but that the size of the Shrouding World has reached the extreme of an inner world, which is much larger than that of the Huanggu Realm. For the world, I don't know how many times bigger, even the world on the other side at this time is not comparable to the world of Shrouding Sky in terms of volume.Moreover, the laws and rules of the world that shroud the sky have been damaged to the point that they can hardly withstand the infusion of Li Chen's power. Therefore, even if Li Chen has the ability to hold the universe in the palm of his hand with the power to reach the sky, he can only sigh in relief. There is no trace at all. The only way to move the world is in this primitive way.

According to the moving speed of the Shrouding World at this time, it would take almost 12 years to think of the No. 300 Realm of Chaos where the Beyond World is located. According to Li Chen's calculations, it would take almost [-] years.

For Li Chen, the time of several hundred years is only less than one-tenth of the time of dozing off. After pushing the world, Li Chen crossed his legs and covered the world's membranes. Only then will Li Chen use his own power to fine-tune the direction of the world or give the world another boost.

In addition, Li Chen spends more time adjusting his breath with his eyes closed.


A wave spread throughout the chaos, as if the sound of bubbles breaking reached Li Chen's ears.

When he heard this voice, Li Chen couldn't help but look at the barriers between the chaotic realms.

However, it was discovered that the boundary barriers that originally divided the entire chaos into three, six, and nine levels disappeared under this wave of fluctuations.

And it was the prehistoric world of the first realm that caused the overall change in the chaos. After merging all the worlds in the entire chaos, the first realm could no longer accommodate the prehistoric world. The barrier was directly crushed by the prehistoric world.

It seems that a certain condition has been reached, making all the barriers of the Chaos Realm in the entire Chaos disappear.

Li Chen, who was originally sitting cross-legged on the world that covered the sky, suddenly stood up, and a figure walked out of Li Chen's body, it was Li Chen's Dharma Body of Seven Emotions and Six Desires.

Ever since Li Chen became a strong man in the Dao Realm, no matter whether the dharma body or the avatar, his strength is far from being able to surpass his own footsteps, so Li Chen is not very keen on using the avatar dharma body.

But the situation is different now. The Shrouding World is more important to Xiaoxiao and others. After the Shrouding World merges with the Beyond World, the stability and strength of his lair is definitely more than twice as strong.

Li Chen had sacrificed the other world for a long time. For Li Chen, the strengthening of the other world was also because of his own strength.

This opportunity is very rare.

Although the changes in the prehistoric world had no effect on Li Chen's fusion of the world of the other side and the world of shrouding the sky, every move of the prehistoric world was the focus of Li Chen's attention.

Li Chen feels that his way home has an inexplicable relationship with this prehistoric world. After all, all the famous gods in the prehistoric world are the protagonists in the myths and stories passed down on the earth in the previous life.

Even if the prehistoric world has no direct relationship with the earth, in Li Chen's view, as long as he guards the prehistoric world, he will be able to find the way back.

"There have been changes in the prehistoric world, but as a father, I need to go and find out. This is my father's Dharma body of seven emotions and six desires. It will replace my father to control the fusion of the two worlds. If you have anything to do, you can come to find my dharma body..."

After Li Chen separated the Dharma Body of Seven Emotions and Six Desires, he looked at Xiaoxiao, Xiaobao and others in the world and said.

After explaining, Li Chen took a step forward, leaving the Shrouding World and heading towards the inner domain of the Primal Chaos World where Honghuang was located.

After Li Chen left, the Dharma Body of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires sat cross-legged in the position before Li Chen, controlling the progress of the Shrouding World just like Li Chen.

Xiao Xiao and the others didn't feel much, whether it was Li Chen's body or Li Chen's avatar, it didn't make any difference to them.

Moreover, the appearance of the Dharma Body with seven emotions and six desires is almost the same as Li Chen's body.

After Li Chen left the Shrouding World, he tore apart the space and came to the prehistoric place.

In Li Chen's eyes, the prehistoric world at this moment is worthy of being the first realm of chaos. Even if it is the world that covers the sky or the world on the other side, it cannot compare with the size of the prehistoric world.

Perhaps only the world on the other side after merging the great world that covers the sky can compete with the prehistoric world.

Countless thoughts flashed through Li Chen's mind in an instant.

Looking at the prehistoric world in front of him, Li Chen was about to enter the prehistoric world, but found that he could not enter the prehistoric world at all, as if the prehistoric world in front of him was just a phantom left by time.

It seems that when he first came to Honghuang, Li Chen began to study the changes in Honghuang.

After some research by Li Chen, it was discovered that the prehistoric world had truly become the source of all worlds at this moment.

If the Dyson sphere model of Li Chen's other world continues, Li Chen's other world will become a multi-dimensional and multi-plane big world.But Li Chen discovered that the prehistoric world at this moment is the source of all worlds.

The prehistoric world directly became the source of a long river of time, but the long river of time that traversed the chaos before was directly rejected by the prehistoric world, and a long river of time and space radiated hundreds of millions of chaotic voids from the prehistoric world.

The prehistoric futures were evolved one by one, starting from the prehistoric world, and began to continuously occupy the chaotic world.

The strong ones who constantly have the realm of heaven occupy the branch lines of time in the prehistoric world, controlling the tributaries of every long river of time and space in the prehistoric world from the source.

Thoughts kept flashing through Li Chen's mind, but he was extremely surprised by the changes in the prehistoric world.

This prehistoric world wants to eliminate the influence of the original time and space, and the rhythm of being the ancestor in this chaos.

It's just that I don't know if it is an inevitable step for the development of the prehistoric world to the present or the ending led by some people.

Moreover, Li Chen also discovered a very interesting thing. After each timeline of Honghuang was occupied by a strong man, that strong man engraved his own existence on the source of this timeline, covering the past and present of the entire timeline. And in the future, the power of this timeline will become the power of that strong man.

The so-called older and stronger seems to be referring to this situation. Not only are the various strong people still infecting other timelines, but they are also constantly leaping forward in the timeline, even if every step is extremely difficult, But there are still countless strong people rushing to——

(End of this chapter)

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