CH 396 CH 0396

"Infinite time and space, infinite Dao, infinite Dao forges eternal life, endless reincarnation is immortal, Dao ends eternally at the end of calamity. Dao is boundless to catch all living beings, and Dao seals out—"

The ethereal Dao sounded, and Li Chen, who was hiding in the tower, saw Dao's change of move, from attack to seal, but couldn't sit still.

The ghost knows how long the seal of the Dao will seal him. If it is really sealed, it will take Li Chen a certain amount of time to break the seal. At that time, Li Chen will not be able to achieve his goal at all. When he is out of the seal, It is estimated that the whole Honghuang is dominated by Dao. Judging from the strong men who are currently going to Honghuang, Li Chen feels that if he wants to fight with them, it will be like playing. He doesn't think they are opponents of Dao at all.

Regardless of how many timelines they occupy now, as long as there is no qualitative change due to quantitative changes, they will kneel when the road is gone.

When the avenue was about to be sealed, Li Chen immediately stepped out of the Tongtian Tower, only to see that the Tongtian Tower instantly turned into a record of creation and landed on Li Chen's left hand.

I saw Li Chen holding the Genesis Record in his hand, muttering to himself, as if he was talking nonsense:

"I said, everything against me will have its own consequences..."

As soon as Li Chen finished speaking, the seal of the avenue also came down as scheduled.

As Li Chen said, Dao has reaped the fruits of his own accord, and even himself was sealed.

The reason is that the magic power of a clone of Dao was inexplicably injected into the sealing circle like a flood, so that the place where Dao was located was included.

However, it didn't make Li Chen happy for long, and he saw that Dao Dao's voice became indifferent at the moment: "Happy? It's too early, do you think my own seal will seal me?—"

Even though Da Dao's voice was cold and heartless, Li Chen could hear a trace of excitement from his words.

But he saw that Dao Dao's body was overflowing with light, and countless Taoist runes circulated, stepping out of the sealing barrier in one step, and seeing the sealing barrier as air.

Dao Dao's way of sealing is too mysterious, Li Chen didn't even see the change of Dao Wen on Da Dao, he saw Da Dao leaving the seal circle.It even made Li Chen suspect that this seal is just a fake, but not useful.

For this reason, Li Chen personally experimented a bit, and found that it really deserves to be one of Dao's tricks.

Just as Li Chen cracked the seal, the queen of Dao came——

In order to solve Li Chen's trouble, Dao has made a lot of preparations.

Dao Dao's ethereal voice sounded again, and with Da Dao's words, a long river of time and space was summoned by Da Dao——

"Infinite time and space, infinite Tao, infinite avenues create eternal life, endless reincarnation is immortal, Tao ends and kalpa ends and eternity emerges. The beautiful time and space become rivers, and the long river of Dao listens to my orders, edicts, and exiles the land of no life!"

This long river of time and space is different from the normal long river of time and space. The normal long river of time and space is a long river full of civilization and atmosphere composed of the time periods of worlds. However, this long river of time and space takes time and space as the main body, and countless laws and rules converge. Compared with the long river of time and space, it is more accurate to call it the long river of Tao.This long river is more dangerous than the long river of time and space, but compared to the long river of time and space, this temporary long river that mixes time and space and the avenue is just a temporary, imperfect and flawed product that is considered to be created.

As soon as Li Chen heard Daoist's words, he knew that this move was not a move to attack, defend or seal, but a move to exile.

At this moment, Li Chen is basically immune to nothingness, even if Daoist exiles himself into nothingness, he can quickly come back before Daoist merges the world into the prehistoric.

Li Chen didn't believe that Dao would not know his situation, but Dao still used this trick, which showed that Dao was full of confidence in the so-called Wusheng Township, and believed that Wusheng Township could definitely trap him.

Li Chen couldn't help feeling a little anxious. It wasn't that Li Chen was afraid, but that Li Chen didn't want to be exiled without even playing a few games like this, and he was forced to exile...

Summoning this long river of Dao, several avatars of the Dao became illusory except for the Xuannv avatar, which shows that the consumption of Dao is also quite a lot.

Seeing this long river of Dao, Li Chen quietly crossed his knees and began to comprehend that this is the Dao of Dao, many of which are also very important to Li Chen.To reach Li Chen's level of cultivation, unless existences of the same level discuss the Dao with each other, or get a powerful opportunity to soar into the sky, otherwise they can only wear through water and grind slowly.

Therefore, even if Li Chen knew that this was not the time to realize the Tao, he couldn't stop himself from comprehending the Dao.

At the same time, I kept finding incredible reasons for myself, such as: 'Know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles', 'Anyway, you can't break the seal of the Dao for a while, so it's better to understand the way of the Dao...', 'It's a rare time to see The Great Dao is deflated, I am really sorry for the Dao if I don’t continue to comprehend it...', 'Maybe if the cultivation base is improved, the exile of the Dao will be self-defeating...'

Although Dao wanted to interrupt Li Chen's comprehension of his way, he could only watch Li Chen continue to comprehend his way, unless Dao gave up and exiled Li Chen. It's obviously impossible to stop, Dao Dao can only speed up his casting speed, and Li Chen can comprehend a little less if he can do it faster.

The entire chaotic space includes the seal set before the avenue, pulled by the long river of dao and began to move along with the long river of dao.

Li Chen's speed is getting faster and faster, faster and faster, Li Chen can only change the Tongtian Pagoda into a good fortune jade plate, engrave the Tao of the Great Dao on the good fortune jade plate, and comprehend it later.

Seeing this scene, Dao Dao couldn't help feeling anxious. First, he didn't remember the model of Li Chen's Tongtian Tower and the Jade Plate of Good Fortune. I'm afraid that most of his own Dao will be engraved by Li Chen.

But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, I feel relieved, this Wusheng Township is not such a good place to get along with each other, I'm afraid that some people will go in but no one will come out.

Seeing that Li Chen was still engraving his Dao, the Xuannv avatar of Dao couldn't help but sneered.

The long river of the whole road went from being gentle at the beginning to becoming more and more bumpy later, and even started to spin.

Fortunately, Li Chen is not an ordinary person, otherwise he would probably have to vomit out the overnight meal.

It seems that a moment has passed, and it seems that countless years have passed. It is different from the passage that Li Chen experienced when he traveled through other worlds.

Li Chen doesn't know what kind of world the opposite world is like, but Li Chen knows that the opposite world is not easy to deal with.

Because even the long river and seal of the avenue were distorted by an inexplicable force.

It changed into a bunch of things that Li Chen didn't know at all, but Li Chen still used the Jade Plate to record the changes for later research.

The space was continuously compressed, and a pitch-black bug was squeezed out from the sealed space——

The first time Li Chen saw it, he couldn't help but sigh that even if he didn't get anything this trip, it was worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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